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Images of 'Cassini' found, 398

Jackie Kennedy during her official visit to Paris, May 31, 1961 (photo)
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President John Kennedy and his wife Jackie and their children John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr and Caroline at Palm Beach, USA, 1963 (photo)
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John F. Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy and Charles de Gaulle, Elysee Palace, 31st May 1961 (photo)
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Jackie Kennedy during her Official Visit To Paris May 31, 1961 (Visit of Childcare School) (b/w photo)
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A new and correct map of the world, laid down according to the newest discoveries, and from the most exact observations, by Herman Moll, Geographer, 1709 (engraving, paper)
Jackie Kennedy with Oleg Cassini at a Fancy Dress Ball, Plaza Hotel, New York, 11th December 1959 (b/w photo)
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Map of France, by Giovanni Domenico Maraldi (1709-1788) and Cesar-Francois Cassini de Thury or Cassini III (1714-1784), France, 18th century
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Front page of the first chapter of 'La Meridienne de Paris' by Cesar-Francois Cassini de Thury, 1744 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Jackie Kennedy during her official visit to Paris may 31, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Help by Jacques Cassini dit Cassini II (1677-1756) Louis XIV dit le King Soleil (King Soleil or Louis the Great, 1638-1715) observes an eclipse of sun using an astronomical bezel on the terrace of the castle of Marly surrounds the ladies of the Court of which Francoise d'Aubigne, Marquise (Madame) de Maintenon (1635-1719 May 3 1715. Chromotypography in “” Le Roy Soleil”” (Louis XIV) by Gustave Toutwelve, Illustration by Maurice Leloir (1853-1940), 1904. Collection Privee. - French king Louis XIV (1638-1715) and Jacques Cassini (1677-1756), French astronomer, observing an eclipse, Marly Castle, France, illustration by Maurice Leloir
Saturn - Illustration - Saturn - Illustration - Artist's view of the planet Saturn. The ring system is composed from the closest to Saturn to the furthest by ring D, then C, B, the division of Cassini, A with the division of Encke, F, G and E. The brightest part of the rings is ring B. This image suggests how Saturn might look from high above the ring plane and at a right angle to the Sun, a perspective that we could never get from the Earth nor from the Hubble Space Telescope
fashion designer Oleg Cassini showing his drawings to Gene Tierney to show her the clothes for film Tobacco Road in 1941
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Alfred Hitchcock, Grace Kelly and Oleg Cassini at premiere of REAR WINDOW, 1954 (photo)
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American John Fitzgerald Kennedy and his Wife Jackie at Paris With French President Charles De Gaulle (On The Right) and his Wife Yvonne (On The Left) For Diner at Elysee Palace May 31, 1961 (Jackie Wearing White and Pink Raffia Lace Dress By Oleg Cassini Created in 1961) (b/w photo)
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Enceladus, Saturn's satellite, seen by the Cassini probe - Saturn's moon Enceladus seen by Cassini spacecraft - Mosaic of false-coloured images obtained by the Cassini probe during the flight over this satellite on 5 October 2008. The image shows a fractured region in the southern hemisphere of the satellite. On Oct. 5, 2008, just after coming within 25 kilometers (15.6 miles) of the surface of Enceladus, Nasa's Cassini captured this stunning mosaic as the spacecraft sped away from this geologically active moon of Saturn. Craters and cratered terrains are rare in this view of the southern region of the moon's Saturn - facing hemisphere. Instead, the surface is replete with fractures, folds, and ridges - - all hallmarks of remarkable tectonic activity for a relatively small world. In this enhanced - color view, regions that appear blue - green are thought to be coated with larger grains than those that appear white or gray. Portions of the tiger stripe fractures, or sulci, are visible along the terminator at lower right, surrounded by a circumpolar belt of mountains. The icy moon's famed jets emanate from at least eight distinct source regions, which lie on or near the tiger stripes. However, in this view, the most prominent feature is Labtayt Sulci, the approximately one - kilometer (0.6 miles) deep northward - trending chasm located just above the center of the mosaic. Near the top, the conspicuous ridges are Ebony and Cufa Dorsae. This false - color mosaic was created from 28 images obtained at seven footprints, or pointing positions, by Cassini's narrow - angle camera. At each footprint, four images using filters sensitive to ultraviolet, visible and infrared light (spanning wavelengths from 338 to 930 nanometers) were combined to create the individual frames. The mosaic is an orthographic projection centered at 64.49 degrees south latitude, 283.87 west longitude, and it has an image scale of 196 kilometers (122.5 miles) per pixel. The original images ranged in resolution
The Cassini and Saturn probe - Cassini spacecraft at Saturn - Artist's view of the Cassini probe above the northern hemisphere of Saturn. This illustration shows Cassini above Saturn's northern hemisphere prior to making one of its Grand Finale dives. During Cassini's Grand Finale, the spacecraft will make 22 orbits around Saturn that carry the spacecraft over the planet's north before diving between Saturn and its rings. At the conclusion of this final set of daring orbits, the spacecraft will plunge into Saturn's atmosphere, ending its mission on Sept. 15, 2017.
