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Images of 'Agronomics' found, 40

Top left, Prowess, a crowned female figure standing on a bull. Top right, Idleness, represented by a ploughman sleeping beside his neglected plough and team. Bottom left, David and Goliath, typifying Prowess. Bottom right, Labour, represented by a sower
[Whole folio] Psalm 93. Lower margin; the plough is drawn by a team of four yoked oxen, a man guiding it from behind. A second man walks behind the oxen on the far side with a long green whip, looking round at his companion. Border decoration with grotesque
Calendar scene for September: Ploughing, sowing and harrowing. (Below): playing with marbles and stilts
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(Whole folio) Cutting and loading wood. Calendar page for July. Three men cutting down trees with axes; another loads a log on to a cart. On right, two oxen. At foot, Cancer in a roundel
Workers excavating earth and transporting it
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Homme de la Nouvelle Caledonie. A man from New Caledonia
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Scenes from the life of the Buddha.
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Gold-diggers at work
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(Whole folio) Calendar page for July: Farm workers scything
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Calendar page for March: Farm workers breaking stones, digging and sowing
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July: two men threshing, with their master watching
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Miniature of men pruning vines, on a calendar page for March
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Calendar page for August; two men threshing and winnowing corn, while two others watch. Borders of trompe l'oeil decoration of flowers, strawberries and birds
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Bas-de-page scenes from the Flight into Egypt: at left, a man sowing seed (the Cornfield Miracle); and at right, idols falling from their pedestals, with two demons flying away, at the beginning of Psalm 120. With a caption reading 'Cy les ydoles chirent et vriserunt par vertu de ih[es]u'
Bas-de-page scene of two men with flails threshing corn in sheaves
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Miniature of three men scything grass, on a calendar page for June
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Calendar page for December. Lower margin: men threshing corn and carrying it off in a basket slung on a pole
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A historiated initial 'I'(n) of Ruth gleaning
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Miniature of men harvesting and a woman with a sheaf of wheat, on a calendar page for July
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October calendar miniature of a man ploughing, another sowing and the zodiac sign, Scorpio
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Scenes from the Book of Revelation, chapter 14, verses 13-18, and their interpretation: instructions from heaven for the writer; the harvest of the earth
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Two farm labourers work the fields with their ploughs pulled by two horses in the foreground, with roofs and a spire seen among trees beyond and Chiemsee in the background
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Archduke Maximilian Franz of Austria talks to two men on a terrace overlooking the fields surrounding the Kurfurstliches Schloss in Bonn. Visitors walking under the trees on the right in the foreground, and labourers harvesting on the left and a view of the palace in the background
June: a man reaping corn and a woman tying the sheaves
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Miniature of three men pruning and setting stocks in a vineyard, with a full foliate border including a white ram (Aries), from the calendar page for March
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Miniature of a man on a white horse pulling a harrow, while another man is sowing seed, with a partial foliate border including a scorpion (Scorpio), from the calendar page for October
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Calendar page for January: Three men with plough.
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Miniature of fruit gathering, wood-cutting and reaping with a full border and a foliate initial 'A'(pres), at the beginning of book 9
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Bas-de-page scene of the Cornfield Miracle, with Herod questioning the peasant reaping the fully-grown corn, with a caption reading, 'Cy erodes demande au messeour nouels de .iii roys a il oit quil su[n]t en lur t[er]es'
Miniature of two men threshing wheat and another man winnowing in a wattled enclosure, with a full foliate border including a woman holding a palm (Virgo), from the calendar page for August
Calendar scene for August showing three men reaping, with a farmer directing them.
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Miniature of two men binding sheaves in a field, while another man reaps and a horse-drawn cart is pulled alongside, with a full foliate border including a lion (Leo) and three sheaves of wheat, from the calendar page for July
The natives of Venezuela, using gold vessels, cultivating maize and fishing
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October: A man sowing wheat, with two oxen pulling a plough
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A bas-de-page scene of two men with axes chopping down a tree
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Paradiso, Canto II. Miniature shows Jason ploughing; two men in a boat; Minerva blowing; Apollo leads Dante; the Muses on a bank of clouds point to Ursa Major; Dante and Beatrice ascend towards the Heaven of the Moon
Rhyming words ending in the letter E. The Golden primer.
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Rhyming words ending in the letter L. Ploughing. A stork. The Golden primer.
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Calendar page for September. Winemaking; a man in a vat treading grapes, another pouring the juice into barrels. Decorated borders
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'Our soldiers hunting for souvenirs of the latest Zeppelin raid [England]'. Soldiers digging outside a partly demolished house
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