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Images of 'DIS' found, 919

William Shakespeare 's play Antony and Cleopatra (engraving)
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11 September 2001
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'Pabst blue ribbon beer'
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The angel at the gate of Dis, illustration to the 'Divine Comedy' by Dante Alighieri, 1824-27 (pen & ink with w/c over pencil and chalk)
Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Hell (La Divina Commedia, L'Inferno) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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Funerary stele of Licinia Amias, from the area of the Vatican necropolis, Rome (marble)
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LORD'S PRAYER. Religious book.
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Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Hell (La Divina Commedia, L'Inferno) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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Great Flood of Paris, 1910
Wedding of Lady Di'S Parents : Edward John Viscount Althord Count Spencer and Shand Kydd Frances Roche, June 1St, 1954 (b/w photo)
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The Tears of Saint Peter, 2011 (oil on canvas)
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Spine of Oratio Dominica, 1715 (binding)
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24 hours of Le Mans
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Dance macabre
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'Dis-Orientations' - Ma Haili (photo)
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The Three Norns, from Götterdämmerung by Wagner
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Volcano Etna on Sicily
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Northanger Abbey
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The denial of Peter - Bible, New Testament
French propaganda drawing by Germaine Bourret about winter mutual aid, 2nd world war
`Just Starve Us. Tell Ah! Tell Us, Can Aught be Worse? Than Hungry Maw and Empty Purse! Mercy Show and Pity Us. Great Overseer' (print)
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Christ before Pilate - Bible
Children from Chernobyl in Leipzig
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Miniature of Dante and Virgil being rowed across the river Styx by a demon rower, Phlegyas, and Dante and Virgil at the brazen gates of the city of Dis, in illustration of Canto VIII, between 1444 and c. 1450
Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Hell (La Divina Commedia, L'Inferno) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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Funeral stele of Licinia Amias (marble)
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Chernobyl catastrophe: Consequences in Germany
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'Die Emeis...' by Johann Geiler von Kaysersberg, (1445-1510), 1516 (woodcut)
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Paris, Inondation 1910, Quai de Passy, le Pont de bateaux construit par Genie
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Paris, Inondation 1910, Rue du Bac, une passerelle
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Paris, Inondation, Rue des Saint Peres, 30 Janvier 1910
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"Tell me where the money is?" he hissed. Police interrogating a leprechaun, from 'The Crock of Gold', by James Stephens, 1926 (colour litho)
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Christ blessing little children. Illustration to Mark, 10.16 (chromo)
Fight scene from William Shakespeare's Hamlet
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Parable of the good Samaritan, Gospel of Luke
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Jesus and the adulterous woman, Gospel of John
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Jesus and the adulterous woman, Gospel of John
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Peter denies Jesus, Gospel of Luke
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Life of Charles Dickens
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Jesus and Nicodemus, Gospel of John
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Mr. Jaggers and his clients.  "Mr. Jaggers suddenly stopped, and turning on the two women with shawls, said, "Oh! Amelia, is it?" "Yes, Mr Jaggers." "But for me," he retorted, "you wouldn't be here.  Say another word and Wemmick shall give you your money back" The excitable Jew had already raised the skirts of Mr. Jagger's coat to his lips several times."   Illustration by Harry Furniss for the Charles Dickens novel Great Expectations, from The Testimonial Edition published 1910.
Israeli West Bank security wall in the village of Abu Dis, Jerusalem, Israel
Inferno, Canto IX. Miniature shows Virgil shielding Dante's eyes; the Wrathful and the Sullen in Styx; Dante and Virgil kneel before the gate of Dis, as the Heavenly Messenger pursues the devils; the three Furies stand beside the tower of Dis; Dante and Virgil continue their journey
11/04/2013 portrait de l'ecrivain neerlandais Adriaan van Dis - Photo Toniolo ©AGF/Leemage
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A prisoner being questioned by a priest. Two prisoners, accompanied by a monk, being taken for execution.
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Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Hell (La Divina Commedia, L'Inferno) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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Detail of a miniature of a court scene with a prisoner in bonds
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A procession of a king travelling in a covered cart, with mounted musicians and a castle in the distance. Border with floral decoration. Two columns of text, with an initial.
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Aemilus Lepidus as a boy shows his generous nature by saving the life of a fellow-citizen in battle. Les faits et les dis des romains et de autres gens. By Valerius Maximus, Ill. by Maïtre François, 1473-1480.
Harley 4375, f.140 Two prisoners in a cart being taken to execution, accompanied by a priest, illustration from 'Les Faits et les Dis des Romains et de Autres Gens' (or 'Memorabilia') by Valerius Maximus, Paris, 1473-40 (ink & colour and gold on vellum)
Geiler von Kaisersberg, Die Emeis, Strassburg, 1516. C. XXXVIIv
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Geiler von Kaisersberg Die Emeis, Strassburg, 1516. C. XXXVIIr (engraving)
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Paris, Inondation de la Seine, Janvier 1910, Aux Champs Elysees, Restaurant
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Paris, Inondation de la Seine, Janvier 1910, A la Gare Saint Lazare
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Paris, Inondations de 1910, La Rue Saint Goujon, Cours la Reine
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