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Images of 'Carboniferous' found, 118

Arthropleura - An arthropleura crawls among ferns in a carboniferous forest 310 million years ago. The Arthropleura is considered to be the largest arthropod of all times measuring 2-3 metres in length. He is a distant relative of arthropods such as a thousand-legged. A four foot long Arthropleura crawls amidst seed ferns from the genus Neuropteris in a Carboniferous forest 310 million years ago in what is today Scotland. Growing up to 8 feet long and 18 inches wide, Arthropleura was the largest known terrestrial arthropod of all time. A combination of a higher percentage of atmospheric oxygen and relatively few terrestrial predators may have enabled Arthropleura to evolve to such an enormous size. Despite its fierce appearance, Arthropleura is currently believed to have been a vegetarian. In the shadows on the upper right are “” roachoids,””” primitive ancestors of modern cockroaches
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Illustration representing Meganeura
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Carboniferous forest canopy - Artist's view of a forest 350 million years ago in North America. Lepidodendron aculeatum, Sigillaria scutellata and Cycadales are represented. This is how a Carboniferous forest of Midwestern North America 350 million years ago may have appeared from ground level looking up towards the sky. This image features vascular, arborescent (tree - like) plants of the species Lepidodendron aculeatum (resembling feather dusters on long sticks), spore - bearing, arborescent plants of the species Sigillaria scutellata (resembling toilet bowl brushes), and pinnate - leafed seed plants of the order Cycadales. Some Lepidodendron grew as tall as 150 feet
Carboniferous fire - Carboniferous firestorm - Fire in a forest of ferns, sigillaria (sigillaria), calamites, cordaites and asterophyllites. In the foreground giant invertebrae try to take refuge in water. Fire rages through a prehistoric forest of towering Sigillaria and Cordaites, Asterophyllites, Calamites, and ferns. In the foreground a potpourri of giant Carboniferous invertebrates flee the conflagration, heading for the only real estate not subject to burning: water. On the left is a giant, 3 foot centipede; in the center is a giant Arthropleura, the largest known arthropod ever to walk the earth; on the right is a two - foot - long scorpion, and in between are dozens of prehistoric “” roachoids,””” some taking briefly to the searing air. On the far left submerged in the relative comfort of the water is a Dendrerpeton awaiting the prospect of an easy meal. 300 million years ago the Earth's atmosphere may have held considerably more oxygen than today; the air may have been as much as 35% oxygen (the air we breathe now is 21% oxygen). Such high oxygen levels may help to explain why so many terrestrial invertebrates - - insects, arachnids and some crustaceans - - grew to such enormous sizes. These invertebrates “” breathe”” by adsorbing oxygen directly through their skin. Another consequence of such an oxygen - rich environment would be an increased propensity for organic matter to combust. Forest fires sparked by lightning or volcanic activity must have burned with a special ferocity
Forest during Carboniferous period
Close-up of an arthropleura on a stone
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The Eden Valley in the Carboniferous Period, 300 million years ago
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Sphenopteris laurenti
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Fossil fern
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Geological Periods
Painting depicting the gigantic vegetation of the carboniferous age
Calamites sp.
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Sigillaria rugosa
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Tupus diluculum
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Alethopteris lonchitica
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Pentremites spicatus
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Fenestrellina plebeia
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Stigmaria ficoides
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Carboniferous coal forest
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Sigillaria laevigata
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Calamites suckowi (Brongniart)
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Stigmaria ficoides (Brongniart)
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Neuropteris heterophylla
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Dimetrodon among Alethopteris - Dimetrodon among Alethopteris - Artist's view of a dimetrodon among seed ferns (Alethopteris). Dimetrodon is a mammalian reptile (Therapside), carnivore living in Permian. Dimetrodon was the apex predator of its time and likely had few enemies save for other Dimetrodon. They came as large as 11 feet long, 4 feet tall, and weighing as much as 300 pounds. Their reptilian hide, a relative novelty for that period, ensured their survival out of water. The large sail may have helped them to regulate body temperature, a survival advantage during the extremes of hot and cold during the Early Permian. Given that Dimetrodon is more closely related to mammals than dinosaurs, it could be that our own body's ability to regulate temperature had its origin in this ancient beast. Alethopteris was a seed fern that populated much of the world during the Carboniferous and Early Permian periods. Long extinct, fossilized leaves from the Alethopteris are commonly found today
Spiral axis of Archimedes
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Crinoidal limestone
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Extinct scale tree, Lepidodendron of the Carboniferous era.
