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Images of 'Diffuser' found, 853

After Leaving The Government in 1946, Charles De Gaulle Founded his Politic Party, The Rpf, in 1947 and Crossing The Country Into Diffuse his Idea, here in Bruneval, on March 30Th, 1947. Standing on R : Claude Gay, De Gaulle'S Aide-De-Camp (b/w photo)
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Chapel Door, Mission Santa Barbara, California (photo)
After earthquake in Hsingtai area, young women took part at reconstruction of their village, 1966 (b/w photo)
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The religious philosopher Martin Buber in an undated recording (b/w photo)
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"Non-violence" sculpture (bronze)
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The History of the Royal Society of London for the Improving of Natural Knowledge, 1667 (engraving)
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Niki de Saint Phalle presents his “Big Lady (Big Lady) at the Kunsthalle Museum in Dusseldorf on November 18, 1968 (b/w photo)
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Pink Bells, Tattered Skies
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Nebula Omega (M17) in Sagittarius - The Omega Nebula (M17) in the constellation Sagittarius - View of the nebula Omega (M17/NGC 6618) located in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 5700 light years. The Omega Nebula, Messier object 17 (M17), NGC 6618, in the constellation Sagittarius is a bright nebula, criss - crossed by clouds and lanes of opaque dust and gas. It is also known as the Swan Nebula and the Horseshoe Nebula. At a distance of 5700 light - years, M17 is also a source of radio noise
Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - The Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - View of the Omega nebula (M17/NGC 6618) located in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 5700 light years. This object derives its name from its looped shape reminiscent of the Greek letter when the nebula is seen in a telescope. The gas cloud is unusual in that it does not appear to be illuminated by the bright stars that commonly found in emission nebulae such as this. However, the nebulosity is very bright, so the exciting stars must be hidden within the cloud, an idea confirmed by the infrared brightness of the nebula. It is about 6000 light years distant
Nebula NGC 3372 in Carene - Nebula NGC 3372 in Carina - The nebula of the Carene is located about 7000 years - light from Earth. It is home to many hot stars, including the star Eta Carinae (on the left, the brightest star in the picture). In the right center, a cluster of young stars, Trumpler 14. This image shows a giant star - forming region in the southern sky known as the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372). The bright star on the left of the image is Eta Carinae, which is one of the most massive and luminous stars known
Eagle Nebula (IC 4703) and star cluster M16 in the Snake - This wide - field image of the Eagle Nebula was taken at the National Science Foundation's 0.9 - meter telescope on Kitt Peak with the NOAO Mosaic CCD camera. Located in the constellation of Serpens, the Serpent, the Eagle Nebula is a very luminous open cluster of stars surrounded by dust and gas. The three pillars at the center of the image, made famous in an image by the Hubble Space Telescope, are being sculpted by the intense radiation from the hot stars in the cluster. This image was created by combining emission - line images in Hydrogen - alpha (green), Oxygen [O III] (blue) and Sulfur [S II] (red)
Horsehead Nebula (B33) in Orion - Horsehead Nebula (B33) in Orion - The horse's head nebula, Barnard 33, is a dark nebula located in front of the IC 434 nebula about 1500 years - light from Earth in the constellation Orion. At the bottom left, the nebula NGC 2024 with just above the star Alnitak, a supergeant star belonging to the Orion Baudrier. Towards the center of the image, a reflexion nebula, NGC 2023. The Horsehead Nebula (also known as Barnard 33 in nebula IC 434) is a dark nebula in the Orion constellation at approximately 1,500 light years from Earth. On bottom left of the image is the Flame Nebula (NGC 2024) with star Alnitak which belongs to the Belt of Orion; in the center, the reflection nebula NGC 2023. Dunkelwolke (B33) vor einer HII - Region (Nebel) im Sternbild Orion
Cone and Hubble Nebulae in the Unicorn - Cone and Hubble nebulae in Monoceros - The Cone nebula, at the bottom left, is an H II region located about 2600 years - light from Earth. The bright star in the middle left is S Monocerotis, a star of magnitude 4.7. Lower right, the Hubble nebula, overexposed. This large area of emission nebulosity and patch of blue reflection nebulosity also contains the Cone Nebula, a dark nebula at the lower right corner of the red nebulae. At the bottom right of the frame is NGC 2261, Hubble's Variable Nebula, in this image looking like an overexposed mis - shaped star because of the extreme processing needed to bring out the faint nebulosity in the Cone Nebula
Nebula of the Eagle (IC 4703) in the Snake - detail - Star - birth in the Eagle nebula. - The Pillars of Creation “” is undoubtedly the most famous image realized by the Hubble space telescope, obtained in 1995. 20 years later, the same telescope rephotographed this region with more finesse. These cold gas columns are home to star embryos. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has revisited one of its most iconic and popular images: the Eagle Nebula's Pillars of Creation. This image shows the pillars as seen in visible light, capturing the multi - coloured glow of gas clouds, wispy tendrils of dark cosmic dust, and the rust - colored elephants trunks of the nebula's famous pillars. The dust and gas in the pillars is seared by the intense radiation from young stars and eroded by strong winds from massive nearby stars. With these new images comes better contrast and a clearer view for astronomers to study how the structure of the pillars is changing over time.
