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Images of 'Groell' found, 89

Vikings besieged Paris from October 885 to February 886 (engraving)
Washington Street, Indianapolis at Dusk (oil on canvas)
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Drusus carried home unconscious (litho)
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Sudan: A Mahdist warrior, early 20th century
Brennus putting his sword in the balance, 390 BC, 18th (oil on canvas)
“” Brennus putting his sword in the balance””, 390 BC: Brennus sacked Rome by the Gauls led by their leader Brennus (Brennos) In front of the resistance of the Romans, Brennus agreed to deal with the military tribune Roman Quintus Sulpicius: he left Rome against the payment of a strong grudge - A large balance was then prepared on a square of Rome - the Gallic army leader Brennus (Brennus) defeats the Romans - in the face of the protests who fail to balance the balance, Brennus adds to their despair by throwing his sword on the balance and uttering the words “vae victis”” - (The Gallic army leader Brennos (Brennus) defeats the Romans the Romans and proclaims the “” Vae Victis”” (Woe to the vanquished), The Gauls demanded ransom after their conquest of Rome, When the Romans complained about the false weight on the scale, the leader of the Gauls, Brennus, put his sword on the scale, 390 BC) Engraving 19th century Private collection
The Kehlsteinhaus mountain restaurant, 1960 (b/w photo)
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The Kehlsteinhaus mountain restaurant, 1960 (b/w photo)
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The Kehlsteinhaus mountain restaurant, 1960 (b/w photo)
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Theater - Kirsten Dene and Florentin Groll, 1990 (photo)
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French held hostage by brigants in Morocco in demand of strong grudge 19 June 1904
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The Miser Man or Resentment, Grudge, 1903 - 1904 (pencil on board)
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Florentin Groll and Julia Stemberger in theatre play "Othello", 1990 (photo)
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Pick of anger (photo)
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Art exhibition by female painters and sculptors, Paris, June 4, 1951 : Henriette Groll and Eliane de la Villeon (b/w photo)
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Playing cards
Hallgerd Refuses her Hair to Gunnar, 1910 (chalk on paper)
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Gerhard Goll (GER), Chief Executive Officer of EnBW AG,..., 1999 (photo)
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Washington Street, Indianapolis At Dusk (oil on canvas)
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The American Derby, Chicago, 1893 (oil on canvas)
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Gerhard Goll (GER), Chief Executive Officer of EnBW AG,..., 1999 (photo)
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1944 Purification
1944 Purification
Gerhard Goll (GER), Chief Executive Officer of EnBW AG,..., 1999 (photo)
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Leslie James Banks, CBE (1890 – 1952) English stage and screen actor
Gerhard Goll (GER), Chief Executive Officer of EnBW AG,..., 1999 (photo)
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Gerhard Goll (GER), Chief Executive Officer of EnBW AG,..., 1999 (photo)
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Gerhard Goll (GER CEO of EnBW AG) in front of the company headquarters in Karlsruhe,..., 1999 (photo)
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Lindbergh case: the trial, 1935
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Lindbergh case: the trial, 1935
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Gerhard Goll (GER), Chairman of the Board of Management of EnBW AG, people; 1999 ..., 1999 (photo)
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Gerhard Goll (GER Chairman of the Board of Management of EnBW AG) in front of the company headquarters ..., 1999 (photo)
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Sudan: A Mahdist guardian at the house of the former Mahdi, Omdurman, 1936
Sudan: A door keeper at the house of the former Mahdi, Omdurman, 1936
Sudan / South Sudan: The Tomb of the Mahdi, Omdurman, Khartoum
Acehnese wearing headbands shout "Long live referendum" during a rally at Indonesia's parliament in .., 1999 (photo)
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Swing Around the Circle' was the name of President Johnson's three week, 2,000 mile campaign trip, to promote his pro-Southern policies in 1866, before the mid-term elections. Johnson pressured popular men to accompany him: Gen. Grant, Adm. Farragut, William Seward, Gideon Wells and Gen. Meade. What followed was cheers for the Grant and Farragut, while Johnson released a stream self pity and resentment against Congress. Grant stands back from the haranguing President, smoking a cigar
Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls briefs journalists May 5 on the triple shooting deaths of th.., 1998-05-05 (photo)
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Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls holds his glasses as he fields questions from journalists Ma.., 1998-05-05 (photo)
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Brennus putting his sword in the balance, 390 BC.: Sacked Rome by the Gauls led by their chief Brennus (Brennos). Faced with the resistance of the Romans, Brennus agreed to deal with the Roman military tribune Quintus Sulpicius: he left Rome against the payment of a strong grudge. A large scale was then prepared on a square in Rome; in order to further increase the grudge, the Gauls placed false weight there. Faced with the protests of the Romans who failed to balance the balance, Brennus added to their despair by throwing his sword on the scale and uttering the words “vae victis”” (woe to the defeated).
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Swiss Secretary-general of the Swiss Bishops' Conference Roland Trauffer (L) and President Amedee Gr.., 1998 (photo)
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Mr Jenkyns, Major Cavagnari CIS, Amir Yakub Khan
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