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Images of 'Cluster' found, 1,944

18th-19th dynasty pomegranate & grape shaped glass vases & vials (glass)
Winter hexagon and March - Winter hexagon - The winter hexagon is an asterism formed by the stars Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel. The image also shows the planet Mars (the brightest spot) and the comet Holmes (scattered spot on the right. 19 December 2007. Winter hexagon is composed by bright stars Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel. The image shows also the comet 17P/Holmes. But very prominent inside the Hexagon is Mars. December 19, 2007
The Dream, 1931 (oil on canvas)
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Constellation Persee - Perseus constellation
A sprig of guilder-rose, c.1506-12 (red chalk, touches of white chalk, on orange-red prepared paper)
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Comete Hale - Bopp - 08/04/1997 - Comet Hale - Bopp in Perseus. April 8, 1997 - Comete Hale - Bopp in the constellation Persei
Persee Constellation - Constellation of Persia
The Hermitage at Pontoise, c.1867 (oil on canvas)
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Pleiades open cluster - The Pleiades star cluster - The Pleiades star cluster contains about 500 stars formed 100 million years ago. It is located 440 light years from Earth, in the constellation Taurus. M45, the Pleiades, is a beautiful open cluster in Taurus surrounded by reflection nebulosity. The cluster has been known since ancient times and contains six bright stars that can easily be seen with the unaided eye, and 500 stars total, most too faint to be seen. The blue nebulosity is visible by starlight reflected off of dust in space. The cluster is located about 440 light years from the Earth and is estimated to be about 100 million years old
Globular cluster M5 in Serpens - Globular cluster M5 in Serpens - This cluster of stars is located about 25,000 light years away from Earth. It is one of the most extensive (165 years - light) and one of the oldest known globular clusters. Globular clusters are generally peoples of very old stars, but here the Hubble space telescope has identified some young stars, blue stragglers. The globular cluster Messier 5, shown here in this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image, is one of the oldest belonging to the Milky Way. The majority of its stars formed more than 12 billion years ago, but there are some unexpected newcomers on the scene, adding some vitality to this aging population. Stars in globular clusters form in the same stellar nursery and grow old together. The most massive stars age quickly, exhausting their fuel supply in less than a million years, and end their lives in spectacular supernovae explosions. This process should have left the ancient cluster Messier 5 with only old, low - mass stars, which, as they have aged and cooled, have become red giants, while the oldest stars have evolved even further into blue horizontal branch stars. Yet astronomers have spotted many young, blue stars in this cluster, hiding among the much more luminous ancient stars. Astronomers think that these laggard youngsters, called blue stragglers, were created either by stellar collisions or by the transfer of mass between binary stars. Such events are easy to imagine in densely populated globular clusters, in which up to a few million stars are tightly packed together. Messier 5 lies at a distance of about 25 000 light - years in the constellation of Serpens (The Snake). This image was taken with Wide Field Channel of Hubble's Advanced Camera for Surveys
Open cluster of Pleiades seen in infrared - The Pleiades open cluster seen in infrared - Clouds of dust in the Pleiades cluster seen in infrared by the Spitzer space telescope. The Pleiades star cluster contains about 500 stars formed 100 million years ago. It is located 440 light years from Earth, in the constellation Taurus. The Pleiades, located more than 400 light - years away in the Taurus constellation, is a star cluster born when dinosaurs still roamed the Earth, about 100 million years ago. It is significantly younger than our 5 - billion - year - old sun. The brightest members of the cluster, also the highest - mass stars, are known in Greek mythology as two parents, Atlas and Pleione, and their seven daughters, Alcyone, Electra, Maia, Merope, Taygeta, Celaeno and Asterope. There are thousands of additional lower - mass members, including many stars like our sun. Some scientists believe that our sun grew up in a crowded region like the Pleiades, before migrating to its present, more isolated home. The infrared image from Spitzer highlights the filaments, colored yellow, green and red in this view, made up of dust associated with the cloud through which the cluster is traveling. The densest portion of the cloud appears in yellow and red, and the more diffuse outskirts are shown in green hues. One of the parent stars, Atlas, can be seen at the bottom left, while six of the sisters are visible at top. Additional stars in the cluster are sprinkled throughout the picture in blue