Saturn seen by the Cassini probe - Saturn seen by Cassini spacecraft: Saturn seen by the Cassini probe on 28 October 2016. Images taken on Oct. 28, 2016 with the wide angle camera using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this color view. This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 25 degrees above the ringplane. The view was acquired at a distance of approximately 870,000 miles (1.4 million kilometers) from Saturn. Image scale is 50 miles (80 kilometers) per pixel
Saturn's rings
Jupiter and it's largest satellite, Io. Cassini Spacecraft.
Rhea emerges after being occulted by the larger moon Titan. Cassini.
The Cassini spacecraft looks toward Rhea, Saturn's second-largest moon
Moon: Apennine Mountains - Moon: Apenninus Mountains - The Apennine Mountains are a chain of mountains between the Rainy Sea (left) and the Serenite Sea (right). Some peaks peak at 5000m. Mosaic of images obtained on September 2, 2007, two days before the last quarter of the Moon. Montes Apenninus are a mountain chain located between Mare Imbrium (left) and Mare Serenitatis (right). Some of these mountains are 5000 m high. Composite of images taken on september 2 2007, two days before last quarter of the moon
Nikita Kroutchev et Jackie Kennedy (wearing pink silk and sequins dress by Oleg Cassini created in 1961) during diner at Schonbrunn palace in Vienna June 03, 1961
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The renowned astronomer Giovanni Domenico Cassini was lured to France by Louis XIV, and the first scientific map of the moon was produced in Paris. From observations through a telescope in the 1670s he built up a completely recognisable picture of the lunar surface. As a result, the near side of the moon was better understood than much of the earth's surface.
Methane lake on Titan - Artist view
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Saturn rings 30/06/2004 by Cassini in ultraviolet - Image in false colors made by the Cassini probe on 30 June 2004. The different colors correspond to differences in the chemical composition of the particles that make up the rings. The ring system is composed from the closest to Saturn to the outermost by ring D, then C, B, the division of Cassini, A with the division of Encke, F, G and E. Here are the variations in the composition of rings A - B and C that are watched. Encke's division is the outer red line. Turquoise blue corresponds to particles composed of pure ice, in red the dirty and finer ice particles.
