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Images of 'Lower Fall' found, 201

A series of sketches, views in Great Britain, the Continent and America 1772-1778 (w/c)
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Adoration of the Bronze Snake, 1542-1543 (fresco)
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Bull Skull, Fruit, Pitcher, 1939 (oil on canvas)
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Fishing boats, on the Brahmaputra river, in Gauhati, Assam, Northeast India. Brahmaputra the major river of Central and South Asia, flows some 1,800 miles, 2,900 kilometers, from its source in the Himalayas to its confluence with the Ganges River, after which the mingled waters of the two rivers fall into the Bay of Bengal. Along its course it passes through the Tibet - Autonomous Region of China, the Indian states of Arun?chal Pradesh and Assam, and Bangladesh. For most of its length, the river serves as an important inland waterway; it is not, however, navigable between the mountains of Tibet and the plains of India. In its lower course, the river is both a creator and a destroyer depositing huge quantities of fertile alluvial soil but also causing disastrous and frequent floods. Source: Britannica online encyclopedia.  (photo)
Castle and park of Celle
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Lower Wilbury Farm, 1930s (w/c on paper)
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Rhine River with Stahleck Castle and Bacharach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine River with Stahleck Castle and Bacharach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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The Bell Inn, Lower Heyford, Oxfordshire, England (photo)
Herrenhausen Gardens, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany (photo)
Rhine River with Stahleck Castle and Bacharach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Rhine Valley, Loreley Rock near St. Goarshausen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine River with Stahleck Castle and Bacharach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Remy De La Fosse Temple in Herrenhausen Gardens, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany (photo)
Herrenhausen Gardens, Hannover, Lower Saxony, Germany (photo)
Rhine River with Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in Kaub, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Cliffs of Magho, Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Cliffs of Magho, Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Door of the Death (Porta della morte), by Giacomo Manzù, 1958 - 1964, 20th Century, bronze, 472 x 236 cm
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Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Lower Lough Erne, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, UK (photo)
Rhine River with Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in Kaub, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine River with Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in Kaub, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine River with Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in Kaub, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine River with Stahleck Castle and Bacharach, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rainbow over Lower Lough Erne with Cliffs of Magho in Background, County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland, (photo)
Pumpkin seedlees and watermelon selling in New York , USA (photo)
Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen with Katz Castle, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen with Katz Castle, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Scarecrow with a pumpkin face salling during Halloween day in New York, USA (photo)
Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen with Katz Castle, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Door of the Death (Porta della morte), by Giacomo Manzù, 1958 - 1964, 20th Century, bronze, 471 x 236 cm
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Door of the Death (Porta della morte), by Giacomo Manzù, 1958 - 1964, 20th Century, bronze, 471 x 236 cm
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Autumnally bald trees near a fence in an green belt, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
A woman passing great old trees at an autumn stroll, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen with Katz Castle, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Pumpkin seedlees and watermelon selling in New York , USA (photo)
A man sitting on one of the central streets of Chelsea, New York, USA (photo)
Guess advert in Chelsea. In this district, along the ninth and tenth avenue find numerous cafes and restaurants (photo)
Grand Canyon, Lower Falls, Yellowstone National Park, United States of America
Members of the Volkssturm at a NSDAP rally in Lower Silesia, 1944
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Rhine Valley, low water of River Rhine near St. Goarshausen with Katz Castle, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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Slowly autumn comes to German cities, Deutschland 1930s (b/w photo)
The Milky Way above The Isle of Sein, Brittany, 27 September 2008
A woman passing great old trees at an autumn stroll, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
Rhine River with Pfalzgrafenstein Castle in Kaub, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Europe
