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Images of 'Blue Giant' found, 278

Giant Butterfly, 1995 (oil on canvas)
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Constellation of the Great Dog - Constellation of Canis Major - Sirius, the bright star on this image is the brightest star in the sky. Canis Major (the Greater Dog) is one of two dogs accompanying Orion the hunter across the sky. The other is Canis Minor. The constellation figure is ancient, and was one of 48 constellations mentioned by Ptolemy (83 - 161 AD), no doubt reflecting earlier ideas. The modern stick figure joining the brightest stars (above) certainly has a very doggy appearance. The brightest star in the sky is here, Sirius, the Dog Star, so called because its emanations were thought to affect dogs in the heat of summer, the 'Dog Days' when the star is in the same part of the sky as the Sun. Sirius is bright because it is only 8.6 light years from the Sun and it is in any case it is an intrinsically bright star, 25 times more luminous than the Sun
View of Neptune captured by Voyager II, 1989 (photo)
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La corde sensible, 1960 (oil on canvas)
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Orion Constellation - Constellation of Orion - Orion the Hunter is one of the most familar and best known constellations. There is extensive and varied mythology about this beautiful collection of stars, but the most common Greek legend has Orion as a giant huntsman, and he appears in this role in Homer's Odyssey. The most persistent legend seems to be that he died from the sting of a giant scorpion, which was placed in the sky so that Orion sets as the Scorpius rises, in an eternal chase across the sky. The momorable outline of the Hunter proudly bestrides the celestial equator and is equally visible from both hemispheres. The distinctive, equally spaced line of stars of Orion's Belt are more or less on the equator and are framed by quartet of bright and colourful stars. More subtle is Orions short sword, hanging from his belt. Under dark skies or in binoculars the central 'star' is distinctly misty. This is the famous Orion nebula, one of many well known telescopic objects that fill this part of the sky. The westernmost Orion Belt star delta Orionis (Minkata) is about a quarter of a degree of arc south of the celestial equator and all three belt stars are within 2 degrees of it. This means they rise and set due east or west of the observer and track the equator across the sky during the night, tracing straight lines in star trail photographs. Note that Orion is upside down as seen from the southern hemisphere, where it is often called 'the saucepan', with the Belt stars forming the base and the Sword stars the handle
Orion Constellation - Constellation of Orion - Orion the Hunter is one of the most familar and best known constellations. There is extensive and varied mythology about this beautiful collection of stars, but the most common Greek legend has Orion as a giant huntsman, and he appears in this role in Homer's Odyssey. The most persistent legend seems to be that he died from the sting of a giant scorpion, which was placed in the sky so that Orion sets as the Scorpius rises, in an eternal chase across the sky. The momorable outline of the Hunter proudly bestrides the celestial equator and is equally visible from both hemispheres. The distinctive, equally spaced line of stars of Orion's Belt are more or less on the equator and are framed by quartet of bright and colourful stars. More subtle is Orions short sword, hanging from his belt. Under dark skies or in binoculars the central 'star' is distinctly misty. This is the famous Orion nebula, one of many well known telescopic objects that fill this part of the sky. The westernmost Orion Belt star delta Orionis (Minkata) is about a quarter of a degree of arc south of the celestial equator and all three belt stars are within 2 degrees of it. This means they rise and set due east or west of the observer and track the equator across the sky during the night, tracing straight lines in star trail photographs. Note that Orion is upside down as seen from the southern hemisphere, where it is often called 'the saucepan', with the Belt stars forming the base and the Sword stars the handle
Seascape #16, 1966 (liquitex on canvas)
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Constellation of the Great Dog - Constellation of Canis Major - Sirius, the bright star on this image is the brightest star in the sky; it belongs to the constellation of the Great Dog. The brightest star in the sky is here, Sirius, the Dog Star, so called because its emanations were thought to affect dogs in the heat of summer, the 'Dog Days' when the star is in the same part of the sky as the Sun. Sirius is bright because it is only 8.6 light years from the Sun and it is in any case it is an intrinsically bright star, 25 times more luminous than the Sun
Alice talking to the Blue Caterpillar who is sitting on top of a giant mushroom, smoking a pipe.