TV Pioneer Francis Jenkins, Washington, D.C., July 19, 1929 (b/w photo)
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Bilia table lamp, 1931, Gio' Ponti (1891-1979), with blown glass diffuser and metal fitting, made by Fontana Arte. Italy, 20th century
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Table lamp, 1930s (wooden base and acid etched glass)
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Diffuser of the newspaper L'Humanité
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Sutera diffuser/Bacopa blue
Sutera diffuser/Bacopa blue
Velo suspension lamp, 1988, Franco Raggi (1945-), with curved sandblasted glass diffuser, made by Fontana Arte. Italy, 20th century
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0745/6-18- Greve Generale - Bastille Manif ö Gare de l'Est - 19/11/74- Anti-Militarist Diffuser
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Alice wall lamp, 1998, Luigi Massoni (1930-2014), with opaline blown glass diffuser and aluminum support, made by Guzzini, Italy, 20th century
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Pirellina table lamp, 1967, by Gio' Ponti (1891-1979), with glass diffuser and nickel-plated brass frame, produced by Fontana Arte. Italy, 20th century.
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0745/6-14- Greve Generale - Manif de la Bastille ö la Gare de l'Est - 19/11/74- Diffuser of the Vanguard organ of the Communist Youth
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Bibi 1 table lamp, 1998, Luigi Massoni (1930-2014), with opaline blown glass diffuser supported by die-cast zinc alloy support, made by Guzzini, Italy, 20th century
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Portrait of His Sister
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Nebula M78 in Orion - M78 nebula in Orion - The nebula M78 (NGC 2068) is located about 1300 years - light from Earth and extends over 4 years - light. M78, (NGC 2068) is part of the Orion complex, a large region of star - forming gas and dust centred around M42 and M43. It is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky, and fairly easy to see with binoculars (and almost visible to the naked eye, claim some observers). M78 is some 1600 light - years away and around 4 light - years across
Nebula IC 1274 in Sagittariu - Nebula IC 1274 in Sagittariu
Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - The Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - View of the Omega nebula (M17/NGC 6618) located in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 5700 light years. Image obtained by the VST (VLT Survey Telescope) in Chile in June 2011. The first released VST image shows the spectacular star - forming region Messier 17, also known as the Omega Nebula or the Swan Nebula, as it has never been seen before. This vast region of gas, dust and hot young stars lies in the heart of the Milky Way in the constellation of Sagittarius (The Archer). The VST field of view is so large that the entire nebula, including its fainter outer parts, is captured - - and retains its superb sharpness across the entire image
Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - The Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - View of the Omega nebula (M17/NGC 6618) located in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 5700 light years. This object derives its name from its looped shape reminiscent of the Greek letter when the nebula is seen in a telescope. The gas cloud is unusual in that it does not appear to be illuminated by the bright stars that commonly found in emission nebulae such as this. However, the nebulosity is very bright, so the exciting stars must be hidden within the cloud, an idea confirmed by the infrared brightness of the nebula. As well as exciting the nebula we can see, the embedded stars heat the dust that surrounds them, so M17 is one of the brightest objects in the infrared sky. It is about 6000 light years distant
Centre de la nebula de la Lagoon (M8) dans le Sagittarius - In the heart of the Lagoon Nebula - Centre de la nebula de la Lagoon (M8) vue par le telescope Hubble (HST). This close - up shot of the centre of the Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8) clearly shows the delicate structures formed when the powerful radiation of young stars interacts with the hydrogen cloud they formed from. This image was created from exposures taken with the Wide Field Channel of the Advanced Camera for Surveys on Hubble. Light from glowing hydrogen (through the F658N filter) is coloured red. Light from ionised nitrogen (through the F660N filter) is coloured green and light through a yellow filter (F550M) is coloured blue. The exposure times through each filter are 1560 s, 1600 s and 400 s respectively. The blue - white flare at the upper - left of the image is scattered light from a bright star just outside the field of view. The field of view is about 3.3 by 1.7 arcminutes
Detail of the Cone nebula in the Unicorn - The Cone Nebula (NGC 2264) - Detail - Image obtained by the Hubble space telescope of the upper part of the Cone nebula (NGC 2264), a star-forming region located about 2500 years ago - light from Earth. The Cone Nebula (NGC 2264) - - so named because, in ground - based images, it has a conical shape - - this giant pillar resides in a turbulent star - forming region. This picture, taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) aboard Nasa's Hubble Space Telescope, shows the upper 2.5 light - years of the nebula, a height that equals 23 million roundtrips to the Moon. The entire nebula is 7 light - years long. The Cone Nebula resides 2,500 light - years away in the constellation Monoceros. ACS made this observation on April 2, 2002. The color image is constructed from three separate images taken in blue, near - infrared, and hydrogen - alpha filters
