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Images of 'Companions' found, 1,545

Greek antiquity: "Ulysses and his companions blinding the Cyclops Polypheme" (ceramic)
The Landing of Aeneas at Pallanteum, 1675 (oil on canvas)
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Sloane 2433 C fol.18v Burning of the Templars, from 'Les Grandes Chroniques de France', c.1410-20 (vellum)
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After being trapped in the ice for over two years, John Franklin's men abandoned their ship and set out on foot
The Two Friends, 1904 (gouache on paper)
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Supplice of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master of the Order of the Templars and several of his companions are accused of heresie and debauches by King Philip IV dit le bel et executes March 4, 1314 in Paris - Torture of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master of the Knights Templar and several of his companions were accused of heresy and debauchery by King Philip IV - they were sentenced to the stake in 1314 - Engraving of 1879 in “Histoire des societes secretes, politiques et religieuses” by Pierre Zaccone (1817-1895)
Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromede - M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany it: M32 (NGC 221) in the center left, and M110 (NGC 205) below. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years
Tiles depicting Don Quixote and Sancho Panza (ceramic)
Attic lekythos depicting two companions of Ulysses turned into swine by Circewitch, red-figure pottery
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Add.35323 fol.156v  Ruggiero and his companions ride across the river, from Chapter 1, Book X of 'Decameron' c.1475 (vellum)
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Portrait of Salim bin Kabina, one of Wilfred Thesiger's Bedouin companions, standing on a sand dune in the Ramlat ar Rabbad sands, United Arab Emirates, February 3–12, 1950 (b/w photo)
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Joan of Arc (1412-1431).
Ms Add 12228 Merlin with Two Companions, illustration from 'Meliadus or Guiron le Courtois' by Hélie de Boron, 1352-62 (vellum)
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Martyrs of Otranto, late 19th/beg 20th century (postcard)
Supplice of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master of the Order of the Templars and several of his companions are accused of heresie and debauches by King Philip IV dit le bel et executes March 4, 1314 in Paris - Torture of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master of the Knights Templar and several of his companions were accused of heresy and debauchery by King Philip IV - they were sentenced to the stake in 1314 - Engraving from “Les Rues-de-Paris” by Pierre Zaccone, 1859 Collection privee
Marco Polo on the Long Road to Cathay, 20th century (gouache on paper)
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Supplice of the Templars: Jacques de Molay (Molai) grand master the Order of the Templars and several of his companions are accused of heresie and debauches by King Philip IV dit le bel et executes March 4, 1314 in Paris
The Punishment of Rusticucci and his Companions, illustration to the 'Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1824-27 (pen & ink with w/c over pencil and chalk on paper)
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Aeneas' Ships Leaving, (fresco)
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  • Editorial use only ;Not available to clients invoiced in Italy