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Images of 'Chasse Au Sanglier' found, 622

Iron Age: miniature bronze Merida tank representing a wild boar hunting scene (bronze)
Art Byzantium: wild boar hunting, 1554 (miniature)
Calendar: 12 Scenes of the Labours of the Year, from 'Le Rustican' by Pietro de Crescenzi (1230-1320/1) c.1460 (vellum)
Ms 367/480 fol.50 The Boar Hunt, from the 'Livre de la Chasse' by Gaston Phebus de Foix (1331-91) (vellum)
Side B of the Francois Vase, made by Ergotimos (fl.575-560 BC) c.570 BC (pottery)
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Ms 368/1375 fol.85r The Boar Hunt, from Traites de Fauconnerie et de Venerie, 1459 (vellum)
The Hunts of Maximilian: Sagittarius, The Boar Hunt, Gobelins Factory (tapestry)
The Francois Vase, made by Ergotimos (fl.575-560 BC) (detail of side A) c.570 BC (pottery)
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Add 24098 f.29v December: Preparing food for the winter, making bread and killing a pig, from a Book of Hours, or the Golf Book, c.1520-30 (vellum)
The Wild Boar Hunt, c.1640 (oil on canvas)
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Hunting Wild Boar (oil on canvas)
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MS Royal, 14 E V, f.497v, Detail of a miniature of the death of Philip the Fair, at the beginning of chapter 18 of book 9, from 'Des Cas des nobles hommes et femmes', c.1479-80 (vellum)
Ms 340/603 fol.11 Hunting, from 'Le Rustican' by Pietro Crescenzi (1230-1320/1) c.1460 (vellum)
Roman mosaic, depicting Meleager and Atalanta, 4th century (mosaic)
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Front of a sarcophagus depicting the death of Adonis, Roman, 2nd century (marble)
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The Boar Hunt, c.1751 (soft-paste porcelain)
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Hunt of Meleager and Peleus at Calydonian boar, hunters and Scythian archer, detail from Francois vase, 570 BC-560 BC, by potter Ergotimos, decoration by Kleitias, black-figure pottery, Greek civilization, 6th century BC
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A buccaneer, 1744 (engraving)
The Francois Vase, made by Ergotimos (fl.575-560 BC) c.570 BC (ceramic)
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Boar hunting scenes, mosaic from Carthage, Tunisia, Roman civilization, 4th century AD, Detail
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Dogs with Slain Wild Boar and Deer, (oil on canvas)
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Hunting a boar in the middle ages
Ferdinand IV Hunting Wild Boar on the Cassano Estate Detail Painting by Jakob Philipp dit Hackert d'Italia (1737-1807) 18th century Naples Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Greek antiquite: 'Vase Francois' Greek cratere with black figures from the Etruscan necropolis of Chiusi. 570 BC. Sign of the ceramist Ergotimos and the painter Clitias (Kleitias): on the pass: Calydon's wild boar hunt, sent by Artemis to destroy the harvest. Race of tanks during games on the occasion of the funeral of Patrocles. procession of the gods to the wedding of Pelee and Thetis. 6th century BC. Dim. 66 cm Florence, Museo Archeologico
Winston Churchill and his wife Clementine Churchill and son, Randolph, 1933 (b/w photo)
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Side B of the Francois Vase, made by Ergotimos (fl 575-560 BC) c570 BC (pottery) - Greek Antiquity: “" Vase Francois "” Greek black figure crater from the Etruscan necropolis of Chiusi, 570 BC - Sign of the ceramist Ergotimos and the painter Clitias (Kleitias): on the pass: hunting the Calydon Boar, sent by Artemis to destroy harvests - Tank race during games on the occasion of the funeral of Patrocle - Procession of the gods at the wedding of Pelee and Thetis - Sun 66 cm Florence, Museo Archeologico
The boar hunt, 1775 (oil on canvas)
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When They Were Young
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Medieval hunting of wild boar with dogs
Add MS 18855 f.108v Calendar miniature for December showing a boar hunt vellum)
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Cart used for Ritual use depicting a boar hunt, Gaulish found in Merida, Spain (bronze)
Relief from the Arch of Constantine, c.315 AD (marble)
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Detail of the little hunt mosaic. A hunter is about to spear a wild boar. 3rd - 4th century. Roman Villa of the Casale, Sicilia. UNESCO site.
Hunting a boar in the middle ages
Scene of wild boar hunting, detail from floor mosaic, dining room, Villa del Casale (Unesco World Heritage List, 1997), Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Detail, Roman civilization, 4th century
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Amphora depicting scene of wild boar hunting, attributed to Goltyr Painter, circa 560 B.C., from Tyre, Lebanon
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Roman mosaic, Female figure depicting the Autumn, 4th century, Villa Las Tiendas