Birth of stars in the nebula NGC 3372 - Star formation in the Carina Nebula - Detail of the Carene nebula (NGC 3372) obtained by the Hubble space telescope. The image shows a column of gas eroded by ultraviolet radiation emitted by young stars. Jets are also visible, showing the presence of emerging stars. NGC 3372 is located about 7500 light years away from Earth. The colors used in this image correspond to the emissions of different gases: sulfur in red, hydrogen in green and oxygen in blue. The NASA Hubble Space Telescope photograph captures the chaotic activity atop a three - light - year - tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars. The pillar is also being assaulted from within, as infant stars buried inside it fire off jets of gas that can be seen streaming from towering peaks. This turbulent cosmic pinnacle lies within a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula, located 7,500 light - years away in the southern constellation Carina. Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 observed the pillar on Feb. 1 - 2, 2010. The colors in this composite image correspond to the glow of oxygen (blue), hydrogen and nitrogen (green), and sulfur (red)
Nebula near the star S Mon in Unicorn - Fox Fur nebula in Monoceros - Nebula around the bright star S Monocerotis in the constellation Unicorn. S My belongs to a young cluster of stars located about 2600 years from Earth. The region around the 4.7 magnitude star S Mon is a fascinating mixture of red fluorescent hydrogen and dark, obscuring dust lanes. Some dust patches are close enough to bright stars to reflect light from them; these appear blue for the same reason that the day - time sky is blue - because some of the interstellar particles preferentially scatter blue light. The dust is mixed with gas and this affects the appearance of the emission nebulae, giving some of the faintest a curious 'fox fur' texture in this enhanced photograph. S Mon is part of a young open cluster of stars named NGC 2264 located about 2600 light years away, just north of the Cone nebula
Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - The Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - View of the Omega nebula (M17/NGC 6618) located in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 5700 light years. This object derives its name from its looped shape reminiscent of the Greek letter when the nebula is seen in a telescope. The gas cloud is unusual in that it does not appear to be illuminated by the bright stars that commonly found in emission nebulae such as this. However, the nebulosity is very bright, so the exciting stars must be hidden within the cloud, an idea confirmed by the infrared brightness of the nebula. As well as exciting the nebula we can see, the embedded stars heat the dust that surrounds them, so M17 is one of the brightest objects in the infrared sky. It is about 6000 light years distant
Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - The Omega nebula (M17) in Sagittarius - View of the Omega nebula (M17/NGC 6618) located in the constellation Sagittarius at a distance of 5700 light years. This object derives its name from its looped shape reminiscent of the Greek letter when the nebula is seen in a telescope. The gas cloud is unusual in that it does not appear to be illuminated by the bright stars that commonly found in emission nebulae such as this. However, the nebulosity is very bright, so the exciting stars must be hidden within the cloud, an idea confirmed by the infrared brightness of the nebula. As well as exciting the nebula we can see, the embedded stars heat the dust that surrounds them, so M17 is one of the brightest objects in the infrared sky. It is about 6000 light years distant
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) in Sagittarius - View of the Trifide nebula (M20/NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Measuring some forty light years across, this nebula contains enough gas to make many thousands of suns. Within it a number of young hot stars have already formed. The hottest cause the gas, mostly hydrogen, to emit its characteristic red light. Around the red emission nebula the gas contains many dust grains which preferentially reflect the blue component of starlight, and to the north (top) of the nebula can be seen a bright star which illuminates part of the dust to create a region of blue reflection. In some parts of the nebula there are so many dust grains that they hide the glowing gas, producing the three dark lanes which give the object its name. Trifid is located in Sagittarius constellation between 5000 and 10 000 light - years away
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) in Sagittarius - View of the Trifide nebula (M20/NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Measuring some forty light years across, this nebula contains enough gas to make many thousands of suns. Within it a number of young hot stars have already formed. The hottest cause the gas, mostly hydrogen, to emit its characteristic red light. Around the red emission nebula the gas contains many dust grains which preferentially reflect the blue component of starlight. In some parts of the nebula there are so many dust grains that they hide the glowing gas, producing the three dark lanes which give the object its name. Trifid is located in Sagittarius constellation between 5000 and 10 000 light - years away
