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Images of 'Archaeology' found, 42,565

Roman art: marble relief representing the pretorian guard, legionaries and elite soldiers (marble)
Prehistory: Dormant wheel with grains (Neolithic period), France (photo)
Cat Mummy. Egyptian Antiquite. Low period (664-332 BC).
Roman antiquite: Sarcophagus of the Muses, 2nd century (marble)
Etruscan art: terra cotta cinerary urn, 800-201 BC
Prehistory: bone perch dating from the Paleolithic, (photo)
Ancient Egyptian Art: Mummy of Pachery, -300-101 BC (linen)
Ancient Egypt Art: King Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti, c.1360 BC (limestone)
Prehistory: painted pebble from the time of the Azilian. 9000 BC (stone)
Etruscan art: female threaded bronze statuette probably representing Aphrodite. 350 BC (bronze)
Roman art: carved ox tank (stone)
Prehistoric tools: flint, knife, arrow tip and needle (stone)
Art of ancient Egypt: ostrakon hieratic. New empire of Egypt. (pottery)
Attic amphora with red figures of Cresus and Euthymos setting fire to the rodins (ceramic)
Etruscan art: sarcophagus called the 6th century terracotta brides from Cerveteri (stone)
Ancient Greece: view of the throne room of the palace of King Minos a Cnossos (photo)
Mesopotamie: stele in diorite of the Code of Laws of Hammurabi, c.1792-50 BC (stone)
Roman antiquite: statue of Minerva draped and covered with the egide holding an owl in the hand (marble and alabaster)
Gallo-Roman art: marble relief representing a race of tanks with terminals (marble)
Japanese art: Dotaku (bronze bell), -300-300 BC (bronze)