American President John Kennedy and his Wife Jackie in Paris here at Elysee Palace With French President De Gaulle and his Wife Yvonne May 31, 1961 , Jackie Wearing Alaskine (Wool and Silk) Created By Oleg Cassini, Pillbox Hat Created By Roy Halston Frowick (b/w photo)
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Plaque de la rue Cassini in Paris - Street Plaque in Paris - Rue du 14eme arrondissement de Paris, in tribute to the Italian astronomer Jean - Dominique Cassini (1625 - 1712), naturalise French in 1673. Attrained to France by Colbert in 1669, he became the first director of the Paris Observatory in 1671, at the request of Louis XIV. In 1665, he discovered Jupiter's Grande Tache Rouge and determined the rotation speeds of Venus, Mars and Jupiter. From 1671 he discovered 4 satellites around Saturn, as well as a separation in the rings, which today bears his name (division of Cassini). In 1673, he made the first precise measurement of the distance from Earth to Sun, thanks to a transit of Venus. Rue Cassini, street sign. Astronomer Jean - Dominique Cassini, was the first director of Paris observatory
The cracks in Saturn’s moon, Enceladus
Plaque de la rue Cassini in Paris - Street Plaque in Paris - Rue du 14eme arrondissement de Paris, in tribute to the Italian astronomer Jean - Dominique Cassini (1625 - 1712), naturalise French in 1673. Attrained to France by Colbert in 1669, he became the first director of the Paris Observatory in 1671, at the request of Louis XIV. In 1665, he discovered Jupiter's Grande Tache Rouge and determined the rotation speeds of Venus, Mars and Jupiter. From 1671 he discovered 4 satellites around Saturn, as well as a separation in the rings, which today bears his name (division of Cassini). In 1673, he made the first precise measurement of the distance from Earth to Sun, thanks to a transit of Venus. Rue Cassini, street sign. Astronomer Jean - Dominique Cassini, was the first director of Paris observatory
Oleg Cassini in a 1950s portrait.
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Oleg Cassini, 1981
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Jupiter as seen by the space probe 'Cassini'
Tethys and Titan, Saturn satellites - Tethys and Titan - The Tethys satellite passes behind the Titan satellite. These images were taken 18 minutes apart (the first image taken is on the right) by the Cassini probe on 26 November 2009 at a distance of 1 million km from Titan and 2.2 million km from Tethys. Saturn's moon Tethys with its prominent Odysseus Crater silently slips behind Saturn's largest moon Titan and then emerges on the other side. Tethys is not actually enshrouded in Titan's atmosphere. Tethys (1,062 kilometers, or 660 miles across) is more than twice as far from Cassini than Titan (5,150 kilometers, or 3,200 miles across) in this sequence. Tethys is 2.2 million kilometers (1.4 million miles) from Cassini. Titan is about 1 million kilometers (621,000 miles) away. These two color views were captured about 18 minutes apart, with the view on the right taking place first. These images are part of a mutual event sequence in which one moon passes close to or in front of another as seen from the spacecraft. Such observations help scientists refine their understanding of the orbits of Saturn's moons. Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this natural color view. The images were obtained with the Cassini spacecraft narrow - angle camera on Nov. 26, 2009. Image scale is 6 kilometers (4 miles) per pixel on Titan and 13 kilometers (8 miles) per pixel on Tethys
Saturn seen by the Cassini probe - Saturn seen by Cassini - Saturn seen by the Cassini probe on 22 August 2008 at a distance of 1.2 million km from the planet. The Cassini spacecraft looks toward the sunlit face of Saturn's rings, whose shadows continue to slide southward on the planet toward their temporary disappearance during equinox in August 2009. This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 3 degrees below the ringplane. Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this natural color view. The images were acquired with the Cassini spacecraft wide - angle camera on Aug. 22, 2008 at a distance of approximately 1.2 million kilometers (728,000 miles) from Saturn. Image scale is 66 kilometers (41 miles) per pixel
Oleg Cassini in a 1960s portrait
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the red spot on Jupiter as seen by the space probe 'Cassini'
Titan, Saturn satellite seen by Cassini - Titan near Saturn seen by Cassini spacecraft - Natural color image of Titan near Saturn blade taken by the Cassini probe on 29 January 2008 at a distance of about 2.3 million km from the satellite. Swathed in its thick blanket of atmosphere, frigid Titan approaches the brilliant limb of Saturn. Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this natural color view. The images were acquired with the Cassini spacecraft narrow - angle camera on Jan. 29, 2008 at a distance of approximately 2.3 million kilometers (1.4 million miles) from Titan. Image scale is 14 kilometers (8 miles) per pixel
Saturn seen by the Cassini probe - Saturn northern hemisphere seen by Cassini spacecraft: Saturn seen by the Cassini probe on 25 April 2016. Cassini scanned across the planet and its rings on April 25, 2016, capturing three sets of red, green and blue images to cover this entire scene showing the planet and the main rings. The images were obtained using Cassini's wide-angle camera at a distance of approximately 1.9 million miles (3 million kilometers) from Saturn and at an elevation of about 30 degrees above the ring plane. The view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from a Sun-saturn-spacecraft angle, or phase angle, of 55 degrees.