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White Birds, by Ivan Generalic, 1969, 20th Century, oil on glass, 48.5 x 46.5 cm
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Andromede and Triangle Constellations - Constellations of Andromeda and Triangulum - The constellation of Andromede begins at the brilliant star Alpheratz, or Alpha Andromedae, one of the corners of the great square of Pegase. Alpheratz is the brightest star in the picture, on the right, and is located about 97 light years away from Earth. Mirach star, in the center of the image, is a giant red star situated about 200 years ago - light. The galaxy of Andromede, M31, is visible at the top of the picture. At the bottom of the mage, in the middle, the galaxy M33. The large open cluster NGC 752 is at the bottom left. The constellations of Andromeda, the Princess, and Triangulum, the Triangle, point the way to several deep - sky delights in the fall sky. Andromeda begins at the bright star Alpheratz, or Alpha Andromedae, one of the corners of the great square of Pegasus. Alpheratz is the brightest star in the image, near the right side of the frame and is located about 97 light years away from us on Earth. The constellation includes the bright stars Mirach (Beta Andromedae) and Almach (Gamma Andromedae). Mirach is a red giant star located about 200 light years away. Almach can be seen as a beautiful blue and gold double star in telescopes and is located about 355 light years away. Mirach, and Mu Andromedae above it, point the way to the Andromeda Galaxy, M31. The great galaxy in Andromeda can be seen with the unaided eye from a dark location as a faint smudge of light. It is one of the farthest objects that can be seen with the unaided eye at a distance of about 2.5 million light years. Drawing a line from M31 to Mirach, and extending this line about the same distance past Mirach, we find the Pinwheel Galaxy, M33, at bottom center. The large open cluster NGC 752 is at lower left. The distinctive triangular shape of the constellation of Triangulum can be seen at the lower left of the image
Sundial in four seasons - Sundial in four seasons - Morning sundial, dating from the 18th century. It was restored in 1981. It is visible in the courtyard of the Old College of Jesuites in Reims. By comparing the images, taken respectively at the spring equinox (21 March, upper left), the summer solstice (21 June, upper right), the autumn equinox (21 September, lower left) and finally the winter solstice (21 December, lower right), the variation of the long shade of the style, as well as the evolution of the vine, are clearly visible. during the year. 17th century sundial in Reims (France), showing the sun 'shadow during spring equinox (top left), summer solstice (top right), autumn equinox (bottom left), and winter solstice (bottom right)
Andromede and Triangle Constellations - Constellations of Andromeda and Triangulum - The constellation of Andromede begins at the brilliant star Alpheratz, or Alpha Andromedae, one of the corners of the great square of Pegase. Alpheratz is the brightest star in the picture, on the right, and is located about 97 light years away from Earth. Mirach star, in the center of the image, is a giant red star situated about 200 years ago - light. The galaxy of Andromede, M31, is visible at the top of the picture. At the bottom of the mage, in the middle, the galaxy M33. The large open cluster NGC 752 is at the bottom left. The constellations of Andromeda, the Princess, and Triangulum, the Triangle, point the way to several deep - sky delights in the fall sky. Andromeda begins at the bright star Alpheratz, or Alpha Andromedae, one of the corners of the great square of Pegasus. Alpheratz is the brightest star in the image, near the right side of the frame and is located about 97 light years away from us on Earth. The constellation includes the bright stars Mirach (Beta Andromedae) and Almach (Gamma Andromedae). Mirach is a red giant star located about 200 light years away. Almach can be seen as a beautiful blue and gold double star in telescopes and is located about 355 light years away. Mirach, and Mu Andromedae above it, point the way to the Andromeda Galaxy, M31. The great galaxy in Andromeda can be seen with the unaided eye from a dark location as a faint smudge of light. It is one of the farthest objects that can be seen with the unaided eye at a distance of about 2.5 million light years. Drawing a line from M31 to Mirach, and extending this line about the same distance past Mirach, we find the Pinwheel Galaxy, M33, at bottom center. The large open cluster NGC 752 is at lower left. The distinctive triangular shape of the constellation of Triangulum can be seen at the lower left of the image
Via Crucis, 16 stations, 1968-1981 (bronze and marble)
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Survey of the peat district of Worpswede, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
Via Crucis, 16 stations, 1968-1981 (bronze and marble)
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Central Door of the Dome of Milan, by Ludovico Pogliaghi, 1894 - 1908, 19th - 20th Century, bronze
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October (Ottobre), by Benedetto da Milano upon drawing by Bramantino, c. 1503-1508, 16th century (tapestry)
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Central Door of the Dome of Milan, by Ludovico Pogliaghi, 1894 - 1908, 19th - 20th Century, bronze
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Sketch for Bagneux town hall: autumn landscape, 1902 (oil on canvas)