Constellation Persee - Perseus constellation
Constellations of Orion and Tauru - Constellations of Orion and Tauru
Galactic Center Region - The Galactic Center - The Galactic Center Region of the center of our galaxy seen the Chandra, Spitzer and Hubble satellites. The galactic center (Sagittarius A*) is located in the white area in the middle to the right of the image. In yellow, near-infrared images obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope; in red, infrared images obtained by the Spitzer Space Telescope; in blue and purple, X-ray observations obtained by the Chandra Space Telescope. Nasa's Great Observatories - the Hubble Space Telescope, the Spitzer Space Telescope, and the Chandra X-ray Observatory - have collaborated to produce an unprecedented image of the central region of our Milky Way galaxy. In this spectacular image, observations using infrared light and X-ray light see through the obscuring dust and reveal the intense activity near the galactic core. Note that the center of the galaxy is located within the bright white region to the right of and just below the middle of the image. The entire image width covers about one-half a degree, about the same angular width as the full moon. Each telescope's contribution is presented in a different color: - Yellow represents the near-infrared observations of Hubble. These observations outline the energetic regions where stars are being born as well as reveal hundreds of thousands of stars. - Red represents the infrared observations of Spitzer. The radiation and winds from stars create glowing dust clouds that exhibit complex structures from compact, spherical globules to long, stringy filaments. - Blue and violet represent the X-ray observations of Chandra. X-rays are emitted by gas heated to millions of degrees by stellar explosions and by outflows from the supermassive black hole in the galaxy's center. The bright blue blob on the left side is emission from a double star system containing either a neutron star or a black hole. When these views are brought together, this composite image provides one of the most detailed
Arecibo Message - Arecibo Message: Arecibo Message is a radio message that was sent to space on November 16, 1974 towards the globular cluster M13, 25 000 light-years from Earth - When this binary message is divided into 73 groups of 23 characters it forms this drawing that includes the numbers from one to ten, the atomic numbers of the hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus, DNA structure, a 1.76m man, Earth's population, our solar system, and a representation of the Arecibo radiotelescope - Arecibo message is a radio message that was sent into space, at the globular star cluster M13 on november 16 1974. This binary message describes numbers, atomic numbers, DNA, man dimension, our solar system and the Arecibo radiotelescope
A selection of jewellery
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A selection of diamond jewellery
Globular cluster M15 in Pegase - Globular cluster M15 in Pegasus - About 40,000 years - light from Earth in the constellation Pegas
Cassiopee Constellation - The constellation of Cassiopeia - Cassiopeia, was seen in mythology as the seated Queen of Ethiopia (not to be confused with the modern AEthiopia). She was the wife of Cepheus and the mother of Andromeda, beautiful but boastful. The grouping of moderately bright stars has a distinctive 'W' shape and lies in a rather faint part of the northern Milky Way. It is circumpolar for latitudes north of 50*. Occupying almost 500 square degrees of sky it is the 25th largest of the 88 modern constellations
Pleiades open cluster - The Pleiades star cluster - The Pleiades star cluster contains about 500 stars formed 100 million years ago. It is located about 400 light years from Earth, in the constellation Taurus. This field corresponds to that of a small telescope or a pair of binoculars. Object number 45 in Messier's catalog is the Pleiades, also know as the Seven Sisters for the seven stars that can be easily seen with excellent eyesight.The Pleiades is a relatively nearby open cluster, which according to new data from the Hipparcos satellite is located at a distance of 370 light years. The cluster is surrounded by blue nebulosity illuminated by the light reflected from the nearby stars. This skyview is corresponding to binoculars and small telescopes
Arab Bee Hive Village, Harran, Turkey, c.1900 (b/w photo)
Anglo-American incendiary bombs fall on Hamburg, 1942-45 (b/w photo)
A Cluster of Lighters, River Thames, 1993 (w/c on paper)
