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Images of 'Andromede' found, 488

Perseus and Andromeda, 1554-56 (oil on canvas)
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Perseus Rescuing Andromeda, c.1510-13 (oil canvas)
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Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromede - M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany it: M32 (NGC 221) in the center left, and M110 (NGC 205) below. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years
Perseus, on Pegasus, Hastening to the Rescue of Andromeda, c.1896 (oil on canvas)
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Perseus and Andromeda, 1572 (oil on slate)
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Andromede Galaxy - The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) - The Andromede galaxy is located about 2.3 million light years away from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany it: M32 (NGC 221) at the top left of the nucleus, and M110 (NGC 205) at the bottom. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years
Perseus and Andromeda, from the House of Dioscuri, Pompeii (fresco)
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Perseus holding the head of Medusa, liverating Andromeda - fresco, 1st century
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Andromede Galaxy - The Andromeda Galaxy (M31) - The Andromede galaxy is located about 2.3 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany it: M32 (NGC 221) at the top left of the nucleus, and M110 (NGC 205) at the bottom. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years
Perseus Rescues Andromeda, c.1610 (oil on canvas)
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Perseus and Andromeda, 1876 (oil on canvas)
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Harl 4431 f. 98v Andromeda rescued from the monster by Perseus riding Pegasus, Parisian copy, c.1410-11 (vellum)
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Andromeda, 1929 (oil on canvas)
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Spiral Galaxy M31 in Andromede - Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany him: M32 (NGC 221) at the top, and M110 (NGC 205) at the bottom. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great Galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years. Die Andromeda - Galaxie liegt in einer Entfernung von rund 2,5 Millionen Lichtjahren. Der Durchmesser der sichtbaren Scheibe betraegt 150.000 Lj. Zum Vergleich: unsere Milchstrasse hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 100.000 Lj. Nach neuesten Erkenntnissen enthaelt M31 etwa eine Billion Sterne, waehrend die Milchstrasse 100 bis 200 Milliarden Sterne enthaelt. The Andromeda - Galaxy ist umgeben von den beiden elliptischen Galaxien M32 und M110
Perseus and Andromeda, c.1610 (oil on canvas)
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Perseus and Andromeda
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Collision between the Andromede Galaxy and the Lactee Way - Dead Earth far future - In several billions of years, the Sun will have aneantit all life on Earth. Yet if a life form persists, it will then witness the collision between the Andromede galaxy and our lactee path, creating a wave of star formation in the sky. Bilions of years hence, the sun will swell, warm, and boil away earth's oceans, transforming our once - verdant world into a desiccated wastleand. Whatever intelligent beings might exist then may gaze over the salt flats of extinct seas at a cosmic spectacle, the slow - motion collision between our Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, which will trigger a wave of star formation
Milky Way in the mountains (photo)
Perseus Freeing Andromeda (1510, oil on canvas)
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Galaxy NGC 891 in Andromede - Edge - on spiral galaxy NGC 891 in Andromeda - Spiral galaxy seen by the slice located at a distance of 10 million years - light.. This image obtained with the 2.5m Isaac Newton telescope of La Palma. If we could view the Milky Way from a distance of about 30 million light years it would look something like NGC 891. But galaxies that look like this are quite rare because the chance alignment of the thin disk of a spiral galaxy with our line of sight is unusual. A few degrees either side of its orientation and NGC 891 would be just another highly inclined spiral galaxy. From this unusual vantage point we can see in NGC 891 the surprising narrowness of the obscuring dust lane, a dark, slightly irregular band across the galaxy. We also see that it is yellowish, confirming that it is dust, which absorbs blue light, as in the Milky Way. Also similar to the Milky Way is the prominent central 'bulge' corresponding to the rich star clouds in Sagittarius. However, unlike the Milky Way, NGC 891 is relatively isolated, undisturbed by neighboring galaxies. If this was a distant view the Milky Way, the dust - lane would probably be distorted by interaction with the Magellanic Clouds, which would be prominent in the picture