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Central region of the elliptical galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) - Central part of the galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) - The galaxy NGC 5128 is located about 13 million years away from Earth in the southern constellation of Centaurus. A broad dark band crosses it in the middle, a probable vestige of a collision with a spiral galaxy. This giant galaxy is a powerful radio source known as Centaurus A. It is an active galaxy whose energy comes from a supermassive black hole. The green dot visible in the dust strip is a supernova, the supernova 1986g. It appears green because the red filter image that made this trichromy image was only taken a year after the event and the supernova had weakened. Image obtained from the 3.9m telescope of Siding Spring, Australia. The nearby radio source Centaurus A (NGC 5128) looks like an elliptical galaxy, crossed by a broad, irregular dust lane. The dark band is probably the remains of a dusty spiral galaxy which is being absorbed by the giant elliptical. One of the nearer galaxies, 13 million light years away, Centaurus A is the most powerful nearby radio source and is also a copious source of X - and gamma rays as well as visible and infrared radiation.The three plates which were combined to make this colour picture have been copied to enhance the fine detail of the dust lane and to suppress the bright background of the elliptical galaxy. This process reveals many tiny red star - forming regions, especially prominent towards the end of the dust lane, and the clumps of young blue stars recently formed from them. The curious green star in the dust lane is because the blue and green - light plates were taken when supernova 1986g had just appeared, while the red - light plate was taken a year later when the supernova had faded
The Giant; Le Geant, c.1936 (gouache on paper)
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Cambridge blue butterfly, Pseudolycaena marsyas (Lycaena marsyas) and odd-spot blue, Turanana endymion (Lycaena endymion). Handcoloured steel engraving from Georg Friedrich Treitschke's Gallery of Natural History, Naturhistorischer Bildersaal des Thierreiches, Liepzig-1842.
Royal Aquarium. Chang the great Chinese giant. At 2.30, 5.30 and 9.30. Admission - one shilling. Printed in red, blue and black ink. With a lithograph illustration of Chang
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Malaria Awareness poster, c.1941 (litho)
Balloon's Day Parade, Brussels, Belgium (photo)
Surface of a giant blue star - Artist view - Surface of a blue giant star - Artist vie
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Constellation of the Great Dog - Constellation of Canis Major - Sirius, the bright star on this image is the brightest star in the sky. Canis Major (the Greater Dog) is one of two dogs accompanying Orion the hunter across the sky. The other is Canis Minor. The constellation figure is ancient, and was one of 48 constellations mentioned by Ptolemy (83 - 161 AD), no doubt reflecting earlier ideas. The modern stick figure joining the brightest stars (above) certainly has a very doggy appearance. The brightest star in the sky is here, Sirius, the Dog Star, so called because its emanations were thought to affect dogs in the heat of summer, the 'Dog Days' when the star is in the same part of the sky as the Sun. Sirius is bright because it is only 8.6 light years from the Sun and it is in any case it is an intrinsically bright star, 25 times more luminous than the Sun
Laguna Cejar int eh desert of Atacama, Chile, august 2014 (photo)
Open cluster NGC 4755 - Jewel Box - The Jewel Box star cluster - The NGC 4755 cluster is located in the constellation of the Southern Cross at a distance of 6400 years - light from Earth. The bright orange star on the top right is Kappa Crucis, a supergiant red star. This cluster contains about fifty stars formed about 16 million years ago. This close-up of the center of the cluster was obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope. This image is a “” close - up 'view from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope of NGC 4755, or the Jewel Box cluster. Several very bright, pale blue supergiant stars, a solitary ruby - red supergiant and a variety of other brilliantly coloured stars are visible in the image, as well as many much fainter ones, often with intriguing colours. The huge variety in brightness exists because