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Images of 'Elbourz' found, 7

Caspian sea area seen from space - Caspian sea area seen from space - Satellite photo of the Caspian Sea obtained by Aqua satellite on 30 September 2004. The borders are drawn. In the upper left portion of the image, the southwestern - most portion of Russia spreads across the broad plains north of the Caucasus Mountains. Georgia runs along the southern face of the Caucasus Mountains and part of the southeastern shore of the Black Sea. In the small valley and plains south of Russia and on the central shore of the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan sprawls until butting up against the mountains of Armenia and northern Iran. Another small piece of Azerbaijan is tucked away on the far side of Armenia. Stretching far from the southern shores of the Black Sea into the mountains and deserts of the Middle East is eastern Turkey, while in the bottom right corner, Syria and Iraq mark the northern edges of the Syrian Desert. The Reshteh - ye Kuhha - ye Alborz Mountains curve in a bright green arc around the southern end of the Caspian Sea in northwestern Iran, while on the far side of the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan (upper right) and Turkmenistan (lower right) sprawl across the Urstyurt Plateau. Three major lakes stand out like jewels against the mountains in the lower left portion of the image - Lake Van in eastern Turkey, Lake Sevana in Armenia, and the turquoise - hued Lake Urmia in northwestern Iran. Like the Caspian Sea, the bright colors are likely due to sediment in the waters. Image taken by satellite Aqua on September 30, 2004. NB: borders are marked