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Images of 'Circumpolar' found, 112

Polar ciricumpole above the dome of the GTC - La Palma Observatory: The GTC (Gran Telescopio Canarias) is a 10.4 m telescope
Circumpolar above the dome of the 1.93 m of the Observatory of Haute - Provence - Haute - Provence Observatory, the 1.93 m telescope dome - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star (circumpolar). Below, the dome of the 1.93 m telescope of the Observatory of Haute Provence. This is where the first exoplanet was discovered in 1995. The Observatory of Haute-Provence is located in the south-east of France, near the village of St. Michel l'Observatoire, a hundred kilometers north of Marseille, on a plateau with an average altitude of 650 meters. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star (circumpolar). Below, the 1.93 m telescope dome. Here has been discovered the first extrasolar planet (51 Peg b) in 1995. OHP is situated in the southeast of France, it lies at an altitude of about 650 m, near the village of Saint-Michel l'Observatoire
Constellation of the Southern Cross - The Southern Cross - The Southern Cross and the Alpha and Beta stars of Centaurus. Crux, the Southern Cross, is the smallest constellation in the sky yet one of the most distinctive, at least to those of us who live in the southern hemisphere. It was once part of Centaurus, where the bright stars Acrux and Mimosa could easly be imagined as the rear hooves of the rearing mythical centaur. However, when Christian sailors began to explore southwards in the 16th century, this memorable asterism took on a new significance. The cross appears on the national flags of several southern hemisphere countries, including Australia, though it can be seen on the southern horizon from the tropic of Cancer, 23.5 degrees north of the equator. Along with the Southern Cross is a very distinctive dark shape known as the Coalsack, much used by southern hemisphere astronomers as an indicator of a dark sky, especially if the sixth magnitude star embedded in it is visible. The long axis of the southern cross points towards the south celestial pole, so the cross itself acts as a very convenient circumpolar clock, compasset and calendar
Las Campanas Observatory - Chile - Circumpolar - Las Campanas observatory - Star trails - Photographic posing on the stars around the south celestial pole
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Circumpolar above the dome of the 1.93 m of the Observatory of Haute - Provence - Haute - Provence Observatory, the 1.93 m telescope dome - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star (circumpolar). Below, the dome of the 1.93 m telescope of the Observatory of Haute Provence. This is where the first exoplanet was discovered in 1995. The Observatory of Haute-Provence is located in the south-east of France, near the village of St. Michel l'Observatoire, a hundred kilometers north of Marseille, on a plateau with an average altitude of 650 meters. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star (circumpolar). Below, the 1.93 m telescope dome. Here has been discovered the first extrasolar planet (51 Peg b) in 1995. OHP is situated in the southeast of France, it lies at an altitude of about 650 m, near the village of Saint-Michel l'Observatoire
Esquimaux family
Long exposure photograph of circumpolar stars.
Cassiopee Constellation - The constellation of Cassiopeia - Cassiopeia, was seen in mythology as the seated Queen of Ethiopia (not to be confused with the modern AEthiopia). She was the wife of Cepheus and the mother of Andromeda, beautiful but boastful. The grouping of moderately bright stars has a distinctive 'W' shape and lies in a rather faint part of the northern Milky Way. It is circumpolar for latitudes north of 50*. Occupying almost 500 square degrees of sky it is the 25th largest of the 88 modern constellations
Circumpolar - South Hemisphere - South celestial pole star trails - Photographic pose of several hours around the south celeste pole. As the earth spins beneath the stars they appear to move across the sky from east to west. However, if one looks in the direction of the celestial poles, the stars appear to circle a single point on the sky. This is the position of the earth's axis of rotation projected into space. This picture was made from Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, so the pivotal point is 30 degrees above the northern horizon, which is the geographical latitude of Siding Spring. In the northern sky there is a bright star very close to the celestial pole. By contrast the region of the south celestial pole is barren
Circumpolar - Circumpolar - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star
Circumpolar - hemisphere sud - Dawn and evening twilights reflected on the AAT dome - Photographic pose of 6 hours during a summer night, around the south Celeste pole. Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope dome in the foreground. From a truly dark site like Siding Spring, Australia, the duration of star trail exposures is governed only by the length of the night. The shortest nights are in December, at the height of summer, when it is truly dark for a little over six hours. “True darkness” for astronomers is defined as the period between “” astronomical twilights” when the sun is 18 or more degrees below the horizon. This exposure was a little over six hours long on one December night, and the AAT dome reflects both the evening twilight on the west (right) of the dome and the morning twilight from the eastern glow on the left