the brighter stars are 15 to 20 times the mass of the Sun, while the dimmest stars are less than half the mass of the Sun. This is the first image of an open galactic cluster with imaging extending from the far ultraviolet to the near - infrared. NGC 4755 (Caldwell 94) is called the Jewel Box, based on John Herschel's comment in the 1830's that it looked like a superb piece of jewelry. There are about 50 stars in this cluster which formed some 14 million years ago. Most of the cluster members are blue giants which in a few million years will exhaust their hydrogen fuel and become red giants on their way to a cataclysmic end as supernovae. One red giant can already be seen at the center of the cluster (top right)
Evolution of a giant blue star - Artist view - Death of a blue giant star - Artist view - Vue d'artiste de la mort d'une supergeante. After several million years of existence, the blue giant star (on the left) swell to become a red supergeante; its heart contracts and its weight heats, resulting in the evaporation of the outer layers of the star (in the centre). When the nucleus is empty of its energy, it compresses itself causing the explosion of the star (a supernova, on the right). This image shows steps in a celestial cataclysm. After several million years, a blue giant star (at left) is becoming a red supergiant (center). As the nuclear reaction within a giant star's core falters, the core collapses, triggering an intensely energetic rebound and the star explodes (a supernova, at right)
Nepal: The reclining Vishnu statue at the Hindu Budhanilkantha Temple, Budhanilkantha, Kathmandu Valley
Open cluster NGC 4755 - Jewel box - The Jewel Box cluster - The NGC 4755 cluster is located in the constellation of the Southern Cross at a distance of 7800 years - light from Earth. The bright orange star is Kappa Crucis, a supergiant red star. This cluster contains about fifty stars formed about 14 million years ago. NGC4755 (Caldwell 94) is called the Jewel Box, based on John Herschel's comment in the 1830's that it looked like a superb piece of jewelry. There are about 50 stars in this cluster which formed some 14 million years ago. Most of the cluster members are blue giants which in a few million years will exhaust their hydrogen fuel and become red giants on their way to a cataclysmic end as supernovae. One red giant can already be seen at the center of the cluster
Nebula California (NGC 1499) in Persee - The California Nebula (NGC 1499) in Perseus - NGC 1499 is a very large emission nebula located 1140 years - light from Earth in the constellation Persee. Image obtained by the Oschin telescope of Mount Palomar through several filters and composed. The north is at top. This is a huge emission nebula in Perseus constellation. It is a cloud of gas, mainly hydrogen, which glows due to the ionization by radiation from a hot nearby star. The California Nebula is made glowing by the 4th magnitude star Menkib (Xi Persei, the bright blue star in center right). The nebula is named because recall the shape of the US state when viewed from the west. This image is based on data acquired by the Oschin Telescope at the Mount Palomar Observatory
The evolution of stars - Illustration - The evolution of stars - Illustration - All stars are born in interstellar clouds but according to their masses they will follow different destinies. From top to bottom: - The brown dwarf - The red dwarf, a small star that will become a white dwarf and then a black dwarf. - A star of the same type as the Sun, which will evolve into a red giant then planetary nebula to become a white dwarf and end up as a black dwarf. - A blue giant star that becomes supergeant red to explode in supernova and finish either black hole or neutron star. Every stars come to life in interstellar clouds, but their evolution will depend on their mass; from top to bottom: - A brown dwarf - A red dwarf, a small star which will slowly collapse to become a white dwarf then a black dwarf. - A Sun - like star will become a red giant then a planetary nebula, a white dwarf and will end as a black dwarf. - A blue star will become a red supergiant, then will explode in a supernova to end as a black hole or a neutron star
Cambridge blue, Pseudolycaena marsyas (Marsyas butterfly, Papilio marsyas). Illustration drawn and engraved by Richard Polydore Nodder. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from George Shaw and Frederick Nodder's “” The Naturalist's Miscellany,”” London, 1809.
