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Images of 'JeanBernard' found, 3,146

Well room: Bison, bird and man downstairs.
Large red cow with black head (length 2,80m). Montignac. Lascaux cave.
The Coronation of the Virgin. Painting by Enguerrand Quarton (1418-1466). Oil on wood, 1454. 183 x 220 cm. Hospice Museum. Villeneuve les Aviignons.
Register of the lands of the Count of Rochefoucauld. Montignac. Lascaux cave.
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Interior of the Sainte Chapelle (upper chapel) in Paris. Gothic art of the 13th century.
Bulls room: detail head of bull. Montignac. Lascaux cave.
Bulls room and small deer detail. Montignac. Lascaux cave.
Representation of Charles Martel (686-741) - Sculpture Gallery of illustrious Men Chateau de Versailles
Mask, Lega, Democratic Republic of Congo, 20th century. Dim in cm 27x16x7cm. Painted wood and pigments. Musee de l'hospice Saint-Roch, Issoudun. Mandatory mention
Nude in the Mirror 20th century (oil on canvas)
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Gothic Art: The life of Saint Martial, the vaults of the Saint Martial Chapel. Fresco by Matteo Giovanetti. 1344 - 1346. Palace of the Popes, Avignon
Architecture: facade of Villa Majorelle made by Henri Sauvage (1873-1932), 1901-1902. Nancy (Meurthe and Moselle).
General view of the Church Notre Dame de Le Raincy (Seine saint Denis) 1923 (photo)
Wall paintings of the Life of Saint Eloi “” Blacksmith and Orfevre”” by the Cathedrale Notre Dame de Rodez. legende in the language of OC
Bulls room: detail head of bull. Montignac. Lascaux cave.
Italy Tuscany Florence, Uffizi Gallery: The Bapteme of Christ - Painting by Andrea del Verochio (1435-1488), completed by Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519), oil on wood, between 1472-1475, 177x151 cm
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  • Bridgeman Images only provides access to this image. Consent to use and possible payment of an additional fee may be required according to Italian Cultural Heritage Code and would need to be cleared in advance with the institution where the work is kept.
Italy Tuscany San Gimignano, Museum of Sacred Art: Scene fresco of the Chevaleresque Tournament, 1289, work by Azzo di Masetto (late 13th century)
Funeral monument of Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592). Sculpture by Barthelemy Prieur (1536-1611) and Guillermain in 1595. Bordeaux. Museum of Aquitaine.
Italy Tuscany San Gimignano - Musee d'Art Sacre - Scene fresco “” Le coucher”” by Memmo di FILIPUCCIO (active between 1288 and 1324), MUSEE D'ART SACRE
Prisoners chouans at “Mont Libre””: prisoners sold at Mont Saint Michel. Municipal Museum of Avranches
Jordan: Canal in the SIQ that brought drinking water to the Petra site
Italy Tuscany Florence, Piazzale des Uffizations, sculpture of the Cortile, Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527); philosopher, work by Lorenzo Bartolini (1777-1850)
Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, view of the bay of Villefranche sur Mer from the gardens of Villa Ephrussi de Rothschild
Romanesque architecture: view of the nave from the organs. Basilica of Paray le Monial in Saone and Loire, Cluniisian foundation.
Conques, view of the ambulatory and stained glass by Pierre Soulages
Jordan: Port of Aqaba on the Red Sea. Loading a container carrier
Reliquary bust of Saint Cesaire. Painted carved wood (polychrome). sd. Church, Maurs (Auvergne).
Manuscript sheet representing mouth opening instruments imagined by Thomas Clarkson (?) (1760-1846). 1809.
Gothic architecture: view of the vaults and ceiling of the choir (1446-1523) of the abbey of Mont Saint Michel (Manche)
The Matter of Time (1994-2005) (steel)
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English West Indies - French Antilles - Le Francois, Habitation Clement, Domaine de l'Mahogany. L'Habitation Clement - Martinique, island of the French Antilles
Bust of Rene Descartes (1596-1650) French physicist and philosopher - Sculpture by Augustin Pajou (1730-1809) - Galerie des Hommes illustres Chateau de Versailles
Gothic architecture: view of the flamboyant choir and Romanesque nave. 11th century Abbey of Mont Saint Michel (Manche)
Gothic architecture: view of the Knights Hall. Abbey. 1080 Abbey of Mont Saint Michel (Manche)
Jordan. Landscape leaving the Wadi Rum. World Heritage in 2011.
Jordan. Landscape in Wadi Ghuweir. Bedouin Camp
Interior of the Sainte Chapelle (upper chapel) in Paris, seen from the triforium. Gothic art of the 13th century.
Jordan. The Dead Sea. Altitude - 430 meters under the sea. It is fed by the Jordan River. Salinity rate 27.5%!
Allegory of Science Painting by Antoine Dominique Magaud (1817-1899) 1854 Sun. 103x171 cm. Mandatory mention: Collection fondation regards de provence, Marseille
Detail of a fresco depicting the Dance Macabre, sd. Church Saint Robert a La Chaise Dieu (Chaise-Dieu, Haute Loire).
Gothic architecture: view of the grand hall of the castle of Duke Jean I of Berry, Palace of Justice of Poitiers (Vienna)
Inside the nave, the vaults and the choir. Church Saint Serge. Angers (Maine et Loire)