Enceladus, Saturn's satellite, seen by Cassini - Saturn's moon Enceladus from Cassini - Mosaic of false-coloured images obtained by the Cassini probe during the flight over this satellite on 11 August 2008. The image shows a fractured region in the southern hemisphere of the satellite. This mosaic of Saturn's moon Enceladus provides broad regional context for the ultra - sharp, close - up views Nasa's Cassini spacecraft acquired minutes earlier, during its flyby on Aug. 11, 2008. This false - color mosaic combines Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) narrow - angle camera images obtained through ultraviolet, green, and near - infrared camera filters. Areas that are greenish in appearance are believed to represent deposits of coarser grained ice and solid boulders that are too small to be seen at this scale, but which are visible in the higher resolution views, while whitish deposits represent finer grained ice. The mosaic shows that coarse - grained and solid ice are concentrated along valley floors and walls, as well as along the upraised flanks of the “” tiger stripe”” fractures, which may be covered with plume fallout that landed not far from the sources. Elsewhere on Enceladus, this coarse water ice is concentrated within outcrops along cliff faces and at the top of ridges. The sinuous boundary of scarps and ridges that encircles the south polar terrain at about 55 degrees south latitude is conspicuous. Much of the coarse - grained or solid ice along this boundary may be blocky rubble that has crumbled off of cliff faces as a result of ongoing seismic activity. The lighting conditions over the polar region highlight features, such as fractures and ridges, that are barely visible in the July 2005 views, and vice versa. The four most prominent sulci (from top to bottom: Damascus, Baghdad, Alexandria and Cairo) appear as generally horizontal fractures near lower right, and they extend into the moon's night side. The mosaic is an orthographic projection centered at 63.0 degrees south
The Cassini and Saturn probe - Cassini spacecraft at Saturn - Artist's view of the Cassini probe during its final dip into the atmosphere of Saturn on September 15, 2017. As depicted in this illustration, Cassini will plunge into Saturn's atmosphere on Sept 15, 2017. Using its attitude control thrusters, the spacecraft will work to keep its antenna pointed at Earth while it sends its final data, including the composition of Saturn's upper atmosphere. The atmospheric torque will quickly become stronger than what the thrusters can compensate for, and after that point, Cassini will begin to tumble. When this happens, its radio connection to Earth will be severed, ending the mission. Following loss of signal, the spacecraft will burn up like a meteor in Saturn's upper atmosphere.