Comparison of Sun Sizes, Sirius and Rigel - Size comparison: Sun, Sirius and Rigel - The Sun (yellow star at the top), and the star Sirius A, (the brightest star in the sky) compared to the huge star Rigel, a supergeant blue star in the constellation of Orion. The brightest star in Earth's sky, Sirius, is seen here next to our Sun and the blue giant Rigel. Sirius has a small companion star, Sirius B. Rigel forms the left foot in the constellation Orion, and its light is equal to 40,000 suns
Hertzsprung - Russell - The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram - HR diagram (Hertzsprung - Russell) displaying stars according to their surface temperature and luminosite. The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram is named after the Danish astronomer Einar Hertzsprung (1873 - 1967) and the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell (1877 - 1957). At the beginning of the 20th century they independently noticed that red stars come in very different sizes, pioneering subsequent studies of stellar parameters (e.g., temperature, size and mass). In its basic version, this diagram plots stellar temperature (or colour) against brightness (or magnitude) and is therefore also referred to as the “” colour - magnitude diagram””. The position of a particular star in the diagram also provides information about its evolutionary stage (and age)
Hertzsprung - Russell - The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram - Hertzsprung - Russell (HR) diagram displaying stars according to their surface temperature and luminosite. The Hertzsprung - Russell diagram is named after the Danish astronomer Einar Hertzsprung (1873 - 1967) and the American astronomer Henry Norris Russell (1877 - 1957). At the beginning of the 20th century they independently noticed that red stars come in very different sizes, pioneering subsequent studies of stellar parameters (e.g., temperature, size and mass). In its basic version, this diagram plots stellar temperature (or colour) against brightness (or magnitude) and is therefore also referred to as the “” colour - magnitude diagram””. The position of a particular star in the diagram also provides information about its evolutionary stage (and age)
Nepeta faassenii 'six Hills Giant'/Catary/Cat grass/Cat mint
Nepeta faassenii 'six Hills Giant'/Catary/Cat grass/Cat mint
View of the nebula of the Lagoon (M8/NGC 6523). Located in Sagittarius, at a distance of 5800 light years, it is visible to the naked eye in good conditions. It is a star-forming region illuminated by several large O-type stars that belong to the open cluster NGC 6530 visible in the center of the image. The brightest part of the nebula is called the hourglass nebula whose gases are excited mainly by two massive supergeant stars Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. M8 has at least 60 Giant B stars, 3 to 4 times more than the Orion nebula - The Lagoon nebula (M8), can be visible to the unaided eye as a small bright patch above the large Sagittarius star cloud in the Milky Way. The Lagoon nebula is a star-forming region about 5800 light years from us. The nebula is illuminated by several O-type giants within the open cluster NGC 6530 near the center of the nebula. The brightest part of the nebula is known as the “hourglass nebula”” and its gases are excited primarily by two massive O-type supergiants designated Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. These two stars lie to the west of NGC 6530 and are separated from it by a dark lane dividing the nebula like a black lagoon, giving it its name. Twisted funnel shaped clouds are visible close to the illuminating stars, especially Herschel 36. They are due to shear forces between the hot excited gases at the surface and the cold interior of the clouds. At least 60 B-type giants are embedded in the nebula which make M8 3 to 4 times richer in massive stars than the Orion nebula: Nebula of the Lagoon (M8) in Sagittarius
Papilio zalmoxis
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Blue stragglers in cluster 47 Toucan - Blue stragglers in globular cluster 47 Tucanae - This image obtained by the Hubble space telescope shows a detail of the 47 Toucan cluster near its center (the field is indicated on the left image taken from the ground). The yellow circles on the right image indicate the position of stars identified by the telescope as blue trainers. Because of the high density of stars within a globular cluster, a collision between two stars sometimes occurs, merging into a single young, bright and warm star called a blue straggler. The core of globular cluster 47 Tucanae is home to many blue stragglers, rejuvenated stars that glow with the blue light of young stars. A ground - based telescope image (on the left) shows the entire crowded core of 47 Tucanae, located 15,000 light - years away in the constellation Tucana. Peering into the heart of the globular cluster's bright core, the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 separated the dense clump of stars into many individual stars (image on right). Some of these stars shine with the light of old stars; others with the blue light of blue stragglers. The yellow circles in the Hubble telescope image highlight several of the club's blue stragglers. Astronomers theorize that blue stragglers are formed either by the slow merger of stars in a double - star system or by the collision of two unrelated stars. For the blue straggler in 47 Tucanae, astronomers favor the slow merger scenario. This photo is a three - color composite of Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 archival images taken with ultraviolet, blue, and violet filters. Green, blue, and red colors were assigned to the filters and scaled so that the red giant stars appear orange, the main sequence stars are white/green, and the blue stragglers are appropriately blue. The ultraviolet images were taken on