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) in Sagittarius - View of the Trifide nebula (M20/NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Measuring some forty light years across, this nebula contains enough gas to make many thousands of suns. Within it a number of young hot stars have already formed. The hottest cause the gas, mostly hydrogen, to emit its characteristic red light. Around the red emission nebula the gas contains many dust grains which preferentially reflect the blue component of starlight, and to the north (top) of the nebula can be seen a bright star which illuminates part of the dust to create a region of blue reflection. In some parts of the nebula there are so many dust grains that they hide the glowing gas, producing the three dark lanes which give the object its name. Trifid is located in Sagittarius constellation between 5000 and 10 000 light - years away
Nebula NGC 3372 in the Carene - The Carina nebula, NGC 3372 - The Carene nebula is located about 7000 years from the Earth. It is home to many hot stars, including the star Eta Carinae in the centre of the nebula. Image obtained by Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. The brightest part of the Milky Way, as seen by the unaided eye, lies in the southern constellation Carina. Here there are an unusually large number of young, hot stars. Their radiation is rich in energetic ultraviolet light. Many of these stars were born within the spectacular Carinae nebula, seen here. The nebula is a cloud of glowing gas composed mostly of hydrogen. It excited by ultrviolet light from the embedded stars. This dostictive emission radiation is responsible for the red colour. About a quarter of the nebula is made of helium gas, the second most abundant element in the universe after hydrogen, and all the other chemical elements account for only a few percent of the total mass. The brightest star in the nebula is known as eta Carinae. This remarkable object is one of the most luminous and most massive stars known
The Omega nebula (M17) seen in infrared - M17 nebula in infrared - The Omega nebula (M17) seen in infrared by the Spitzer space telescope. M17 is a star-forming region about 6000 light years ago in the constellation Sagittarius. In the center of the nebula is a group of massive stars. The dust appears in red, the hot gas in green, the regions or this gas and the dust mixes in white. Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope has captured an infrared view of the star - making cloud called M17, or the Swan nebula. The cloud, located about 6,000 light - years away in the constellation Sagittarius, is dominated by a central group of massive stars - - the most massive stars in the region. These central stars give off intense flows of expanding gas, which rush like rivers against dense piles of material, carving out the deep pocket at center of the picture. Winds from the region's other massive stars push back against these oncoming rivers, creating bow shocks like those that pile up in front of speeding boats. Three of these bow shocks are nestled in the upper left side of the central cavity, but are difficult to spot in this view. They are composed of compressed gas in addition to dust that glows at infrared wavelengths Spitzer can see. The smiley - shaped bow shocks curve away from the stellar winds of the central massive stars. This picture was taken with Spitzer's infrared array camera. It is a four - color composite, in which light with a wavelength of 3.6 microns is blue; 4.5 - micron light is green; 5.8 - micron light is orange; and 8 - micron light is red. Dust is red, hot gas is green and white is where gas and dust intermingle. Foreground and background stars appear scattered through the image
Nebula NGC 6559 in Sagittarius - NGC 6559 and IC 1274 - 75 in Sagittarius - Located in Sagittarius, this nebula is located at a distance of about 5000 years - light from Earth. Image made with the 1.2m Telescope of Schmidt UK from Siding Spring. This dusty region is probably associated with the brighter and better - known Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae which are nearby in the sky and part of the same molecular cloud. The soft red glow of fluorescent hydrogen is evidence that there are young hot stars associated with the dusty clouds. These bright stars also illuminate the tiny solid particles, producing blue reflection nebulae bordering some of the emission regions. The dust is also evident in silhouette, both as sinuous dark lanes winding through the luminous gas and as the dark patches obscuring the ancient, yellow stars that populate the central parts of the Milky Way
Birth of stars in the nebula NGC 3372 - Star formation in the Carina Nebula - Detail of the nebula of the Carene seen in light by the space telescope Hubble. The image shows a column of gases and dust eroded by ultraviolet radiation emitted by young stars. Jets are also visible, showing the presence of a nascent star. NGC 3372 is located about 7000 light years away from Earth. Image obtained in July 2009. Composed of gas and dust, the pictured pillar resides in a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula, located 7500 light - years away in the southern constellation of Carina. Taken in visible light, the image shows the tip of the three - light - year - long pillar, bathed in the glow of light from hot, massive stars off the top of the image. Scorching radiation and fast winds (streams of charged particles) from these stars are sculpting the pillar and causing new stars to form within it. Streamers of gas and dust can be seen flowing off the top of the structure. Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 observed the Carina Nebula on 24 - 30 July 2009. WFC3 was installed aboard Hubble in May 2009 during Servicing Mission 4. The composite image was made from filters that isolate emission from iron, magnesium, oxygen, hydrogen and sulphur
