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Images of 'Occitania' found, 3,043

Plateau du Larzac/Grands Causses Regional Natural Park/Aveyron/Midi Pyrenees/France
Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct, France. (photo)
President James Madison's house in Montpelier, Virginia, 1818, by Anne Marguerite Hyde de Neuville (ca.1749-1849), watercolor, United States, 19th century
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Raymond VII submitting to the King of France Louis IX
Medical treatments of the sick at the Medical University of Montpellier, miniature from The Surgery of Master Rogerius by Roggerio dei Frugardi or Rogerius Salernitanus, Latin manuscript, France 14th century.
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Statue de Guillaume de Gaucelme (ou Gausselme), seigneur du Teillet (mort en 1211), oeuvre de Ramon de Bianya (Raymond de Via) (actif debut 13eme siecle) et la sainte tombe (IVeme siecle) contenant les reliques des Saints Abdon et Sennen. Abbaye Sainte Marie d'Arles sur Tech, 11e-14e siecle - FRANCE. Occitanie. EASTERN PYRENEES. Arles-sur-Tech. Abbey of Saint Marie d'Arles. Lying statue of Guillem Gaucelm de Tellet and the Holy Tomb (white marble tomb which used to contain the remains of Saints Abdon and Sennen). Romanesque art. Photography ©Maeyaert/AIC/Leemage
France, Tarn, Albi, Musee Toulouse Lautrec, exterior view
Reconstruction of a Roman allege
Abbey Sainte-Marie de Fontfroide, near Narbonne (Aude, 11, Cathar country, Languedoc, Corbieres, Occitanie region): former Cistercian abbey - In the cloister, surrounded by his children, the owner of the abbey at the beginning of the 20th century, Mr. Gustave Fayet (1865-1925) painter close to Paul Gauguin and d'Odilon Redon (1840 - 1916). receives this last (sketchbook under the arm) came to make two frescoes in 1910 in the library of the abbey - photograph of 1910, archives of the family of Andoca -
Legs of two characters, late 2nd - beginning 3rd century (fresco)
FRANCE. EASTERN PYRENEES. Ceret. Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge), built in 1321 over the Tech river. Photography ©Maeyaert/AIC/Leemage
House and church Caussenarde/St Pierre des Tripiers/Causse Mejean/Grands Causses Regional Natural Park/Lozere/Languedoc Roussillon/France
Delivrance des embmures de Carcassonne In August 1303, the people of Carcassonne and Albi come to tear out from the Inquisition dungeons the many prisoners they contained - Bernard Delicieux tries to contain the crowd that his speeches amused - The reformer of Languedoc, Jean de Pecquigny is witnessing the invasion of dungeons - Painting by Jean- Paul (Jean Paul) Laurens (1838-1921), 1879 - Detail - Size: 4,3 x 3,5 m - Carcassonne, musee des Beaux Arts
Historical fresco in the streets of Carcassonne: Representation of evil = the Cathars (the Perfect)
Group of schoolchildren in uniform, posing with their master for the class photo. Lycee de Carcassonne (Aude) 1897.
France. Medieval stele, erected in 1960, in memory of the Cathars.
Hatching of a velociraptor egg (sculpture)
The castle known as Cathare d'Aguilar (12th century), aerials view - Aude (11) Languedoc, Occitania, Pays cathare - vineyards of Corbieres -
Narbo Via Romanite Museum in Narbonne, 2021 (photograph)
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Ephemere installation on the  the ramparts of the Cite de Carcassonne, France, 2018 (photo)
The site.
Cloitre Saint John/House of the Order of France/Pontifical Chartreuse of the Val de Benediction/Villeneuve Lez Avignon/Gard/Languedoc/Roussillon/France
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne). Exterior. North porch.
Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Étienne). Exterior. North porch.
Plateau du Larzac/Grands Causses Regional Natural Park/Aveyron/Midi Pyrenees/France
Quote of Carcassonne. General view of the ramparts seen from the southwest, above the autumn vines. Photo by Patrice Cartier
Refectory of a religious school around 1910: the boarding school Jeanne d'Arc in Carcassonne (Aude).
Delivrance of the Carcassonne Empures. Painting by Jean-Paul Laurens, 1879, photoglyptic reproduction of Goupil & Cie at the beginning of the 20th century - “” In August 1303, the people of Carcassonne and Albi came to tear the many prisoners they contained from the Inquisition cells - The minor brother Bernard Delicieux endeavoured to contain the crowd his speeches amused - The reformer of the Languedoc, Jean de Pecquigny, accompanied by several consuls of Carcassonne, witnessed the invasion of dungeons that he could not avoid” (B Haureau: Bernard Delicieux and the Albigeoise inquisition)
Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct, France. (photo)
Pont du Gard, Roman aqueduct, France. (photo)
France, Gorges du Tarn, Castelbouc, village built below cliff at the edge of the Tarn river in Gorges du Tarn
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Royal MS 10 E IV f.313v, a bas-de-page scene of one knight unhorsing another before a castle, c.1300-40 (pen & ink and tempera on parchment)
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Metal Industry in Decazeville in Aveyron, engraving, France, 19th century
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Château Malromé, Saint-André-du-Bois, Gironde Department, Acquitaine, France (photo)
Altar, Cathédrale Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Midi-Pyrénées, Haute-Garonne, France (photo)
Castle of Peyrepertuse  (10th-13th century)