Nepeta faassenii 'six Hills Giant'/Catary/Cat grass/Cat mint
The Trumpet of the Golden Carp (oil on panel)
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Birds: Coraciiformes, Belted Kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon), illustration
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Nebula of the Lagoon (M8) in Sagittarius - The Lagoon nebula (M8) in Sagittarius - View of the Nebula of the Lagoon (M8/NGC 6523). Located in Sagittarius, at a distance of 5800 years - light, it is visible to the naked eye in good conditions. It is a star-forming region illuminated by several large O-type stars that belong to the open cluster NGC 6530 visible towards the center of the image. The brightest part of the nebula is called the hourglass nebula whose gases are excited mainly by two massive supergeant stars Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. M8 has at least 60 Giant B stars, 3 to 4 times more than the Orion Nebula. The Lagoon nebula (M8), can be visible to the unaided eye as a small bright patch above the large Sagittarius star cloud in the Milky Way. The Lagoon nebula is a star - forming region about 5800 light years from us. The nebula is illuminated by several O - type giants within the open cluster NGC 6530 near the center of the nebula. The brightest part of the nebula is known as the “hourglass nebula”” and its gases are excited primarily by two massive O - type supergiants designated Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. At least 60 B - type giants are embedded in the nebula which make M8 3 to 4 times richer in massive stars than the Orion nebula
Nebula of the Lagoon (M8) in Sagittarius - The Lagoon nebula (M8) in Sagittarius - View of the Nebula of the Lagoon (M8/NGC 6523). Located in Sagittarius, at a distance of 5800 years - light, it is visible to the naked eye in good conditions. It is a star-forming region illuminated by several large O-type stars that belong to the open cluster NGC 6530 visible in the center of the image. The brightest part of the nebula is called the hourglass nebula whose gases are excited mainly by two massive supergeant stars Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. M8 has at least 60 Giant B stars, 3 to 4 times more than the Orion Nebula. The Lagoon nebula (M8), can be visible to the unaided eye as a small bright patch above the large Sagittarius star cloud in the Milky Way. The Lagoon nebula is a star - forming region about 5800 light years from us. The nebula is illuminated by several O - type giants within the open cluster NGC 6530 near the center of the nebula. The brightest part of the nebula is known as the “hourglass nebula”” and its gases are excited primarily by two massive O - type supergiants designated Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. These two stars lie to the west of NGC 6530 and are separated from it by a dark lane dividing the nebula like a black lagoon, giving it its name. Twisted funnel shaped clouds are visible close to the illuminating stars, especially Herschel 36. They are due to shear forces between the hot excited gases at the surface and the cold interior of the clouds. At least 60 B - type giants are embedded in the nebula which make M8 3 to 4 times richer in massive stars than the Orion nebula
California Nebula (NGC 1499) in Perseus (photo)
Nebula of the Lagoon (M8) in Sagittarius - The Lagoon nebula (M8) in Sagittarius - View of the Nebula of the Lagoon (M8/NGC 6523). Located in Sagittarius, at a distance of 5800 years - light, it is visible to the naked eye in good conditions. It is a star-forming region illuminated by several large O-type stars that belong to the open cluster NGC 6530 visible in the center of the image. The brightest part of the nebula is called the hourglass nebula whose gases are excited mainly by two massive supergeant stars Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. M8 has at least 60 Giant B stars, 3 to 4 times more than the Orion Nebula. The Lagoon nebula (M8), can be visible to the unaided eye as a small bright patch above the large Sagittarius star cloud in the Milky Way. The Lagoon nebula is a star - forming region about 5800 light years from us. The nebula is illuminated by several O - type giants within the open cluster NGC 6530 near the center of the nebula. The brightest part of the nebula is known as the “hourglass nebula”” and its gases are excited primarily by two massive O - type supergiants designated Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. These two stars lie to the west of NGC 6530 and are separated from it by a dark lane dividing the nebula like a black lagoon, giving it its name. Twisted funnel shaped clouds are visible close to the illuminating stars, especially Herschel 36. They are due to shear forces between the hot excited gases at the surface and the cold interior of the clouds. At least 60 B - type giants are embedded in the nebula which make M8 3 to 4 times richer in massive stars than the Orion nebula