Constellation of Belier - Constellation of Aries - Constellation of Belier and clusters of Pleiades (in the Taurus). Although inconspicuous, Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac and from ancient times has been represented by a ram, the same ram whose golden fleece was sought by Jason and the Argonauts in the great ship Argo Navis. For more than 2000 years it also of astronomical importance because it was the constellation where the Sun crossed the celestial equator (ecliptic) each year at the vernal equinox, marking the first point in Aries from which right ascension is measured. Precession has now carried this point into Pisces. The constellation is the 39th largest in the sky and covers about 440 square degrees. The best - known object in this field is the Pleiades star cluster (M45 in Taurus)
Southern Crown Nebula - The CRA reflection nebula - R Coronae Australis is a region of star formations visible in the southern hemisphere. It is located about 500 light years away from Earth. On the right, the globular cluster NGC 6723, located 30 000 light years from Earth in Sagittarius. Image made with the 1.2m Telescope of Schmidt UK from Siding Spring. Corona Australis (the southern crown, CRA) is in the far southern sky but visible from the southern states of the USA. The constellation is small but distinctive. The conspicuous globular cluster NGC 6723 is at the western (right) edge of the photograph, but it is in Sagittarius, and is about 30,000 light years distant. Almost all the nebulosity here is starlight, reflected from minute grains of dust, some of which gather into darker condensations ('molecular clouds'), blotting out the background stars. Fainter features can be seen here. Shiny NGC 6726 - 27 near middle of image contains both a visual binary and a variable star. Other wispy nebulae in the western part of the dark cloud betray the presence of young, hidden stars
Constellation of the Great Dog - Constellation of Canis Major - Sirius, the bright star on this image is the brightest star in the sky; it belongs to the constellation of the Great Dog. The brightest star in the sky is here, Sirius, the Dog Star, so called because its emanations were thought to affect dogs in the heat of summer, the 'Dog Days' when the star is in the same part of the sky as the Sun. Sirius is bright because it is only 8.6 light years from the Sun and it is in any case it is an intrinsically bright star, 25 times more luminous than the Sun
Nebula NGC 6188 in the Altar - The NGC 6188 nebula and NGC 6193 in Ara - Nebula NGC 6188 is located about 4000 years from Earth. It is home to a cluster of young stars NGC 6193, formed three million years ago. Image obtained by Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. Here we see two bright stars whose radiant energy is beating down on to the surface of a dark cloud, very similar to the Horsehead in Orion. The cloud itself is opaque and because of that, very cold inside. These conditions are ideal for the formation of organic molecules on the surfaces of the chilled dust particles. The opacity of the cloud protects the fragile molecules within from the energetic radiation of nearby stars, but as its surface is gradually warmed and eroded, the delicate organic molecules are destroyed and the hydrogen released glows as a distinctive red emission nebula
Irregular Galaxy of the Little Magellan Cloud (NGC 292) - The Small Magellanic Cloud - The galaxy of the Little Magellan Cloud is about 240,000 light years from Earth in the southern constellation of Toucan. It's one of the closest galaxies of the Lactee Way. Two globular clusters are visible in this image, on the right the Toucan cluster, at the top of the galaxy the NGC 362 cluster. Image obtained by the 1.2m UK Schmidt telescope from Siding Spring, Australia. The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is the second nearest galaxy to the Milky Way, (the LMC being the nearest) and is at the distance of about 240,000 light years, quite close enough for it to be resolved into individual stars on this colour picture made from plates taken on the UK Schmidt Telescope. The shape of the SMC defies description and it is therefore classified as an 'irregular' galaxy. The large globular cluster at right is 47 Tucanae, while a smaller one at the top of the picture is NGC 362. It is about 30,000 light years distant, twice as far away as 47 Tuc
Orion Nebula - the trapeze - The Trapezium region in M42 - Located 1500 years - light, Orion Nebula is the closest region of formation of stars of the Sun. In the center of the picture, the Trapeze of Orion. The Trapeze is among the youngest known open clusters, it is made up of 4 massive stars that make the nebula shine. The central 'star' of the three groups forming the asterism of Orion's sword is in reality a nebula, and is clearly nebulous to the unaided eye. At the heart of the most luminous nebulosity shimmer a handful of stars known as the Trapezium cluster, visible in binoculars. These are the brightest members of a substantial cluster of stars, most of which are still hidden in the dusty recesses of the Orion nebula against which they are seen. The stars of the Trapezium provide much of the energy which makes the brilliant Orion Nebula visible and are at a distance of about 1500 light years