Nebula M78 in Orion - M78 nebula in Orion - The nebula M78 (NGC 2068) is located about 1300 years - light from Earth and extends over 4 years - light. Composite image obtained with different large telescopes. M78, (NGC2068) is part of the Orion complex, a large region of star - forming gas and dust centred around M42 and M43. It is the brightest diffuse reflection nebula in the sky. M78 is some 1600 light - years away and around 4 light - years across. Composite Image from Multiple Data Sources
Nebula NGC 3372 in the Carene - NGC 3372, Eta Carinae nebula - The nebula of the Carene is located about 8000 years - light from the Earth. It is home to many hot massive stars, including the star Eta Carinae in the centre of the nebula. This nebula is larger than the Great Nebula in Orion, but is not visible from most northern latitudes. It is a giant complex of emission and dark nebulae surrounding the unique variable star Eta Carinae, which scientists believe is the most massive and energetic star in the Milky Way galaxy. Located about 8,500 light years from the Earth, the star is about 100 times as massive as our own Sun, but produces 6 million times the light output. It was observed producing a remarkable burst of X - ray emissions that doubled its X - ray output in only four months. In the 1840's, Eta Carinae erupted visibly and was the second brightest star in the sky during this time
Birth of stars in the nebula NGC 3372 - Star formation in the Carina Nebula - Detail of the Carene nebula (NGC 3372) obtained by the Hubble space telescope. The image shows a column of gas eroded by ultraviolet radiation emitted by young stars. Jets are also visible, showing the presence of emerging stars. NGC 3372 is located about 7500 light years away from Earth. The colors used in this image correspond to the emissions of different gases: sulfur in red, hydrogen in green and oxygen in blue. The NASA Hubble Space Telescope photograph captures the chaotic activity atop a three - light - year - tall pillar of gas and dust that is being eaten away by the brilliant light from nearby bright stars. The pillar is also being assaulted from within, as infant stars buried inside it fire off jets of gas that can be seen streaming from towering peaks. This turbulent cosmic pinnacle lies within a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula, located 7,500 light - years away in the southern constellation Carina. The image marks the 20th anniversary of Hubble's launch and deployment into Earth orbit. Nestled inside this dense mountain are fledgling stars. Long streamers of gas can be seen shooting in opposite directions off the pedestal at the top of the image. Another pair of jets is visible at another peak near the center of the image. These jets are the signpost for new star birth. The jets are launched by swirling disks around the stars, as these disks allow material to slowly accrete onto the stars' surfaces. Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 observed the pillar on Feb. 1 - 2, 2010. The colors in this composite image correspond to the glow of oxygen (blue), hydrogen and nitrogen (green), and sulfur (red)
Birth of stars in the nebula NGC 3372 - Star formation in the Carina Nebula - Detail of the nebula of the Carene seen in visible light (top) and infrared (bottom) by the Hubble space telescope. The top image shows a column of gas and dust eroded by ultraviolet radiation emitted by young stars. Jets are also visible, showing the presence of a nascent star. In the infrared image, the dust clouds radiate little, the nascent star responsible for these jets appears. NGC 3372 is located about 7000 light years away from Earth. Images obtained in July 2009. The pictures demonstrate one example of the broad wavelength range of the new Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) aboard the Hubble telescope, extending from ultraviolet to visible to infrared light. Composed of gas and dust, the pillar resides in a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula, located 7500 light - years away in the southern constellation of Carina. The pair of images shows that astronomers are given a much more complete view of the pillar and its contents when distinct details not seen at visible wavelengths are uncovered in near - infrared light. The top image, taken in visible light, shows the tip of the three - light - year - long pillar, bathed in the glow of light from hot, massive stars off the top of the image. Scorching radiation and fast winds (streams of charged particles) from these stars are sculpting the pillar and causing new stars to form within it. Streamers of gas and dust can be seen flowing off the top of the structure. Nestled inside this dense structure are fledgling stars. They cannot be seen in this image because they are hidden by a wall of gas and dust. Although the stars themselves are invisible, one of them is providing evidence of its existence. Thin puffs of material can be seen travelling to the left and to the right of a dark notch in the centre of the pillar. The matter is part of