Barnard's loop and constellation Orion - Barnard's loop and Orion constellation - The constellation Orion and its nebulae. The main stars of this constellation are two supergeants, Betelgeuse (red) on the top left and Rigel (blue) on the bottom right. In the center of the constellation are the three stars forming Orion's Belt (or Baldrier) and the dark nebula of the horse's head (IC434 - B33). Further down, the large Orion nebula (M42) vast star-forming region. Wrapping these nebulae, Barnard's loop, a circle-arch nebula that would come from the explosion of a supernova more than two million years ago. The Orion constellation and its nebulae. The two Orion's bright stars are both supergiant stars: Betelgeuse (a red one) and Rigel (blue one). The center of this constellation is the Orion Belt with the Horsehead nebula (IC 434 - B33). Lower, the great Orion nebula, M42, a large star forming region. Also visible on this image, the Barnard's loop, a very faint nebula. This is composite mosaic image assembled from many hours of data including hydrogen alpha filtered exposure
Papilio zalmoxis
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Detailed view of the ring system that the planet Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system, surrounds photographed from 8.9 million kilometers (photo)
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Nebula of the Lagoon (M8) in Sagittarius - M8, The Lagoon Nebula - View of the Nebula of the Lagoon (M8/NGC 6523). Located in Sagittarius, at a distance of 5800 years - light, it is visible to the naked eye in good conditions. It is a star-forming region illuminated by several giant O stars that belong to the open cluster NGC 6530 visible in the center of the image. The brightest part of the nebula is called the hourglass nebula whose gases are excited mainly by two supergiant stars Herschel 36 and 9 Sagittarii. M8 has at least 60 giant B stars, 3 to 4 times more than the Orion nebula. M8 is an amazing stellar nursery. Hot young stars that formed out of the hydrogen gas in the nebula cause it to glow in the light of ionized hydrogen at the hydrogen - alpha wavelength of 656nm. The Lagoon Nebula gets its name from the distinctive dark lane that runs through the heart of the nebula, just to the west of open cluster NGC 6530. Bok globules, small dark knots which are condensing protostellar clouds, can be seen sprinkled throughout the nebula. The brightest part of M8 has an apparent size of about 1 degree on the sky (the size of two full Moons) and is 100 light years across in space. It is located about 5,200 light years away
Giant Insence Burner, Saudi Arabia (photo)
The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier (photo)
The Ferris Wheel at Navy Pier (photo)
Detail of the nebula NGC 3603 in the Carene - Star life cycle in NGC 3603 - In the center of the picture is a cluster of massive young stars formed from the gas surrounding them. Two pillars of gas and dust visible on the right at the top and bottom will one day form other stars, as probably the dark cloud at the top right of the image called Bok's globule. Above the left of the star cluster, an old blue supergiant star, Sher 25, arrives at the end of life. The nebula NGC 3603 is located approximately 20,000 light years from Earth in the southern constellation of Carene. Image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope. This image made by the Hubble space telescope nicely illustrates the entire stellar life cycle of stars, starting with the Bok globules (dark clouds at the upper right) and giant gaseous pillars, followed by circumstellar disks and progressing to evolved massive stars in the young starburst cluster (center). The blue supergiant star Sher 25 with its ring and bipolar outflow (upper left of center) marks the end of the life cycle. NGC 3603 is located 20 000 light years away in Carina constellation
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Thailand, Bangkok, Wat Indrawihan, Giant Buddha statue
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Bok's cells in NGC 281 (Cassiopee) - Bok globules in NGC 281 - View of a detail of the nebula NGC 281 in Cassiopee center on Bok's Globules. A Bok's blood cell is a dark interstellar cloud of gases and dust that absorb light. If it condenses enough, it gives birth to new stars. Near these blood cells shine blue stars; they belong to the young cluster of stars IC 1590. Image obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope in October 2005. These opaque, dark knots of gas and dust are called “” Bok globules,””” and they are absorbing light in the center of the nearby emission nebula and star - forming region. Bok hypothesized that giant molecular clouds, on the order of hundreds of light - years in size, can become perturbed and form small pockets where the dust and gas are highly concentrated. These small pockets become gravitationally bound and accumulate dust and gas from the surrounding area. If they can capture enough mass, they have the potential of creating stars in their cores; however, not all Bok globules will form stars. Some will dissipate before they can collapse to form stars. That may be what's happening to the globules seen here in NGC 281. Near the globules are bright blue stars, members of the young open cluster IC 1590. The cluster is made up of a few hundred stars. The club's core, off the image towards the top, is a tight grouping of extremely hot, massive stars with an immense stellar wind. The stars emit visible and ultraviolet light that energizes the surrounding hydrogen gas in NGC 281. This gas then becomes super heated in a process called ionization, and it glows pink in the image. The Bok globules in NGC 281 are located very close to the center of the IC 1590 cluster. The heavy fracturing of the globules may appear beautifully serene but is in fact evident of the harsh
