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Images of 'Ecuador Celeste' found, 35

Constellation Orion - Constellation of Orio
Constellation Orion - Constellation of Orio
Orion Constellation - Constellation of Orion - Orion the Hunter is one of the most familar and best known constellations. There is extensive and varied mythology about this beautiful collection of stars, but the most common Greek legend has Orion as a giant huntsman, and he appears in this role in Homer's Odyssey. The most persistent legend seems to be that he died from the sting of a giant scorpion, which was placed in the sky so that Orion sets as the Scorpius rises, in an eternal chase across the sky. The momorable outline of the Hunter proudly bestrides the celestial equator and is equally visible from both hemispheres. The distinctive, equally spaced line of stars of Orion's Belt are more or less on the equator and are framed by quartet of bright and colourful stars. More subtle is Orions short sword, hanging from his belt. Under dark skies or in binoculars the central 'star' is distinctly misty. This is the famous Orion nebula, one of many well known telescopic objects that fill this part of the sky. The westernmost Orion Belt star delta Orionis (Minkata) is about a quarter of a degree of arc south of the celestial equator and all three belt stars are within 2 degrees of it. This means they rise and set due east or west of the observer and track the equator across the sky during the night, tracing straight lines in star trail photographs. Note that Orion is upside down as seen from the southern hemisphere, where it is often called 'the saucepan', with the Belt stars forming the base and the Sword stars the handle
Orion Constellation - Constellation of Orion - Orion the Hunter is one of the most familar and best known constellations. There is extensive and varied mythology about this beautiful collection of stars, but the most common Greek legend has Orion as a giant huntsman, and he appears in this role in Homer's Odyssey. The most persistent legend seems to be that he died from the sting of a giant scorpion, which was placed in the sky so that Orion sets as the Scorpius rises, in an eternal chase across the sky. The momorable outline of the Hunter proudly bestrides the celestial equator and is equally visible from both hemispheres. The distinctive, equally spaced line of stars of Orion's Belt are more or less on the equator and are framed by quartet of bright and colourful stars. More subtle is Orions short sword, hanging from his belt. Under dark skies or in binoculars the central 'star' is distinctly misty. This is the famous Orion nebula, one of many well known telescopic objects that fill this part of the sky. The westernmost Orion Belt star delta Orionis (Minkata) is about a quarter of a degree of arc south of the celestial equator and all three belt stars are within 2 degrees of it. This means they rise and set due east or west of the observer and track the equator across the sky during the night, tracing straight lines in star trail photographs. Note that Orion is upside down as seen from the southern hemisphere, where it is often called 'the saucepan', with the Belt stars forming the base and the Sword stars the handle
Constellations of Orion and Tauru - Constellations of Orion and Tauru
Constellation Orion - Constellation of Orio
Circumpolar in Ecuador - Star Trail from the Equator (Ecuador) - Star line taken from Ecuador, Ecuador. 10 hours of cumulative poses show us more than 90% of all the visible sky (the remaining 10% are drowned in solar light). A shooting star indicates the South Pole to the horizon to the left of the image. The north pole is on the right horizon. This image is an unprecedented star trail image taken from the Equator (this imaginary line that splits the Earth into the two hemispheres) in Ecuador (the country). If you stand on the Equator line you can see the Southern Pole at the horizon to the South (left of the image) and the Northern pole at the horizon on the opposite direction. The Earth rotation will make all the sky and stars look like they rotate around these two points, making them appear as concentric circles (which look like ellipses on this distorsioning fish eye image). Note that on this image, that cumulates 10 hours of exposure starting 1 hour after sunset and finishing 1 hour before sunrise (nights and days always last 12 hours on the Equator, it is a permanent equinox), more than 90% of the sky is 'visible', this is another particularity of being on the ecuator line: you can observe the largest part of the sky during any night. An extremely bright meteor appeared during that night and seems to be pointing at the Southern Pole (extreme left of the image)
Star line - Star trails - Long pose on the constellation of Orion that marks the Celestial Ecuador. Iran. Long exposure on the constellation of Orion. Iran
Star line - Star trails - Long pose on the constellation of Orion that marks the Celestial Ecuador. Iran. Long exposure on the constellation of Orion. Iran
Star line - Star trails - Long pose on the constellation of Orion that marks the Celestial Ecuador. Iran. Long exposure on the constellation of Orion. Iran
Star line - Star trails - Long pose on the constellation of Orion that marks the Celestial Ecuador. Iran. Long exposure on the constellation of Orion. Iran
Star line - Star trails - Long pose on the constellation of Orion that marks the Celestial Ecuador. Iran. Long exposure on the constellation of Orion. Iran
Star line - Star trails - Long pose on the constellation of Orion that marks the Celestial Ecuador. Iran. Long exposure on the constellation of Orion. Iran
Orion Constellation and Moonlight - Constellation of Orion and moonrise - News - Zelande. New Zealand
Constellation Orion - Constellation of Orion - The constellation of Orion rises over the Mullica River in the Pine Barrens forest of New Jersey
Constellation Orion - Constellation of Orion - The constellation of Orion rises over the Mullica River in the Pine Barrens forest of New Jersey
Star trainees above an old chapel - Star trails above an old chapel - Photographic pose on the constellation of Orion above the chapel of Languidou (Finistere). Orion is located exactly on Celestial Ecuador. The stars above the belt draw concave circular arches surrounding the north celestial pole while the stars under the belt draw convex arches surrounding the south celestial pole. 21/10/2007 Long exposure on the Orion constellation above the old chapel of Languidou (Finistere, France). Orion is located on the celestial equator. The stars above the Orion's Belt draw some concave arcs circling the North celestial Pole while the stars under the Belt draw some convex arcs circling the South celestial Pole. 21/10/200
The constellation of Ophiuchus.
Cosmosphere, 1824 (glass, brass, papier mache, hand-coloured, plaster, printed paper)
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The constellation Orion.
The constellations Orion and Taurus.
Mechanised glass celestial globe, 1742-1750
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Mechanised glass celestial globe, 1742-1750
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Mechanised glass celestial globe, 1742-1750
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