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Images of 'Precious And Illuminated Collection Of The Most Beautiful And' found, 200

The Indian Carnation. French marigold, Tagetes patula. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Pecher of China. Peach blossom, Prunus persica. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Kiu-hoa, China's Matricary has white and purple flowers. Chrysanthemum indicum with dragonfly. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Wild flax. Wild flax, Linum lewisii. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Vine. Grapevine, Vitis vinifera. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Red Aubepine has double flowers. Hawthorn, Crataegus species, with beetle and butterfly. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Althea tree. Rose mallow, Hibiscus syriacus. Clouded sulphur butterfly, Colias philodice. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
La Capri. Caper bush, Capparis spinosa, with sphinx moth. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Orube verbena, Verbena orubica. Porterweed, Stachytarpheta orubica. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Gentian blue. Blue gentian, Gentiana acaulis, with white-lined sphinx moth, Hyles lineata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Violet thorn. Blackthorn, Prunus spinosa, with sphinx moth. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Tuber. Tuberosis, Polianthes tuberosa. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The common peony color of flesh. Pink peony, Paeonia officinalis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Cape Ixia color saffron. African corn lily, Tritonia crocata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Gorcopsis is whirling. Threadleaf coreopsis, Coreocopsis verticillata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Capuchin. Garden nasturtium, Tropaeolum majus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Iris of the little species. Dwarf purple iris, Iris verna. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Night Beauty. Marvel of Peru, Mirabilis jalapa. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The round-leaved beef stop. Ononis rotundifolia, round-leaved restharrow. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The yellow lily stain from China, bearing bulbs. Tiger lily, Lilium lancifolium, Lilium tigrinum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
American Heliotrope. American turnsole, Heliotropium species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Yellow Jasmine from China. Yellow jasmine, humile jasminum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Tricolor. Edible amaranth, Amaranthus tricolor. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Alcee of China has manihot leaves. Hibiscus manihot, Abelmoschus manihot. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
China's Lunar. Chinese honesty, Lunaria annua. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Narcissus of China. Chinese daffodil, Narcissus tazetta. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Poppy has double flowers. Oriental poppy, Papaver Oriental. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Persicary of China has quackgrass leaves. Chinese knotweed, Persicaria species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Red Bedding has double flowers. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Cape Yellow Ornithogale. Sun star, Ornithogalum dubium. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
China's red water lily. Sacred lotus, Nelumbo nucifera, and Mandarin duck, Aix galericulata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Peony Tree the Mutton has purple flowers. Moutan tree peony, Paeonia species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The purple tree has incarnate flowers. Rose mallow, Hibiscus syriacus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Royal Crimson, Jacinth's species. Hyacinth hybrid, Hyacinthus orientalis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Alkekenge of China. Chinese lantern, Physalis alkekengi. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The flesh-colored Robin. Bristly locust tree, Robinia hispida. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Summer Amaryllis. Belladonna lily, Amaryllis belladonna. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Cape Moree, Moree chinensis. Leopard lily, Iris domestica. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Ixia has flesh-colored flowers. Spotted African corn lily, Ixia maculata, with stag beetle. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Ellebore has rosaceous flowers. Pink flowered hellebore, Helleborus species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Elleborin of China. Helleborine orchid, Cephalanthera longifolia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Lychnide has lacinia flowers color of China's Saffron. Catchfly species, Lychnis senno. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Variety Iris. Hungarian iris, Iris variegata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Ficoide d'Affrique or the Mesenbryantheme. Rosy dewplant, Lampranthus roseus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Annual Sunflower. Helianthus annuus, common sunflower. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The St. James Lottery. Black-flowered lotus, Lotus jacobaeus, and great tiger moth, Arctia caja. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Pink Panache of England. English hybrid rose, Rosa species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Dwarf Narcissus species. Dwarf daffodil, Narcissus species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Cane of India. Indian shot, Canna indica. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Asclepias of Affrique. African asclepias, Stapelia gigantea? Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The White Martagon. Lilium martagon album. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Queen daisy purple and red. China star, Callistephus chinensis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Purple. Mallow tree, Hibiscus syriacus, and kingfisher, Alcedo atthis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Martagon of the Pyrenees. Martagon lily, Lilium martagon. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Momordic of China. Bitter gourd or bitter melon, Momordica charantia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Amaryllis has long leaves. Ammocharis longifolia or Cybistetes longifolia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Grenadille has leaves with silk teeth, the Maracot. Purple passionflower, Passiflora incarnata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Philadelphia Lily. Philadelphia lily, Lilium philadelphicum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The quackgrass of the parnassus. Marsh grass of Parnassus or bug-star, Parnassia palustris. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Loosestrife. Purple loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Mandarin. Sasanqua camellia, Camellia sasanqua. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Different species of mushrooms. Mushroom varieties. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Little Kalm. Mountain laurel, Kalmia latifolia. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Red Amaranth has Crete. Cockscomb, Celosia cristata. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Purple tree with purple flowers. Violet hibiscus, Hibiscus syriacus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The big purple Bedding. Bindweed or morning glory, Convolvulus species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Asian Pancration. Pancratium zeylanicum. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Arctotis of Ethiopia. African daisy, Arctotis species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Carnations of China. China Pinks, Dianthus chinensis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
Alcee of China. Chinese hollyhock, Malva alcea (Pentapetes sinica) and swallowtail butterfly. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Common Peony. Common peony, Paeonia officinalis. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Guerin kind approaching Pyracantha. Firethorn, Pyracantha atalantioides. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
La Labordere. Rhododendron species? Named for Labordere, chief physician to the Comte d'Artois. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The great Lathyra. Everlasting pea, Lathyrus latifolius. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Pecher. Peach blossom, Prunus persica. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Pecher of China has semi-double flowers. Chinese peach blossom, Prunus persica. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Lavatere has red flowers. Rose mallow, Lavatera or Malva species. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.
The Mufle de Lyon. Snapdragon, Antirrhinum majus. Handcoloured etching from Pierre Joseph Buchoz 'Precious and illuminated collection of the most beautiful and curious flowers, grown both in the gardens of China and in those of Europe, Paris, 1776.