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Images of 'Senat' found, 4,417

The crowd in Senat Square during the Decembrist revolt (w/c)
United States, 1950s: Politicians in chamber, man puts tape player on table
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The Death of Julius Caesar, 1805-06 (oil on canvas)
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Cicero in the Senate denouncing Catiline (63 BC), 1882-1888 (fresco)
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The Death of Julius Caesar, detail, 1805-06 (oil on canvas)
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French President Charles De Gaulle during Speech at Television on May 24, 1968 (b/w photo)
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A group of senators outside the Temple of Jupiter (marble) (see 261376 amd 261377)
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Julius Caesar (marble)
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Roman political system: The consul. Jules Cesar crossed the river of Rubicon with his legions in arms on 10 January 49 BC in the footsteps of Pompee the Great (Gneo Pompeo Magno or Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, 106-48 BC) and violated the law of the Roman Senate which prohibited a Roman general from crossing the border river of the Cisalpine Gaul. Crossing the river, Jules Cesar pronounces the famous formula “Alea jacta est”” (The fate is jete). Chromolitography of the late 19th century.
Jules Cesar crosses the river of Rubicon with his legions in arms on January 10, 49 BC in the footsteps of Pompee the Great (Gneo Pompeo Magno or Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, 106-48 BC) and violates the law of the Roman Senate which prohibited a Roman general from crossing the border river of Cisalpine Gaul - Crossing the river, Jules Cesar prononca The famous formula Alea jacta est”” (Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) Crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC from Cisalpine Gaul to Italy to make his way to Rome - Caesar uttered the famous phrase alea iacta est (“the die has been cast”)) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection
Galileo (1564-1642) presenting his telescope to the Venetian senate, from The Trial of Galileo (fresco)
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Debate in the early Roman senate (gouache on paper)
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Threat of the Sabine Tribes
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Julius Caesar (gouache on paper)
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The Roman statesman Ciceron (Marcus Tullius Cicero) (106-43 BC) pronouncing the famous Quousque tandem abutere, Catilina, patientia nostra”” (Until when finally, Catilina, will you abuse our patience?) of the first speech against the conspirator Catilina (Lucius Sergius Catilina) (108-62 BC) (first catilinary) in 63 BC” (Catiline Orations (Catilinarian Orations), speeches given in 63 BC by Marcus Tullius Cicero, the consul of Rome, exposing to the Roman Senate the plot of Lucius Sergius Catilina) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection
Cato warning his Senate colleagues about Carthage
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Drusus carried home unconscious (litho)
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Roman antiquite: the death of Jules Cesar”” Jules Cesar (Giulio Cesare or Caius Julius Caesar) politician and Roman writer, (100-44 BC), assassinated by a conspiracy of Senators in the theatre of Pompee where the Senate gathered, the fatal blow comes from his adoptive son, Brutus, on March 15, 44 BC) (The assassination of the novel emperor Julius Caesar the 15th march 44 BC) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection
Senator Joseph McCarthy testifies before the Senate at the Army-McCarthy hearings. Army Counsel Joseph N. Welch sits next to him, 1954
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France, Arles (Arelate), Marble votive shield, copy after the golden shield given by the Senate to Augustus (Gaius Iulius Caesar Octavianus, 63 B.C. - 14 A.D.) as an award
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Cicero denounces Catiline (c108-62 B.C.) engraving, 19thcentury
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French Presidentcharles De Gaulle Is Going To Vote on April 27, 1969 (Bill on The Constitution in France: Creation of The Regions and Reform of The Senate) (b/w photo)
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Paris, 1918 : French politician Joseph Caillaux judged for agreement with german ennemy
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Russian Revolutionaries meeting in Terioki, Finland, 1906 (b/w photo)
Roman Antiquity: “” the proscription under the rule of the dictator Sylla (or Sulla) consisting of an arbitrary condemnation announced by means of posters, and which entitles anyone to kill the persons whose names are posters - The assassin receives a recompense, usually part of the heritage of the outlawed”” (Proscription of roman dictator Sulla in 82 BC - An early instance of mass proscription took place in 82 BC, when Lucius Cornelius Sulla was appointed dictator rei publicae constituendae (“Dictator for the Reconstitution of the Republic”) - Sulla proceeded to have the Senate draw up a list of those he considered enemies of the state and published the list in the Roman Forum) di Roma”” by Francesco Bertolini