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{"event":"custom_event","event_name":"view_search_result","event_category":"browse_catalog","keyword":"Reznicek Ferdinand von (1868 1909)","search_type":"standard","search_bridgeman_artists":"false","search_mode":"automatic","search_zero_result":"false","search_results":179,"search_results_page_number":1}

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Images of 'Reznicek Ferdinand Von (1868 1909)' found, 179

'The better part'. Four women having refreshments at a cafe, from the magazine Simplicissimus, 1897 (engraving)
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'Madness'. A man on a balcony reaching out for a spectral vision of a woman, 1896-98 (engraving)
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Four young girls walking arm-in-arm, 1896 (engraving)
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'A conversion'. A man and woman dancing.
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Title page of the Simplicissimus for carnival, 1900 (b/w photo)
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"Glueckliches Zusammentreffen" ("Happy Meeting") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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Dancing tea in 1908
"Pierrot " by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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A masked ball, c.1900 (b/w photo)
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'Cupid's game'. A romantic scene in a forest.
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'Dom Pedro de Cassalle'. Illustration for a story by Donald Wedekind. A man and a woman on a bench; a passionate scene.
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"Portraitsitzung" ("Portrait Session") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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Chambermaid helping her mistress to get dressed, early 20th century (b/w photo)
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Subscription to "A wedding night". A married couple.
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"Der schlafende Engel" ("The Sleeping Angel") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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'The Forbidden Book'. A girl reading a book in bed. It is taken from her by an older woman, who then reads it herself.
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"Boshaft"  (Wicked) by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Modern" by Reznicek Ferdinand, 1901
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"Ein Schwaermer" ("A sentimentalist") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Aschermittwoch" ("Ash Wednesday") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Hoehere Dressur" ("Higher Dressage") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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Ferdinand von Reznicek "Bedenken"(Concerns), 1900
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"Schwere Zeiten" ("Difficult Times") by Reznicek Ferdinand, 1901 (engraving)
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"Schwieriger Rueckzug" ("Difficult retreat") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Lueckenhafte Kritik" ("Gappy Criticism") by  Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Madame Adele" by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Tete-a-tete" by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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"Sommerfreuden" ("Summer pleasures") by Reznicek Ferdinand , 1901
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