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Extinct arborescent horsetail, Calamite genus.
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Forest of Carboniferous Period, Drawing
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St. Cuthbert's Beads - rosary made from crinoid columnals
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Neuropteris gigantea (Sternberg)
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Reconstruction of a swamp forest in the Carboniferous era.
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Coal forest diorama
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Carboniferous crinoid garden
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Map of the continents and seas in the Upper Carboniferous era.
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Extinct arborescent plant, Sigillaria genus, Carboniferous era.
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Pentrimites robustus
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Illustration of Stethacanthus and Hyobus fish underwater
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Carbonifere Drill - Conifers and Cordaitales - Artist's view of a drill 300 million years ago populated with coniferes in different states of maturation (foreground), and cordaitales accompanied by adult coniferes in the background. Late Carboniferous conifers make an appearance 300 million years ago in what is today southeastern Illinois. Fossil evidence suggests that these early conifers resembled today's Norfolk Island Pine. In this image the foreground trees illustrate three different stages of conifer growth, while in the (foggy) background are mature conifers along with towering Cordaitales. The middle foreground conifer is about 30 feet tall. The undergrowth beneath the trees represents different varieties of fern
A forest from the Carboniferous era
Carboniferous landscape - Calamites & Drepanophycus - Carboniferous landscape with calamites of different sizes and a variety of Drepanophycus, a smaller plant that appeared 20 million years ago, and coexisted with calamites for 35 million years. Calamites of varying size (10 to 50 feet tall) populate lowlands near the brackish waters of an inland sea. Closer to the ground at about 6 feet tall is a variety of Drepanophycus, ancient plants that preceded the Calamites by about 20 million years and coexisted with them for another 35 million years
Fossilised millipede (Class Diplopoda)
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Carboniferous Forest - Artist's view of a forest in North America 350 million years ago. The species presented here are Lepidodendron aculeatum (which resemble feathers on long sticks), Sigillaria scutellata, Asteroxylon mackiei (at this scale can be confused with grass), and ferns. A Carboniferous forest of Midwestern North America 350 million years ago featuring Lepidodendron aculeatum (resembling feather dusters on long sticks), Sigillaria scutellata (resembling toilet bowl brushes), Asteroxylon mackiei (at this scale may be mistaken for grass), and ferns. Some Lepidodendron grew as tall as 150 feet. 360 million years ago the Earth entered a period known as the Carboniferous, a 60 million year span remarkable for worldwide high temperatures, high humidity, and the emergence of thousands of new terrestrial plant and animal species. Dense forests of arboreal lycopods covered much of the vast continent of Pangaea. This enormous biomasset eventually became the source for the great bituminous coal fields of North America, Europe and Asia
Arthropleura sp, Arthropleuridae, Carboniferous. Artwork by Graham Rosewarne
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Palaeozoology, Carboniferous, Insects, Cockroach, illustration
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Westlothiana lizziae, Early Carboniferous. Artwork by Graham Rosewarne
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Annelids, Polychaeta, Dryptoscolex matthiesae, Carboniferous
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Swamp with a Eogyrinus sp, Eogyrinidae, in water, Carboniferous. Artwork by Brin Edwards
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Carboniferous fauna and flora - Calamites & Meganeura - Meganeura, giant dragonflies whose wingspan could exceed 80 cm, fly among calamites and asterophyllites. Giant Meganeura, resembling and related to present - day dragonflies, flutter between Calamites and Asterophyllites in a Carboniferous scene from over 300 million years ago. Now extinct, Calamites and Asterophyllites are related to today's horsetails, though they grew much larger. The Calamites resembled modern “” Christmas tree”” conifers, while the Asterophyllites looked somewhat like modern Thuja (arborvitae)