Birth of stars in the nebula NGC 3372 - Star formation in the Carina Nebula - Detail of the nebula of the Carene seen in infrared by the Hubble space telescope. The image reveals in the center of the image a young star accompanied by a jet of material. NGC 3372 is located about 7000 light years away from Earth. Image obtained in July 2009. Composed of gas and dust, the pictured pillar resides in a tempestuous stellar nursery called the Carina Nebula, located 7500 light - years away in the southern constellation of Carina. Taken in infrared light, the image shows the dense column and the surrounding greenish - coloured gas all but disappear. Only a faint outline of the pillar remains. By penetrating the wall of gas and dust, the infrared vision of WFC3 reveals the infant star that is probably blasting the jet. Part of the jet nearest the star is more prominent in this view. These features can be seen because infrared light, unlike visible light, can pass through the dust. Hubble's Wide Field Camera 3 observed the Carina Nebula on 24 - 30 July 2009. WFC3 was installed aboard Hubble in May 2009 during Servicing Mission 4
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) in Sagittarius - View of the center of the Trifide nebula (M20/NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Image obtained by Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. Vast clouds of hydrogen mixed with tiny dust grains are distributed throughout the Milky Way. The hydrogen can only be seen at visible wavelengths when it is illuminated by very hot stars. The light from these stars is sufficiently rich in ultraviolet light to cause the gas to glow with its characteristic red colour. In most cases, such as here, the hot stars formed recently from the hydrogen cloud. The stars found at the heart of the Trifid Nebula are here seen associated with dust lanes which are silhouetted against the glowing background. This nebula is in the constellation of Sagittarius at a distance between 5000 and 10,000 light years
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) in Sagittarius - View of the Trifide nebula (M20/NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Image obtained with a bezel Astro - Physics 130 EDT, 12x6min of poses. M20, The Trifid Nebula, in the constellation of Sagittarius, is a remarkable object - large, bright and beautiful. It is a complex of red emission, blue reflection, and dark nebulae about the size of the full moon. It was shot at 1,000 mm of focal length with 130 mm of aperture at f/8 (Astro - Physics 130EDT apochromatic refractor) with a Canon 20Da DSLR and only 12 x 6 minutes of exposure at ISO 1600
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) in Sagittarius - View of the Trifide nebula (M20 or NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Image obtained with a telescope of 61 cm. Trifid nebula is located in Sagittarius constellation between 5000 and 10 000 light - years away. Stars, the Sun included, were born within clouds of dusty gas such as the Trifid Nebula. Within it a number of young hot stars have already formed. The hottest cause the gas, mostly hydrogen, to emit its characteristic red light. Around the red emission nebula the gas contains many dust grains which preferentially reflect the blue component of starlight, and to the north (top) of the nebula can be seen a bright star which illuminates part of the dust to create a region of blue reflection. In some parts of the nebula there are so many dust grains that they hide the glowing gas, producing the three dark lanes which give the object its name. Image taken with a 24 - inch telescope
Orion Nebula - M42 - M43 - The Great Nebula in Orion - Located 1500 years - light, the Orion Nebula is the closest region to the formation of stars of the Sun. The Orion Nebula is the greatest of all HII clouds visible from our location within the Milky Way. With a gaseous repository of 10,000 suns, and illuminated by a cluster of hot young stars, the clouds of M42 glow with fantastic colors and shapes, giving us a birds eye view of one of the greatest star forming nurseries in our part of the galaxy. At a distance of 1500 light years, the Orion nebula is the nearest star - forming region to the Sun
Heart of the nebula NGC 3372 in the Carene - Eta Carinae and the Keyhole Nebula - The nebula of the Carene is located about 7000 years - light from the Earth. It is home to many hot stars, including the star Eta Carinae visible in the centre left of the image. Eta Carinae is a supermassive star (100 to 150 times the mass of the Sun). Image obtained by Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. This wonderfully complex region at the heart of the NGC 3372 nebula was first described in detail by Sir John Herschel in 1838. He saw the bright circular shell visible in the upper part of the picture extending to the south to form a keyhole - shaped nebula. This luminous outline is no longer seen and the southern extension appears only as a dark dust cloud. It seems that the curious, explosively variable star Eta Carinae has enveloped itself in a cocoon of obscuring matter in the years since Herschel's observations and light from the star is no longer able to illuminate the rim of the dust cloud. The nebula thrown off by eta Car in Herschel's time has grown to the tiny orange nebula seen to the left of the dust cloud and is known as the Homunculus nebula