Circumpolar in Ecuador - Star Trail from the Equator (Ecuador) - Star line taken from Ecuador, Ecuador. 10 hours of cumulative poses show us more than 90% of all the visible sky (the remaining 10% are drowned in solar light). A shooting star indicates the South Pole to the horizon to the left of the image. The north pole is on the right horizon. This image is an unprecedented star trail image taken from the Equator (this imaginary line that splits the Earth into the two hemispheres) in Ecuador (the country). If you stand on the Equator line you can see the Southern Pole at the horizon to the South (left of the image) and the Northern pole at the horizon on the opposite direction. The Earth rotation will make all the sky and stars look like they rotate around these two points, making them appear as concentric circles (which look like ellipses on this distorsioning fish eye image). Note that on this image, that cumulates 10 hours of exposure starting 1 hour after sunset and finishing 1 hour before sunrise (nights and days always last 12 hours on the Equator, it is a permanent equinox), more than 90% of the sky is 'visible', this is another particularity of being on the ecuator line: you can observe the largest part of the sky during any night. An extremely bright meteor appeared during that night and seems to be pointing at the Southern Pole (extreme left of the image)
Circumpolar - South Hemisphere - Star trails around the south celestial pole - 10h30 photographic installation on 400 ISO film around the south celeste pole. Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope dome in the foreground. By pointing a camera towards the south (or to the north in the northern hemisphere) at night, we can record the paths of stars which never set. They appear to circle the apparent position of the Earth's axis of rotation projected on the sky. The elevation of this position above the local horizon indicates our local geographical latitude, about 30 degrees south at Siding Spring. The angle swept out by the arcs is an indication of the exposure time, which was about 10.5 hours on 400 ISO colour film. This kind of exposure is only possible from an extremely dark site
Circumpolar - Circumpolar - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star. Iran. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star. Iran
Circumpolar - Circumpolar - Photographic pose showing the apparent rotation of stars around the polar star. Iran. Long exposure image of starry sky around the pole star. Iran
Circumpolar - Hemisphere south and hemisphere north - North and South celestial pole star trails - Photographic pose of several hours around the south celeste pole (left) in Australia and around the north pole in La Palma, Canary Islands. As the earth spins beneath the stars they appear to move across the sky from east to west. However, if one looks in the direction of the celestial poles, the stars appear to circle a single point on the sky. This is the position of the earth's axis of rotation projected into space. These pictures were made from Siding Spring Observatory in Australia, and from the La Plama Observatory in the Canary Islands, so the pivotal points are about 30 degrees above their respective horizons, which reflects their geographical latitudes
Circumpolar - South Hemisphere - Star trails around the south celestial pole - Photographic pose of several hours around the south celeste pole. Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope dome in the foreground. The reddish color of the sky is due to the volcanic eruption of the Pinatubo. On June 15, 1991, after weeks of rumbling and venting steam and poisonous gas, Mt Pinatubo exploded on the island of Luzon, in the Phillipines. This was the largest volcanic eruption for nearly a century. The eruption killed over 700 people and ejected several cubic kilometers of dust and gas over 35 km high into the stratosphere. The effects were felt around the world and included a temporary global cooling and a thinning of the ozone layer as well as other changes in the global weather pattern. However, the most obvious effect for many people was a milkiness in the daytime sky due to scattering by high altitude aerosols, and corresponding anomalous sunsets and twilights that were noticable for years. This picture was made in early 1992, two hours after sunset, when it is usually completely dark. However, high altitude dust in the stratosphere reflected sunset colours strongly enough for them to be seen (in the sky, at right) and to be reflected again, by the AAT dome. The red reflection was captured in this six - hour exposure. Here the camera is pointing due south, directly at the south celestial pol
History and origins of tattooing -Eskimo with tattoos
Circumpolar - hemisphere sud - Star trails around the south celestial pole - 10h30 photographic installation on 400 ISO film around the south celeste pole. Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope dome in the foreground. By pointing a camera towards the south (or to the north in the northern hemisphere) at night, we can record the paths of stars which never set. They appear to circle the apparent position of the Earth's axis of rotation projected on the sky. The elevation of this position above the local horizon indicates our local geographical latitude, about 30 degrees south at Siding Spring. The angle swept out by the arcs is an indication of the exposure time, which was about 10.5 hours on 400 ISO colour film. This kind of exposure is only possible from an extremely dark site