Roundabout with a Giant Coffeepot, Riyadh, Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia (photo)
Kibo Peak; extinct volcano; forest of Giant Groundsel (Dendrosenecio Kilimanjari); Kilimanjaro National Park; Marangu Route; Tanzania; East Africa; Africa
Front view of Giant Blue Clam, Tridacna maxima
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50 kronur (crown) coin, 1992, obverse, dragon, eagle, bull and giant (Landvaettir, mythological creatures), Iceland, 20th century
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Giant Blue Clam (Tridacna maxima), close up
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Agastache foeniculum/Agastache fennel/Anise hyssop/Hyssop Anisee/Blue Giant Hyssop
Tridacna maxima, Giant Blue Clam, soft-bodied molusc, simple shell open for feeding, algae growing in fleshy mantle, rows of eyes along mantle
Variable star Mira Ceti view in ultraviolet - Star Mira Ceti seen in ultraviolet - Ultraviolet view of the star Mira of the Whale revealing a long train of material ejected by the large red star. This trail extends over 13 years - light. Mosaic of images obtained by the Galex satellite in November and December 2006. Ultraviolet image of the star Mira taken with the Galex satellite in November and December 2006. In this image, Mira is moving from left to right. It is visible as the small white dot in the bulb shape at right. The shed material can be seen in light blue. The dots in the picture are stars and distant galaxies. The large blue dot at left is a star that is closer to us than Mira. Mira is traveling so fast (130 kilometers per second) that it's creating a bow shock, or build - up of gas, in front of it, as can be seen here at right
Kibo Peak; extinct volcano; Giant Groundsel (Dendrosenecio Kilimanjari); Kilimanjaro National Park; Marangu Route; Tanzania; East Africa; Africa
The Glowing Eye of NGC 6751, 2000
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Life Cycle of Stars, 1999
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Planetary nebula NGC 6369 in Ophiuchus/HST - NGC 6369 is known to amateur astronomers as the “” Little Ghost Nebula,”” because it appears as a small, ghostly cloud surrounding the faint, dying central star. NGC 6369 lies in the direction of the constellation Ophiuchus, at a distance estimated to be between about 2,000 and 5,000 light - years from Earth. When a star with a mass similar to that of our own Sun nears the end of its lifetime, it expands in size to become a red giant. The red - giant stage ends when the star expels its outer layers into space, producing a faintly glowing nebula. Astronomers call such an object a planetary nebula, because its round shape resembles that of a planet when viewed with a small telescope. The Hubble photograph of NGC 6369, captured with the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) in February 2002, reveals remarkable details of the ejection process that are not visible from ground - based telescopes because of the blurring produced by the Earth's atmosphere. The remnant stellar core in the center is now sending out a flood of ultraviolet (UV) light into the surrounding gas. The prominent blue - green ring, nearly a light - year in diameter, marks the location where the energetic UV light has stripped electrons off of atoms in the gas. This process is called ionization. In the redder gas at larger distances from the star, where the UV light is less intense, the ionization process is less advanced. Even farther outside the main body of the nebula, one can see fainter wisps of gas that were lost from the star at the beginning of the ejection process. The color image has been produced by combining WFPC2 pictures taken through filters that isolate light emitted by three different chemical elements with different degrees of ionization. The doughnut - shaped blue - green ring represents light from ionized oxygen atoms that have lost two electrons (blue) and from hydrogen atoms that have lost their single electrons (green). Red marks
Variable Stars in a Distant Spiral Galaxy ,1999
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Nebula around the star R Aquarii - R Aquarii and its peculiar nebula - This star is actually a binary system composed of a giant red star (in the center) and a white dwarf (invisible in this photo). Image obtained by Siding Spring's 3.9m telescope. The star at the centre of this unique nebula has been known to be variable since 1810. It has a period of a little over a year, but the brightness shifts are erratic, ranging from the threshold of naked eye visibility to about 200 times fainter. At the centre of the nebula is a symbiotic star, an interacting pair consisting of a red giant and white dwarf. The dwarf draws in material from the giant, occasionally ejecting the surplus as the strange loops seen in the colour picture. The white dwarf itself is invisible and the light from the red dwarf is truly red, perhaps because the whole system is embedded in very dusty nebula which absorbs what blue light there is