Nebula NGC 6559 in Sagittarius - NGC 6559 and IC 1274 - 75 in Sagittarius - Located in Sagittarius, this nebula is located at a distance of about 5000 years - light from Earth. Image made with the 1.2m Telescope of Schmidt UK from Siding Spring. This dusty region is probably associated with the brighter and better - known Lagoon and Trifid Nebulae which are nearby in the sky and part of the same molecular cloud. The soft red glow of fluorescent hydrogen is evidence that there are young hot stars associated with the dusty clouds. These bright stars also illuminate the tiny solid particles, producing blue reflection nebulae bordering some of the emission regions. The dust is also evident in silhouette, both as sinuous dark lanes winding through the luminous gas and as the dark patches obscuring the ancient, yellow stars that populate the central parts of the Milky Way
Orion Nebula (M42 - 43) - The Orion Nebula - Located 1500 years ago - the Orion Nebula is the closest region to the formation of stars of the Sun. Image obtained with Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. The Orion Nebula is famous for a number of reasons. It is the nearest bright nebula to us and can be seen with the naked eye. Its brightness led to it being the first nebula ever photographed (in 1882) and its proximity (1500 light years) means that we know more about it than any other star - forming region. It is also in a very active stage of star formation and it is perfectly placed for us to explore the intimate details of the birth of stars. The inner regions are glowing mainly in the red light of excited hydrogen, which together with some green emission from oxygen give the centre of the nebula a yellowish colour. The energy for this spectacular display comes from the small cluster of stars in the brightest part of the nebula. Three, five - minute exposures were used to make this picture using the Anglo - Australian Telescope at Siding Spring
The Lagoon nebula (M8) without stars - The Lagoon nebula (M8) with stars removed - In this image, the stars were removed by computer processing. Located in Sagittarius, at a distance of 5800 years - light, M8 is visible to the naked eye in good conditions. It is a star-forming region illuminated by several large O-type stars that belong to the open cluster NGC 6530 visible in the center of the image. The brightest part of the nebula is called the hourglass nebula whose gases are excited mainly by two massive supergeant stars Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. M8 has at least 60 Giant B stars, 3 to 4 times more than the Orion Nebula. This image was processed to remove the stars so the incredible complex of dark and light nebulosity could more easily be seen. M8 is an amazing stellar nursery. Hot young stars that formed out of the hydrogen gas in the nebula cause it to glow in the light of ionized hydrogen at the hydrogen - alpha wavelength of 656nm. The Lagoon Nebula gets its name from the distinctive dark lane that runs through the heart of the nebula, just to the west of open cluster NGC 6530. Bok globules, small dark knots which are condensing protostellar clouds, can be seen sprinkled throughout the nebula. The brightest part of M8 has an apparent size of about 1 degree on the sky (the size of two full Moons) and is 100 light years across in space. It is located about 5,200 light years away
Cone Nebula NGC 2264 in the Unicorn - The Cone Nebula NGC 2264 in Monoceros - The Cone Nebula is a star-forming region situated about 2600 years away from Earth. It is accompanied by a cluster of stars called the Christmas tree. Image obtained with a 50 cm telescope, composite of several images. The Cone Nebula (also known as NGC 2264) is an H II region in the constellation of Monoceros. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1785. The nebula is located about 800 parsecs or 2,600 light - years away from Earth. The Cone Nebula is part of the nebulosity surrounding the Christmas Tree Cluster. The designation of NGC 2264 in the New General Catalogue refers to both objects and not the nebula alone
Nebula of the cone NGC 2264 in the Unicorn - The Cone Nebula in Monoceros - Region H II located about 2600 years - light from Earth. Image obtained by Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. The Cone nebula is part of an enormous cloud of hydrogen and tiny solid particles associated with the loose open cluster, NGC 2226 in the equatorial constellation of Monoceros. Within and around this cloud are many recently formed stars, some completely hidden within the dense interstellar matter. They can be detected by special infra - red techniques which are able to penetrate the obscuration. The largest of the dust clouds is the curious straight - sided feature which gives this object its name
Nebula NGC 3372 in the Carene - The Carina nebula - The Carene nebula is located about 8000 years from the Earth. It is home to many hot stars, including the massive star Eta Carinae in the centre of the nebula. Image obtained from the 1.2m Schmidt UK telescope of Siding Spring. Although no bright naked - eye stars are associated with the Carina nebula now, 150 years ago there blazed forth here one of the most unusual and peculiar stars ever seen. The star is known as Eta Carinae and for a few months in 1843 it was the second or third brightest star in the sky. Since then it has faded and is today about 1000 times fainter than it was at its brightest as the nebula it created during its outburst has cooled and become opaque. The whole region around Eta Carinae is rich in hot stars of which Eta is an extreme example and it is their combined radiation that produces the spectacular Carina nebula that dominates this picture. The nebula and its peculiar star are about 8000 light years away