Night Eve - Observing night - Circumpolar taken at the Ferme des Etoiles (32) during an evening of observation Circumpolar above amateur observatory of La Ferme des Etoiles, Gers, France
Enceladus, Saturn's satellite, seen by the Cassini probe - Saturn's moon Enceladus seen by Cassini spacecraft - Mosaic of false-coloured images obtained by the Cassini probe during the flight over this satellite on 5 October 2008. The image shows a fractured region in the southern hemisphere of the satellite. On Oct. 5, 2008, just after coming within 25 kilometers (15.6 miles) of the surface of Enceladus, Nasa's Cassini captured this stunning mosaic as the spacecraft sped away from this geologically active moon of Saturn. Craters and cratered terrains are rare in this view of the southern region of the moon's Saturn - facing hemisphere. Instead, the surface is replete with fractures, folds, and ridges - - all hallmarks of remarkable tectonic activity for a relatively small world. In this enhanced - color view, regions that appear blue - green are thought to be coated with larger grains than those that appear white or gray. Portions of the tiger stripe fractures, or sulci, are visible along the terminator at lower right, surrounded by a circumpolar belt of mountains. The icy moon's famed jets emanate from at least eight distinct source regions, which lie on or near the tiger stripes. However, in this view, the most prominent feature is Labtayt Sulci, the approximately one - kilometer (0.6 miles) deep northward - trending chasm located just above the center of the mosaic. Near the top, the conspicuous ridges are Ebony and Cufa Dorsae. This false - color mosaic was created from 28 images obtained at seven footprints, or pointing positions, by Cassini's narrow - angle camera. At each footprint, four images using filters sensitive to ultraviolet, visible and infrared light (spanning wavelengths from 338 to 930 nanometers) were combined to create the individual frames. The mosaic is an orthographic projection centered at 64.49 degrees south latitude, 283.87 west longitude, and it has an image scale of 196 kilometers (122.5 miles) per pixel. The original images ranged in resolution
Circumpolar one winter evening in the Gersoise countryside - Circumpolar - Circumpolar one winter evening in the Gersoise countryside. Long exposure showing the stars rotating around the pole star
Circumpolar - Star trails around north celestial pole - Photographic pose around the polar star. In the foreground, the Kamihayashi Observatory, Japan. Long exposure showing the stars rotating around the pole star. Foreground is the Kamihayashi observatory in Japan
North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - The northern celestial pole is marked by the polar star of the Little Bear. Around, the so-called circumpolar constellations with from top to bottom: The Great Bear on the left, the Dragon that encircles the Little Bear, Cephee below and the Swan on its right, then Cassiopee snaps everything against a big rock. In overprint, the mythological forms of these constellations, extracted from the Uranographia of Hevelius. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France). Pole star Polaris (near the center of the image) and circumpolar constellations; from left to right and top to bottom: Big Dipper, Draco with Little Dipper, Cygnus, Cepheus and Cassiopeia. Constellation mythological forms from “” Uranographia”” star atlas by Hevelius (1690) have been added. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France)
North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - North celestial pole and circumpolar constellations - The northern celestial pole is marked by the polar star of the Little Bear. Around, the so-called circumpolar constellations with from top to bottom: The Great Bear on the left, the Dragon that encircles the Little Bear, Cephee below and the Swan on its right, then Cassiopee snaps everything against a big rock. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France). Pole star Polaris (near the center of the image) and circumpolar constellations; from left to right and top to bottom: Big Dipper, Draco with Little Dipper, Cygnus, Cepheus and Cassiopeia. May 20, 2007, Ploumanach (Cotes d'Armor - France)
Circumpolar - Star trails around north celestial pole - Photographic pose around the polar star. Organ Pipe National Monument, Aizona, USA. The setting for this star trails photo is the pristine desert landscape of the Organ Pipe National Monument in Southern Arizona. The cactus in the foreground is a 25 foot tall Seguaro. Star trails are made by the combination of: the spinning of the Earth, the use of a stationary mount or tripod and a long exposure of the film. As the Earth spins, the stars begin to make concentric circles on the photograph. The closer stars are to Polaris, our North pole star, the smaller their circles. Thar farther away they are, the larger their circles
Circumpolar - Star Trails of the North Celestial Pole
an Eskimo making an igloo, 19th century (engraving)
an Eskimo hunting a seal. 19th century (engraving)