Elliptical Galaxy M110 (NGC 205) in Andromede - Elliptical galaxy M110 (NGC 205) in Andromeda - The elliptical galaxy M110, Andromede's satellite galaxy, is about the same distance from us as M31, about 2.9 million years - light. It is of type E6 “special” because it presents some unusual dark structures (probably dust clouds). M110 is the second small companion (along with M32) to our sister galaxy, M31, the Andromeda Nebula. It is classified as type E5 or E6, often with the additional “” p”” for peculiar because of the structure clearly visible in this short exposure image, which is probably due to dust clouds. Because of its small size, it is usually counted as a dwarf spheroidal rather than a normal elliptical
Andromede galaxy (M31) seen in X and infrared - Andromeda galaxy infrared and X - Ray composite - Andromede spiral galaxy seen in X-ray (blue) by the XMM - Newton space telescope and in infrared (orange) by the Herschel space telescope. This mosaic of the Andromeda spiral galaxy highlights explosive stars in its interior, and cooler, dusty stars forming in its many rings. The image is a combination of observations from the Herschel Space Observatory taken in infrared light (seen in orange hues), and the XMM - Newton telescope captured in X - rays (seen in blues). Herschel provides a detailed look at the cool clouds of star birth that line the galaxy's five concentric rings. Massive young stars are heating blankets of dust that surround them, causing them to glow in the longer - wavelength infrared light, known as far - infrared, that Herschel sees. In contrast, XMM - Newton is capturing what happens at the end of the lives of massive stars. It shows the high - energy X - rays that come from, among other objects, supernova explosions and massive dead stars rotating around companions. These X - ray sources are clustered in the center of the galaxy, where the most massive stars tend to form. Andromeda is our Milky Way galaxy's nearest large neighbor. It is located about 2.5 million light - years away and holds up to an estimated trillion stars. Our Milky Way is thought to contain about 200 billion to 400 billion stars
Spiral galaxy M31 in Andromede - M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda - The galaxy of Andromede is located about 2 million years ago - light from Earth. Two satellite galaxies accompany it: M32 (NGC 221) in the center left, and M110 (NGC 205) below. Like the lactee path, the Andromede galaxy belongs to the local group, making up about thirty galaxies. M31, the Great galaxy in Andromeda, is a gigantic collection of more than 300 billion stars and is located about 2 million light years from Earth. Companion dwarf elliptical galaxies M32 and M110 are also visible. M31 and its companions are part of our local group of galaxies, which includes the Milky Way and Magellanic Clouds, and M33. The Andromeda Galaxy is headed towards our Milky Way Galaxy and is expected to collide with it and possibly merge into a gigantic elliptical galaxy in about 3 billion years
Fresco depicting Perseus setting Andromeda free, from House of the Dioscuri, Pompei
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Mission Andromede - C. Haignere and V. Afanassiev - Andromede mission - C. Haignere and V. Afanassiev prior to launch - view of the dressing, with a view to launching the Franco-Russian Andromede mission, this Sunday, October 21 at 14:59 (local time). The Andromede mission took place from 21 to 31 October 2001 on board the ISS (the International Space Station). Claudie Haignere was the first European woman to work aboard the ISS. Date of this shot: Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 10:00 am local time. ESA astronaut Claudie Haignere, from France, and Soyuz TM - 33 mission commander Viktor Afanassiev are donning their Sokol pressure suits prior to transfer to the launch pad for launch of the “Andromede” mission to the International Space Station on October 21, 2001.Claudie Haignere participated as first female European astronaut in a 'taxi light' to the International Space Station as Soyuz Flight Engineer. The “” Andromede”” Mission occured from 21 to 31 October 2001, onboard the International Space Station