Eagle Nebula (IC 4703) and M16 star cluster in the Snake - The Eagle nebula in Serpens - The M16 star cluster is a cluster of young stars distant from 7000 years - light, formed about 2 million years ago in the Eagle nebula, IC 4703. These stars are much warmer than the Sun and can be 30 times more massive. Messier 16 is a cluster of young stars which formed about 2 million years ago from the gas and dust which still surrounds them. Brilliant blue stars of this type are much hotter than the Sun and can be up to thirty times more massive. The dark intrusions visible across the face of the nebula are condensations of dusty material which might one day collapse into yet more stars, should they survive the radiation from the bright stars, which is gradually etching them away. Bright red regions of photo - ionised hydrogen such as M16 are usually found in the spiral arms of galaxies and are often associated recent star formation. This example is about 7000 light years distant
Nebula NGC 3372 in the Carene in fake colors - NGC 3372 Carina nebula in narrow band - The nebula of the Carene is located about 8000 years - light from Earth. It is home to many hot stars, including the massive star Eta Carinae in the centre of the nebula. Image obtained by the 1.2m Schmidt UK Telescope of Siding Spring through 3 different filters that highlight oxygen, hydrogen, and sulfur. Although no bright naked - eye stars are associated with the Carina nebula now, 150 years ago there blazed forth here one of the most unusual and peculiar stars ever seen. The star is known as Eta Carinae and for a few months in 1843 it was the second or third brightest star in the sky. Since then it has faded and is today about 1000 times fainter than it was at its brightest as the nebula it created during its outburst has cooled and become opaque. The whole region around Eta Carinae is rich in hot stars of which Eta is an extreme example and it is their combined radiation that produces the spectacular Carina nebula that dominates this picture. The nebula and its peculiar star are about 8000 light years away
Nebula Trifide (M20) in the constellation Sagittarius - Trifid nebula (M20) and open cluster M21 - View of the Trifide nebula (M20/NGC 6514) located in the constellation Sagittarius between 5000 and 10,000 years - light from Earth. Above it, the M21 star cluster. M20, the Trifid Nebula is a remarkable object, large, bright and beautiful. It is a complex of red emission and blue reflection nebulosity about the size of the full moon, intersected by three dark lanes, from which the Trifid gets its name. M21 is a rich open cluster comprised of some 70 stars with a large brightness range and strong central condensation, approximately 13 arc minutes in diameter and magnitude 5.9, and located 1/2 degree to the northeast of M20
Nebula NGC 3372 in the Carene in false colours - NGC 3372 Carina nebula - Image of the nebula of the Carene (NGC 3372), a very vast region of star formation, obtained by combining light through 3 different filters that highlight oxygen in blue, hydrogen in green, and sulfur in red. The colors also represent different gas temperatures, warm, blue, colder in red. The bright star in the center of the image is Eta Carinae, a super massive star. Image obtained with the Curtis - Schmidt telescope of the Cerro Tololo Observatory. This image shows a giant star - forming region in the southern sky known as the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372), combining the light from 3 different filters tracing emission from oxygen (blue), hydrogen (green), and sulphur (red). The color is also representative of the temperature in the ionized gas: blue is relatively hot and red is cooler. The Carina Nebula is a good example of how very massive stars rip apart the molecular clouds that give birth to them. The bright star near the center of the image is Eta Carinae, which is one of the most massive and luminous stars known. This picture is a composite of several exposures made with the Curtis - Schmidt telescope at the Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
Cone Nebula NGC 2264 in the Unicorn - The Cone Nebula NGC 2264 in Monoceros - The Cone Nebula is a star-forming region situated about 2600 years away from Earth. It is accompanied by a cluster of stars called the Christmas tree. Mosaic of 140 images obtained by the Subaru telescope. The Cone Nebula (also known as NGC 2264) is an H II region in the constellation of Monoceros. It was discovered by William Herschel in 1785. The nebula is located about 800 parsecs or 2,600 light - years away from Earth. The Cone Nebula is part of the nebulosity surrounding the Christmas Tree Cluster. The designation of NGC 2264 in the New General Catalogue refers to both objects and not the nebula alone
S star Monocerotis and nebula - Fox Fur nebula in Monoceros - The region to the right of the bright star S Monocerotis is called Fox Fur nebula. This region where gas mixes with interstellar dust is located above the Cone nebula, about 2600 light years from Earth. Image obtained with a 61 cm telescope, composite of several images. The region around the 4.7 magnitude star S Mon is a fascinating mixture of red fluorescent hydrogen and dark, obscuring dust lanes. Some dust patches are close enough to bright stars to reflect light from them; these appear blue for the same reason that the day - time sky is blue - because some of the interstellar particles preferentially scatter blue light. The dust is mixed with gas and this affects the appearance of the emission nebulae, giving some of the faintest a curious 'fox fur' texture in this photograph. S Mon is part of a young open cluster of stars named NGC 2264 located about 2600 light years away, just north of the Cone nebula. Image taken with a 24 - inch telescope