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Images of 'Barbaric' found, 602

Silver medal with the effigy of Attila (395-453) king of the Huns, flower of god (silver)
Sogdian, barbarian terracotta statuette with pointed hat carrying silk. 6th or 8th century (terracotta)
Battle between gladiators and animals, 320 AD (mosaic)
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Stilicon (Flavius Stilicho or Stiliccho, 360-408), general and politician of ancient Rome of barbaric origin (vandal father and Roman mother). “” Diptych of Stilicon””: Stilicon gun and his wife Serena and his son Eucherio. Ivory around 400. Tresor of the Duomo de Monza. (5005826).
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Colonel Doctor Josef Mengele (1911-1979), known as the angel of the death because of his medical experiments on prisoners interned in Auschwitz extermination camp, here in the 40's
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Battle between Gladiators, 320 AD (mosaic)
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Children in Auschwitz, c. 1943 (photo)
Saint Genevieve (422-502) before the king of the Huns Attila - Barbarian Invasions - Illustration by Camille Gilbert of 1890 (engraving)
Roman art: scene of battles between Roman warriors and barbarians during Marcoman wars (or Marcomannic). Relief of the sarcophagus of Portonaccio of a general of Marc Aurele. 180-190. Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano (o delle Terme)
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Portrait of Attila (395-453) King of the Huns. Anonymous 17th century painting of the “Raccolta Gioviana” Firenze Galleria degli Uffizi.
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Battle between Gladiators and Wildcats, 320 AD (mosaic)
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Orpheus, first in series of 'The Progress of Human Culture and Knowledge', c.1777-84 (oil on canvas)
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The Cruelty of Lolonois , 1893 (engraving)
Roman art: Ludovisi sarcophagus with battle scene between Romans and Barbarians - 3rd century AD, Sun 153x273 cm - Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano — Ostiliano, son of Emperor Decius (201-51 AD) surrounded by cavalry, from the Battle between Romans and Ostragoth Barbarians - Marble relief on Monumental Ludovisi Sarcophagus, c.250 AD - Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano, Italy
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Battle between Gladiators and Animals, detail of a gladiator spearing a bull, 320 AD (mosaic)
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Sarcophagus Ludovisi in marble with battle scene, battle between the Romans and the barbarians ostrogoths - in the center, Ostiliano, son of Emperor Decius - 3rd century AD, 153x273 cm - Rome, Palazzo Altemps, Museo Nazionale Romano - Roman art, sculpture - Ostiliano, son of Emperor Decius (201-51 AD) surrounded by cavalry, from the Battle between Romans and Ostragoth Barbarians - Marble relief on monumental Ludovisi sarcophagus, c.250 AD - Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano, Italy- photo Patrice Cartier -
Battle between Gladiators, detail of a gladiator fighting and a victorious gladiator, 320 AD (mosaic)
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'The Dead Line', Andersonville Prison, from the Robert Knox Sneden Diary, 1861-65 (pen & ink and w/c on paper)
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Battle between Gladiators, detail of a gladiator pinning another to the ground, 320 AD (mosaic)
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Archaeology of the Middle Ages (Middle Ages). Barbarian art of Lombardy: pectoral crosses in gold leaves. Lombard art of the 7th century. Italy, Cividale del Friuli, Archaeological Museum
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Trial of Oradour-sur-Glane at Bordeaux military court on February 1st, 1953 : Marguerite Rouffanche (only survivor of the church) (b/w photo)
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Trial of Adolf Eichmann, German nazi, in Jerusalem, June 12, 1961 : here Eichmann in his glass cage during screening of a film about atrocities made by nazis
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Barbarian art: cross set with precious stones, 6th century
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Frontpage of french newspaper "Le Petit Journal" august 25, 1907: Monte Carlo crime: Emma Levin (c) has been killed by Violette Goold and Vere Goold (they cut her body into pieces)
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Barbarian: an Alain warrior, a vandal (blond a horse) and a Berber (alan soldier, vandal and berber)
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The Proces of Adolf Eichmann
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Barbarian Invasions - Attila's Defeat near Chalons
very underweight prisoners in Neuengamme concentration camp (germany), 1945
Oradour-Sur-Glane Trial (Nazi Massacre of The Whole Village) at Military Court in Bordeaux, France January 17, 1953 (b/w photo)
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Votive crown supposedly that of Theodolinda, (cloisonnè goldsmith's art)
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Visigoths invade Ostia 410 BC
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