Open Cluster of Pleiades - The Pleiades star cluster - The Pleiades cluster (M45) is a cluster of about 500 young stars nees 150 million years ago. Visible in the constellation Taurus, this cluster is 440 years from the Earth. Brown dwarfs have been observed in this cluster. The Pleiades star cluster, also known as the Seven Sisters and Messier 45 (M45), is one of the brightest and famous star clusters visible in the northern hemisphere. It consists of about 500 bright, hot, young stars that were all born at the same time between 75 and 150 million years ago within a large cloud of dust and gas. This star cluster lie some 440 light years away from the Earth, in the constellation of Taurus
Mars Planet Passage (middle left of the image) in front of the nebula Rho Ophiuchi on August 25, 2016 - This star-forming region is located about 520 light years away. The brightest star below is the star Antares, from the Scorpio. Right, star cluster M4 - Mars passing the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex on Aug 25, 2016 - This star-forming region is located at about 520 light years in Scorpius constellation. The area is highlighted by the bright star Antares (bottom), a red supergiant 40,000 times more luminous than our sun
Open cluster Westerlund 2 in Carene - Open cluster Westerlund 2 in Carina - The open cluster Westerlund 2 is located about 20,000 years - light in the southern constellation of Carene, within the nebula Gum 29. About 3000 stars form this cluster. It contains a significant number of massive stars including one of the most massive stars known to date: WR 20a. Image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. The sparkling centerpiece of this image taken by the Hubble space telescope is a giant cluster of about 3,000 stars called Westerlund 2, named for Swedish astronomer Bengt Westerlund, who discovered the grouping in the 1960s. The cluster resides in a raucous stellar breeding ground known as Gum 29, located 20,000 light - years away from Earth in the constellation Carina. To capture this image, Hubble's near - infrared Wide Field Camera 3 near - infrared pierced through the dusty veil shrouding the stellar nursery, giving astronomers a clear view of the nebula and the dense concentration of stars in the central cluster. The cluster measures between 6 to 13 light - years across. The giant star cluster is only about 2 million years old and contains some of our galaxy's hottest, brightest, and most massive stars. Some of its heftiest stars unleash torrents of ultraviolet light and hurricane - force winds of charged particles that etch at the enveloping hydrogen gas cloud. The nebula reveals a fantasy landscape of pillars, ridges, and valleys. The pillars, composed of dense gas and thought to be incubators for new stars are a few light - years tall and point to the central star cluster. Other dense regions surround the pillars, including reddish - brown filaments of gas and dust. The brilliant stars sculpt the gaseous terrain of the nebula and help create a successive generation of baby stars. When the stellar winds hit dense walls of gas, the shockwaves may spark a new torrent of star birth along the wall of the cavity. The red dots scattered t
Nebula NGC 3372 in Carene - Nebula NGC 3372 in Carina - The nebula of the Carene is located about 7000 years - light from Earth. It is home to many hot stars, including the star Eta Carinae (on the left, the brightest star in the picture). In the right center, a cluster of young stars, Trumpler 14. This image shows a giant star - forming region in the southern sky known as the Carina Nebula (NGC 3372). The bright star on the left of the image is Eta Carinae, which is one of the most massive and luminous stars known
Eagle Nebula (IC 4703) and star cluster M16 in the Snake - This wide - field image of the Eagle Nebula was taken at the National Science Foundation's 0.9 - meter telescope on Kitt Peak with the NOAO Mosaic CCD camera. Located in the constellation of Serpens, the Serpent, the Eagle Nebula is a very luminous open cluster of stars surrounded by dust and gas. The three pillars at the center of the image, made famous in an image by the Hubble Space Telescope, are being sculpted by the intense radiation from the hot stars in the cluster. This image was created by combining emission - line images in Hydrogen - alpha (green), Oxygen [O III] (blue) and Sulfur [S II] (red)
Constellations of the Great Dog, Orion and Taurus - Winter constellations. On the left the constellation of the Great Dog with the star Sirius, in the center the constellation Orion, on the right the constellation of the Taurus with the cluster of the Hyades and the cluster of the Pleiades. Image obtained on November 3, 2005 in New Jersey - USA. The constellations of Canis Major (the Big Dog), Orion (the Hunter), and Taurus (the Bull) stretch across the winter sky just before the start of dawn in the beginning of November. Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, dominates the left side of the frame. Sirius is the alpha star in the constellation of Canis Major and is located only 9 light years away. Orion, the most distinctive of the winter constellations, is in the middle of the frame. The Hyades and Pleiades (the 7 Sisters), two beautiful open clusters in Taurus, are on the right side of the image