Mission Andromede - Claudie Haignere - Andromede mission - Claudie Haignere prior to launch - view of the dressing, in view of the launch of the Franco-Russian Andromede mission, this Sunday, October 21 at 14:59 (local time). The Andromede mission took place from 21 to 31 October 2001 on board the ISS (the International Space Station). Claudie Haignere was the first European woman to work aboard the ISS. Claudie Haignere participated as first female European astronaut in a taxi flight to the International Space Station as Soyuz Flight Engineer. The “” Andromede”” Mission occured from 21 to 31 October 2001, onboard the International Space Station. Image taken on October 21 2001
Le Groupe local - The Local Group - The Lactee Way and its neighbors seen from about 700,000 years of light from the Sun. The Local Group contains about 30 galaxies. The position of the Sun is indicated by a red dot. The Milky Way and its neighbors as seen from a location about 700,000 light-years from the Sun. The nearest galaxies are the two Magellanic clouds, beyond them is the spiral galaxy M33. There are about 30 members of the local group but not all show up in this perspective. The location of the Sun is marked by a red dot
Perseus Liberating Andromeda, 1570 (oil on slate)
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Lactee route - Pointe du Raz - Milky Way - Pointe du Raz - The Great Bear is almost entirely masked by the semaphore tower at Pointe du Raz. The “Two Guards” located on the right of the tower point towards the Polar Star, vertical of the antenna. Higher, our eye cuts the lactee path near the zenith. As we descend towards the southern horizon, we can see the Great Galaxy of Andromede and that of the Triangle. Brittany, 27 September 2008. The Big Dipper is almost completely masked by the tower of the semaphore. Its two stars on the right are pointing towards the star Polaris, at the vertical of the antenna. Higher, our eye cross the Milky Way near the zenith. Then, descending towards the South, we can see the Great Andromeda Galaxy and the Triangulum Galaxy. Pointe du Raz, Brittany, 27 September 2008
Titan Terraformee
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Leo 1 dwarf galaxy in the Lion - Leo 1 dwarf galaxy - Leo 1 is located about 900,000 light years from Earth. It belongs to the local group, just like our galaxy or Andromede galaxy. It has only been known since the 1950s; it is difficult to observe due to the proximity of the Regulus star, thousands of times brighter. Image obtained from the 3.9m telescope of Siding Spring. The 'Local Group' of galaxies, to which the Milky Way belongs, contains more dwarf galaxies than any other type. The low surface brightness and lack of bright stars makes them difficult to study, even with a large telescope. Leo I presents particular problems because the galaxy appears only 20 arc minutes (less than the apparent diameter of the Moon) from the brilliant star Regulus and special precautions had to be taken to prevent scattered light from the star obliterating its feeble image. The plates from which this picture was made (the first in colour of a dwarf elliptical galaxy) will be used to learn more about the origins of star formation in these light - weight objects
Jaffa - view from the sea
Perseus freeing Andromeda, from the House of Castor and Pollux, Pompeii, 4th decorative style, c.50-79 AD (fresco)
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Charles-Joseph Messier (1730-1817) observations of a nebula of Andromeda's belt 1807 (engraving) (b/w photo)
Perseus and Andromeda (oil on canvas)
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Andromeda (pen & ink on paper)
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Perseus releasing Andromeda. Fresco 98 x 120 cm. From the House of the Dioscuri (Casa dei Dioscuri) in Pompei. 300 AD. Museo Nazionale Archeologico, Napoli (Archaeological Museum of Naples).
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Andromeda Chained to the Rock, 1874 (oil on canvas)
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""Persee et Andromede"" Sauvetage d'Andromede par Persee sur le cheval Pegase sous le regard des dieux Jupiter (Zeus) et Minerve (Athena). Peinture de Giambattista Tiepolo (1696-1770) (Esquisse) 1731 New York collection Frick (pse66474)
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Snuff box, 1762-68 (gold, enamel)
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Captive Andromeda, 1876
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Andromeda Offered to the Sea Monster is Freed by Perseus, 1597-1604 (fresco)
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