Cassini - Huygens and Saturn - Cassini spacecraft at Saturn - Artist's view of the Cassini probe around Saturn. The Huygens European module is attached to the probe. The Cassini-Huygens probe was launched on 15 October 1997 and has been placed in orbit around Saturn since 1 July 2004. The great Cassini orbiter, with the Huygens probe still in place, prepares to slip through the ring plane of Saturn. Cassini - Huygens was launched from the earth on october 15 1997 and is orbiting Saturn system from july 1st 2004
Saturn seen by the Cassin probe - Saturn seen by Cassini spacecraft on october 10 2013: Saturn seen by the Cassini probe on October 10, 2013. - A swing high above Saturn by Nasa's Cassini spacecraft revealed this stately view of the golden-hued planet and its main rings. The view is in natural color, as human eyes would have seen it. This mosaic was made from 36 images in three color filters obtained by Cassini's imaging science subsystem on Oct. 10, 2013 - A bright, narrow wave of clouds around 42 degrees north latitude appears to be some of the turbulent aftermath of a giant storm that reached its violent peak in early 2011. The mysterious six-sided weather pattern known as the hexagon is visible around Saturn's north pole - The rings shown here include Saturn's main rings. The rings known as the C, B and A rings - listed here in order of closeness to Saturn - are easily seen. The F ring is also there, but not easily seen without enhancing the contrast of the image. (Rings were named in order of their discovery rather than their position around Saturn.) The rings also cast a shadow on Saturn at the limb of the planet in the lower right quadrant
Saturn rings seen in ultraviolet by Cassini - Saturn's rings in utraviolet - Saturn rings seen in ultraviolet by the Cassini probe. The colours indicate a different distribution of the material within the rings. This false - color image of Saturn's main rings was made by combining data from multiple star occultations using the Cassini ultraviolet imaging spectrograph. During occultations, scientists observe the brightness of a star as the rings pass in front of the star. This provides a measurement of the amount of ring material between the spacecraft and the star. Cassini has given scientists the most detailed view yet of Saturn's densely packed B ring. Cassini found that this part of the rings is densely packed with clumps, called self - gravity wakes, separated by almost empty gaps. These clumps in Saturn's B ring are neatly organized and constantly colliding, which surprised scientists. The clumps in Saturn's B ring, 30 to 50 meters (100 to 160 feet) across, are too small to be seen directly. However, scientists can map the distribution, shape and orientation of the clumps. Colors in this image indicate the orientation of clumps, and brightness indicates the density of ring particles. The formation of wakes is strongest in the bluer regions, where ring particles clump together in tilted wakes. Particles in the central yellow regions are too densely packed for any starlight to pass through. The ultraviolet imaging spectrograph measured the flickering of the star Alpha Arae as it passed by the rings Nov. 9 and 10, 2006
Saturn and Mimas seen by the Cassini probe on 04/09/2007 - Saturn and Mimas seen by Cassini spacecraft Sept. 4 2007 - Saturn seen by the Cassini probe on 4/09/2007 at a distance of 2.7 million km from the planet. The Mimas ice satellite is visible under Saturn's rings. The Cassini spacecraft looks beyond Saturn's limb towards the icy face of Mimas, the innermost of the planet's major moons. This view looks toward the sunlit side of the rings from about 3 degrees below the ringplane. Mimas is 396 kilometers (246 miles) across. Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this natural color view. The images were acquired with the Cassini spacecraft narrow - angle camera on Sept. 4, 2007 at a distance of approximately 2.7 million kilometers (1.7 million miles) from Saturn and 2.8 million kilometers (1.8 million miles) from Mimas. Image scale is 16 kilometers (10 miles) per pixel on Saturn and 17 kilometers (11 miles) per pixel on Mimas
Mid-section views of Jupiter. Cassini.
Mid-section views of Jupiter. Cassini.