Composition, 1949 (oil on board)
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Cone and Hubble Nebulae in the Unicorn - Cone and Hubble nebulae in Monoceros - The Cone nebula, at the bottom left, is an H II region located about 2600 years - light from Earth. The bright star in the middle left is S Monocerotis, a star of magnitude 4.7. Lower right, the Hubble nebula, overexposed. This large area of emission nebulosity and patch of blue reflection nebulosity also contains the Cone Nebula, a dark nebula at the lower right corner of the red nebulae. At the bottom right of the frame is NGC 2261, Hubble's Variable Nebula, in this image looking like an overexposed mis - shaped star because of the extreme processing needed to bring out the faint nebulosity in the Cone Nebula
Lactee route - Pointe du Raz - Milky Way - Pointe du Raz - The Great Bear is almost entirely masked by the semaphore tower at Pointe du Raz. The “Two Guards” located on the right of the tower point towards the Polar Star, vertical of the antenna. Higher, our eye cuts the lactee path near the zenith. As we descend towards the southern horizon, we can see the Great Galaxy of Andromede and that of the Triangle. Brittany, 27 September 2008. The Big Dipper is almost completely masked by the tower of the semaphore. Its two stars on the right are pointing towards the star Polaris, at the vertical of the antenna. Higher, our eye cross the Milky Way near the zenith. Then, descending towards the South, we can see the Great Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. Pointe du Raz, Brittany, 27 September 2008
Le Groupe local - The Local Group - The Lactee Way and its neighbors seen from about 700,000 years of light from the Sun. The Local Group contains about 30 galaxies. The position of the Sun is indicated by a red dot. The Milky Way and its neighbors as seen from a location about 700,000 light-years from the Sun. The nearest galaxies are the two Magellanic clouds, beyond them is the spiral galaxy M33. There are about 30 members of the local group but not all show up in this perspective. The location of the Sun is marked by a red dot
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Three Penguins, 1911-12 (white marble)
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Coffee Plant
Galaxies cluster 1E 0657 - 556 - Dark matter in the galaxy cluster 1E 0657 - 556 - Composite view of the galaxy cluster 1E 0657 - 556 visible and X-rays. The hot gas that surrounds this galaxy cluster, detects in X-rays by the Chandra satellite, is visible in pink on this image. The galaxy cluster, photographed by the Magellan telescope and the Hubble space telescope, appears in the background. By studying the mass of this cluster, astronomers were able to determine that most of this mass was concentrated not in the hot gas detected by Chandra but in the blue coloured areas here, suggesting the existence of dark matter. This composite image shows the galaxy cluster 1E 0657 - 556, also known as the “” bullet cluster.”” This cluster was formed after the collision of two large clusters of galaxies, the most energetic event known in the universe since the Big Bang. Hot gas detected by Chandra telescope in X - rays is seen as two pink clumps in the image and contains most of the “” normal,””” or baryonic, matter in the two clusters. The bullet - shaped clump on the right is the hot gas from one cluster, which passed through the hot gas from the other larger cluster during the collision. An optical image from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope shows the galaxies in orange and white. The blue areas in this image depict where astronomers find most of the mass in the clusters. The concentration of mass is determined by analyzing the effect of so - called gravitational lensing, where light from the distant objects is distorted by intervening matter. Most of the matter in the clusters (blue) is clearly separate from the normal matter (pink), giving direct evidence that nearly all of the matter in the clusters is dark
The Big Rip - The Big Rip - The Big Rip - Artist's view of the Big Rip Theory, a cosmic model of the end of the universe. The dark energy accelerating the expansion of the universe, would see its density increase to dissolve any form of matter. Artwork illustrating the Big Rip theory, a cosmological model predicting the end of the universe. The dark energy, a form of repulsive gravity, will grow with the expansion of the universe, making the universe expanding faster and faster until the disintegration of all existing matter
Slide showing cluster of a single celled organism called cyanobacteria
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Salt Clusters, Dead Sea, Israel (photo)