Carboniferous flora and fauna - Carboniferous riverbank - Carboniferous landscape with its ferns, giant lycopods, sigillaria (sigillaria), calamites. Among the fauna are an amphibian, a scorpion and insects that dominated the landscape, such as the Meganeura, giant dragonfly with a wingspan of more than 80 cm, or the 2-metre-long arthropleura climbing here in a tree. Ferns, seed ferns, and giant lycopods (primitive moss - like plants with long slender leaves) flourished during the Carboniferous period, from about 360 to 300 million years ago. Some lycopods, such as the arboreal Sigillaria illustrated here, grew as high as 130 feet. (100 feet is considered tall for a modern Maple tree). Other tree - like plants included many varieties of the Calamites, extinct ancestors of modern horsetails. While the first dinosaurs were not to appear for another 130 million years, the Carboniferous forests were home to a plethora of terrestrial animals, including many species of invertebrates and some of the first walking vertebrates, including amphibians resembling modern salamanders. It was the insects however, many of them giants, that dominated the landscape. There were dragonfly - like Meganeura with wingspans up to 30 inches, giant centipedes roamed the forest floor, and some scorpions were over 20 inches long
Eogyrinus - Eogyrinus was one of the largest tetrapods of Carbonifere. It could reach 4.6m in length. His fossils were found in England. He was part of the Anthracosaur amphibian group that survived as far as Permian. It is believed that these amphibians were the ancestors of the group from which the reptiles were derived. In the background, a Meganeura, a giant dragonfly whose wingspan could exceed 80 cm. A 15 foot long, 200 pound prehistoric amphibian from the genus Eogyrinus swims down a Carboniferous tributary 300 million years ago in what is today western Europe. Further up the tributary another Eogyrinus prepares to enter the water. Eogyrinus was one of the largest predators of its time, and perhaps the largest of the family Eogyrinidae. It probably spent most of its time in the water, and like modern crocodiles probably fed on fish and other swimming vertebrates. Also in this image, on the upper left on the trunk of a Sigillaria scutellata is a giant millipede and cockroach. Flying overhead and resembling giant dragonflies are prehistoric insects from the genus Meganeura. The tree - like plants making up the surrounding forest include Sigillaria scutellata and Lepidodendron aculeatum. The low ground cover includes various primitive ferns and mosses
Eryops - Close to modern crocodiles, two Eryops, giant prehistoric amphibians evolute in a carboniferous marsh about 300 million years ago. With a length of up to two metres, Eryops was one of the greatest predators of his time. Also visible in the picture, lower right, is an amphibian (Ophiderpeton) and a Meganeura in flight. Resembling modern crocodiles, two giant prehistoric amphibians from the genus Eryops dominate a Carboniferous swamp 300 million years ago in what is today North America. At six feet long and 200 pounds, Eryops was one of the largest predators of its time. It probably spent most of its time in the water, and like modern crocodiles probably fed on fish and other swimming vertebrates. Also in this image, on the lower right is a snake - like, legless amphibian from the genus Ophiderpeton. Flying overhead and resembling a giant dragonfly is a prehistoric insect from the genus Meganeura. The tree - like plants making up the surrounding forest include Sigillaria scutellata and Lepidodendron aculeatum. The low ground cover includes various primitive ferns and mosses
Forest during Carboniferous period
A chart of strata, layers of sedimentary rock or soil
Close-up of a lizard
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Megapezia footprints
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Carboniferous coal forest
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Rhossili and Worm's Head seen from the Outer Head, Gower, S.Wales, UK (photo)
Mariopteris muricata
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Megapezia footprints
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Rhossili and Worm's Head seen from the Outer Head, Gower, S.Wales, UK (photo)
Carboniferous limestone sea
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