Saturn seen in infrared by Cassini spacecraft - Saturn seen in infrared by Cassini spacecraft - Composite image of Saturn in false colours obtained from infrared observations collected by the Cassini probe on 24 February 2007 at a distance of 1.58 million km from the planet. Flying over the unlit side of Saturn's rings, the Cassini spacecraft captures Saturn's glow, represented in brilliant shades of electric blue, sapphire and mint green, while the planet's shadow casts a wide net on the rings. This striking false - color mosaic was created from 25 images taken by Cassini's visual and infrared mapping spectrometer over a period of 13 hours, and captures Saturn in nighttime and daytime conditions. The visual and infrared mapping spectrometer acquires data simultaneously at 352 different wavelengths, or spectral channels. Data at wavelengths of 2.3, 3.0 and 5.1 microns were combined in the blue, green and red channels of a standard color image, respectively, to make this false - color mosaic. This image was acquired on Feb. 24, 2007, while the spacecraft was 1.58 million kilometers (1 million miles) from the planet and 34.6 degrees above the ring plane. The solar phase angle was 69.5 degrees. In this view, Cassini was looking down on the northern, unlit side of the rings, which are rendered visible by sunlight filtering through from the sunlit, southern face. On the night side (right side of image), with no sunlight, Saturn's own thermal radiation lights things up. This light at 5.1 microns wavelength (some seven times the longest wavelength visible to the human eye) is generated deep within Saturn, and works its way upward, eventually escaping into space. Thick clouds deep in the atmosphere block that light. An amazing array of dark streaks, spots, and globe - encircling bands is visible instead. Saturn's strong thermal glow at 5.1 microns even allows these deep clouds to be seen on portions of the dayside (left side), especially where overlying h
Tethys, Saturn satellite, seen by the Cassini probe - Saturn's moon Tethys seen by Cassini spacecraft: The Tethys satellite photographed by the Cassini probe on 11 April 2015 has a distance of 53,000 km from the satellite. Tethys is about 1070 km in diameter. - This enhancement-color mosaic of Saturn's icy moon Tethys shows a range of features on the moon's trailing hemisphere. Tethys is tidally locked to Saturn, so the trailing hemisphere is the side of the moon that always faces opposite its direction of motion as it orbits the planet - Images taken using clear, green, infrared and ultraviolet spectral filters were combined to create the view, which highlights subtle color differences across Tethys' surface at wavelengths not visible to human eyes. The moon's surface is fairly uniform in natural color - The color of the surface changes conspicuously across the disk, from yellowish hues to nearly white. These broad color changes are affected by a number of external processes. First, Saturn's diffuse E-ring preferentially bombards Tethys' leading hemisphere, towards the right side of this image, with ice bright ice grains. At the same time, charged particles from Saturn's radiation belt bombard the surface on the trailing side, causing color changes due to chemical alteration of the materials there. The albedo - a measure of the surface's reflectivity - drops by 10 to 15 percent from the moon's leading side to the trailing side. Similar global color patterns exist on other Saturnian moons - Mountains on the floor of the 280 mile- (450 km-) wide Odysseus impact basin are visible at upper right, around the two o'clock position - This mosaic is an orthographic projection constructed from 52 Cassini images obtained on April 11, 2015 with the Cassini spacecraft narrow-angle camera. Resolution is about 1,000 feet (300 meters) per pixel. The images were obtained at a distance of approximately 33,000 miles (53,000 kilometers) from Tethys
Cassini - Huygens and Saturn - Cassini spacecraft at Saturn - Artist's view of the Cassini probe around Saturn. The Huygens European module is attached to the probe. The Cassini-Huygens probe was launched on 15 October 1997 and has been placed in orbit around Saturn since 1 July 2004. The great Cassini orbiter, with the Huygens probe still in place, prepares to slip through the ring plane of Saturn. Cassini - Huygens was launched from the earth on october 15 1997 and is orbiting Saturn system from july 1st 2004
Grace Kelly and Oleg Cassini at premiere of film DESIREE, Roxy Theatre, New York, 1954 (photo)
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Saturn and satellites seen by the Cassini probe on 30/01/2008 - Saturn and satellites seen by Cassini spacecraft Jan. 30 2008 - Saturn seen by the Cassini probe on 30 January 2008 at a distance of 1.3 million km from the planet. The Tethys satellite is visible under Saturn's rings and the Titan satellite appears at the top of the picture. Titan emerges from behind Saturn, while Tethys streaks into view, in this colorful scene. Saturn's shadow darkens the far arm of the rings near the planet's limb. Titan is 5,150 kilometers (3,200 miles) wide; Tethys is 1,071 kilometers (665 miles) wide. This view looks toward the unilluminated side of the rings from about 3 degrees above the ringplane. Images taken using red, green and blue spectral filters were combined to create this natural color view. The images were acquired with the Cassini spacecraft wide - angle camera on Jan. 30, 2008 at a distance of approximately 1.3 million kilometers (800,000 miles) from Saturn. Image scale is 77 kilometers (48 miles) per pixel on Saturn