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Images of 'Caesar Julius ( 101 44)' found, 248

The Death of Julius Caesar, 1805-06 (oil on canvas)
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Bust of Julius Caesar (marble)
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Augustus of Prima Porta, c.20 BC (marble)
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The Death of Julius Caesar, 1793-99 (oil on canvas)
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The Death of Julius Caesar (gouache on paper)
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The Death of Julius Caesar, detail, 1805-06 (oil on canvas)
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Buste de Jules Cesar dit de Chiaromonte 1er siecle avant JC (Julius Gaius CAESAR, 101-44 av JC), general et homme d'Etat romain. Le seul portrait realise de son vivant. Galerie Chiaromonte. Vatican.
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Battle of Alesia
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The Forum, Act II, from 'Julius Caesar' by William Shakespeare, from 'Le Theatre', March 1898 (print)
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Merlin's as a white-footed stag visits Julius Caesar, illustration from 'Geschichte der Franzosischen Literatur' by Hermann Suchier, 1913 (colour litho)
Royal 16 G VII fol.219 The Birth of Julius Caesar (101-44 BC) (vellum)
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Jules Cesar crosses the river of Rubicon with his legions in arms on January 10, 49 BC in the footsteps of Pompee the Great (Gneo Pompeo Magno or Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, 106-48 BC) and violates the law of the Roman Senate which prohibited a Roman general from crossing the border river of Cisalpine Gaul - Crossing the river, Jules Cesar prononca The famous formula Alea jacta est”” (Julius Caesar (100-44 BC) Crossing the Rubicon in 49 BC from Cisalpine Gaul to Italy to make his way to Rome - Caesar uttered the famous phrase alea iacta est (“the die has been cast”)) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “Storia d'Italia” (History of Italy) by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private Collection
Roman bust of Julius Caesar
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Statue of Jules Cesar (100-44 BC) (marble)
Julius Caesar (101-44 BC), Roman statesman.
War of the Gauls: “” The siege of Alesia in 52 BC””” The decisive battle between the army of Jules Cesar and that of Vercingetorix on the site of the current Alise-Sainte-Reine (Alise Sainte Reine)” (Conquest of Gaul, battle of Alesia, 52 BC, fought by an army of the Roman Republic commanded by Julius Caesar, against a confederation of Gaul American tribes united under the leadership of Vercingetorix of the Arverni) Engraving from “Histoire-populaire-de-France” by Lahure, 1866 Collection privee
Jules Cesar salutes his victorious army
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Julius Caesar passes the Rubicon (engraving)
Bronze head with marble bust of Julius Caesar, 1st century bc (bronze)
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Roman antiquite: the death of Jules Cesar”” Jules Cesar (Giulio Cesare or Caius Julius Caesar) politician and Roman writer, (100-44 BC), assassinated by a conspiracy of Senators in the theatre of Pompee where the Senate gathered, the fatal blow comes from his adoptive son, Brutus, on March 15, 44 BC) (The assassination of the novel emperor Julius Caesar the 15th march 44 BC) Illustration by Tancredi Scarpelli (1866-1937) from “” Storia d'Italia”” by Paolo Giudici, 1930 Private collection
Bust of Jules Cesar (Julius Gaius CAESAR, 101-44 BC), general and Roman statesman. Sculpture of the Roman Empire classical period, Naples, archeological museum
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Vercingétorix, Gallic leader, went to Julius Caesar in 52 BC.
The death of Julius Caesar, 1805-1806 (oil on canvas)
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War of the Gauls: “” Jules Cesar preparing the siege of Alesia in 52 BC””” The decisive battle between the army of Jules Cesar and that of Vercingetorix on the site of the present Alise-Sainte-Reine (Alise Sainte Reine)” (Conquest of Gaul, preparation of the battle of Alesia, 52 BC, fought by an army of the Roman Republic commanded by Julius Esar, against a confederation of Gallic tribes united under the leadership of Vercingetorix of the Arverni) Illustration by Raymond Delamarre (1890-1986) from “La-Petite-Histoire-de-la-France” by Brunhes, 1951 Private collection
Julius Caesar & The Roman Civil War Illustration, 2019
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Julius Caesar - Roman coin
Julius Caesar & The Invasion of Britain, 2015 (illustration)
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Caesar, Roman strategist, statesman and writer, 1895 (lithograph)
assassination of Jules César. beg of 20th century
CAESAR Gaius Iulius: Illustration from Caesar's "Commentarii de Bello Gallico", c.15…, c.1511 (miniature)
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Julius Caesar depicted in heroic nudity, 1st century BC (sculpture)
Gaius Julius Caesar (engraving)
Armour of Henri II, a parade piece never to be worn in …
Armour of Henri II …
Julius Caesar's Head (Testa di Giulio Cesare), 1st Century BC
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Junius Brutus, early 18th century (oil on canvas)
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Rome, Italy, Statue of Julius Caesar, tilt up, medium shot
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ITALY, ROME - CIRCA AUGUST 2020: Statue of Caesar Emperor, made of bronze. Natural ..., 2018 (photo)
ITALY, ROME - CIRCA AUGUST 2020: Statue of Caesar Emperor, made of bronze. Natural ..., 2018 (photo)
Gaius Julius Caesar
Bronze statue of Julius Caesar, Piazza Tre Martiri, Rimini, Adriatic Sea, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, Europe
Roman art: Farnese Collection - Bust of Gaius Julius Caesar - Archaeological National museum - MANN, Naples, Italy
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Vercingetorix throws down his arms at the feet of Julius Caesar, 52 BC