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Images of 'Catholic Worship' found, 2,744

Remembering Tamara (acrylic & mixed media on canvas)
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Cardinals, 2005 (acrylic)
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The structure of the nave which includes thirteen farms of the cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIth, XIIIth, XIX, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Cardinal, 2005 (acrylic)
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The Virgin of the 14th century placed at the entrance of the choir of Notre-Dame, known as the Virgin of Saint-Aignan or Our Lady of the Pillar, was originally located in the chapel of Saint-Aignan and replaced the statue of the trumeau of the portal of the Virgin (north facade) after its destruction in 1793. Viollet-le-Duc then installed it at its present location in 1855 at the time of the extensive restoration campaign of Notre-Dame. It was at his feet that Paul Claudel converted to Christmas 1886. Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Cardinal, 2012 (acrylic on canvas)
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The Edict of Nantes, 1598. (parchment)
View of the whole structure of the nave which includes thirteen farms of the cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIth, XIIIth, XIX, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The Descent of the Holy Spirit, May 1634 by Jacques Blanchard (1600-1638). Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The Virgin of the 14th century placed at the entrance of the choir of Notre-Dame, known as the Virgin of Saint-Aignan or Our Lady of the Pillar, was originally located in the chapel of Saint-Aignan and replaced the statue of the trumeau of the portal of the Virgin (north facade) after its destruction in 1793. Viollet-le-Duc then installed it at its present location in 1855 at the time of the extensive restoration campaign of Notre-Dame. It was at his feet that Paul Claudel converted to Christmas 1886. Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The Virgin of Pity of the sculptor Nicolas Coustou, completed in 1723. Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The structure of the nave which includes thirteen farms of the cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Overview of the choir fence, south side of the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Southern flank of the cathedrale. Notre Dame de Paris Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Aerial view of St Peter's Square and Basilica, Vatican City (photo)
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Otton I  worshipping Christ, between St. Maurice and the Virgin, 10th century (Ivory low relief)
The Virgin of the 14th century placed at the entrance of the choir of Notre-Dame, known as the Virgin of Saint-Aignan or Our Lady of the Pillar, was originally located in the chapel of Saint-Aignan and replaced the statue of the trumeau of the portal of the Virgin (north facade) after its destruction in 1793. Viollet-le-Duc then installed it at its present location in 1855 at the time of the extensive restoration campaign of Notre-Dame. It was at his feet that Paul Claudel converted to Christmas 1886. Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Pious image: Our Lady of the Rosary, early 20th century (notched card)
Iron chainage encroaching the choir, Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIeme, XIIIeme, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Last Judgement (Giudizio Universale), by Giotto, 1303-1305, 14th century (fresco)
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Melk Abbey (Austria), architect Jakob Prandtauer, 11th/18th
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Arcs-boutants of the apse, at the bedside of the cathedrale of Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The structure of the nave which includes thirteen farms of the cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The structure of the nave which includes thirteen farms of the cathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Pious image: Saint Anthony of Padua, early  20th century (notched card)
Stained glass windows - details of a demon. Notre Dame de Paris Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The Madonna and Child with Saints Ignatius of Loyola, Francis Xavier, Cosmas and Damian, 1629 (oil on canvas)
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One of the bronze angels drew by Chavanne in the 18th century Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
The Virgin and Child of the central portal of Notre-Dame welcomes visitors. Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc -
Pope Luciani with the Cardinal Woityla, future Pope John Paul II, 1978 (photo)
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Architectural painting on the ceiling fresco by Gaetano Fant in the Marble Hall in the Stift Melk Benedictine Monastery, Lower Austria, Austria (photo)
Interior of the Octagonal Palatine Chapel, Built by Charlemagne, Aachen Cathedral (Kaiserdom), Aachen, Germany (photo)