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Images of 'Beleier' found, 184

The annonciation to the shepherds, from the cycle of the life of the Virgin (fresco, 1332-1338)
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Sign of the zodiac: the Belier (Astrological sign: aries) Private collection
Egyptian antiquite: pectoral of Pharaoh Ramses II (1279-1213 BC) 19th Dynasty. In the center the goddess cobra Ouadjet and the vulture goddess Nekhbet, above a vulture with the head of belier. Made of electrum and colored glass. From Saqqara. Paris, Musee du Louvre - Egyptian Antiquities: Breastplate of Pharaoh Ramses II (1279-1213 BC).19th Dynasty. In the middle, the cobra goddess Wadjet (Ouadjet) and above, the vulture goddess Nekhbet with a ram's head. Made in electrum and colored glass. From Saqqara. Louvre Museum, Paris, France
Constellation of Belier - Constellation of Aries - Constellation of Belier and clusters of Pleiades (in the Taurus). Although inconspicuous, Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac and from ancient times has been represented by a ram, the same ram whose golden fleece was sought by Jason and the Argonauts in the great ship Argo Navis. For more than 2000 years it also of astronomical importance because it was the constellation where the Sun crossed the celestial equator (ecliptic) each year at the vernal equinox, marking the first point in Aries from which right ascension is measured. Precession has now carried this point into Pisces. The constellation is the 39th largest in the sky and covers about 440 square degrees. The best - known object in this field is the Pleiades star cluster (M45 in Taurus)
Italian advertising for the wool Decade della Lana. Drawing by Gian Rossetti, 1923 depicting a belier head whose body extends in fabric with scissors, sewing and needles.
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The Paris judgment. The shepherd Paris has to choose who he will give the golden apple to design the most beautiful of the three goddesses, Athena, Aphrodite or Hera. Painting of the Italian school of the 15th century Florence, Museo Nazionale del Bargello
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Portrait of Apollinaris of Ravenna first bishop of Ravenna and Classe (Detail of mosaic, 6th century)
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Mars with the zodiac signs of scorpion and belier. The battle scenes. (miniature, c.1470)
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Aries and sheep
The double page of the quadrupeds in Historia Animalium by Conrad Gesner (1516 - 1565), Tiguri, 1560. Bibl. Nazionale Braidense, Milan.
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Horoscope: sign of the zodiac, the Aries.
Whale Constellation - Constellation of Cetus - Also visible, the constellation Belier at the top of the picture. Cetus (the Whale or Sea Monster) is an ancient constellation in the northern sky depicting a whale - like creature basking on the shores of the fabled stream Eridanus, which flows from the celestial equator far into the southern sky. Cetus is extensive but not very distinctive, containing few bright stars. However, some of the stars are exceptionally interesting, particlarly Mira the wonderful, the prototype variable star, whose variability was first noted 400 years ago. The constellation of Aries is visible at the top of the image
Representation of the constellation of the belier. Manuscript.
Nessus sphinx, Amphion floridensis 1, and Amplypterus panopus 2 moths. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmann's Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1849.
Nebula NGC 6726 - 27 - 29 in the Southern Crown - The Corona Australis nebula (NGC 6726 - 27 - 29) Image of R Coronae Australis region in the southern Milky Way, obtained with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) (camera) at the 2.2 - m MPG/ESO Telescope on La Silla (Chile). The sky field shown measures approx. 33.7 x 31.9 arcmin2 (about the diameter of the full moon). The R Coronae Australis complex of young stars and interstellar gas clouds is one of the nearest star - forming regions, at a distance of approx. 500 light - years from the Sun. It is seen in the southern constellation of that name (The “Southern Crown”). R Coronae Australis, the bright star from which the entire complex is named, is located at the center of the field and illuminates the reddish nebula around it. The bright star in the lower part, illuminating a somewhat bluer nebula, is known as TY Coronae Australis. The brightness of these two stars and several others in the same field is variable. They belong to the so - called “” T Tauri””” class, a type that is quite common in star - forming regions. T Tauri stars are in the early stages of stellar evolution and display various observable characteristics of this phase, e.g. emission at visible and infrared wavelengths due to the accretion of matter left over from their formation, as well as X - ray emission. The nebulosity seen in this picture is mostly due to reflection of the stellar light by small dust particles. The stars in the R Coronae Australis complex do not emit sufficient ultraviolet light to ionize a substantial fraction of the surrounding hydrogen, and thus cause this gas to glow. Also visible are so - called Herbig - Haro objects, i.e., dense clumps of gas ejected from the immediate vicinity of newly formed stars with velocities of about 200 km/sec. The observations were obtained on the night of 30 August 2000
Artillery: Aries or wooden battering ram and catapult used by Lord Heathfield at the siege of Gibraltar. Copperplate engraving by Wilson Lowry from Abraham Rees' Cyclopedia or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature, Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme and Brown, London, 1820.
Cup with reliefs of rams, 3000 BC (carved limestone)
Constellation Belier - Aries constellation - Constellation Belier and cluster of Pleiades (in the Taurus). Although inconspicuous, Aries is one of the constellations of the zodiac and from ancient times has been represented by a ram, the same ram whose golden fleece was sought by Jason and the Argonauts in the great ship Argo Navis. For more than 2000 years it also of astronomical importance because it was the constellation where the Sun crossed the celestial equator (ecliptic) each year at the vernal equinox, marking the first point in Aries from which right ascension is measured. Precession has now carried this point into Pisces. The constellation is the 39th largest in the sky and covers about 440 square degrees. The best - known object in this field is the Pleiades star cluster (M45 in Taurus)
Horoscope: the sign of the ram.
Siege of a city in the Middle Ages. War machines, catapult, trebuchet, belier. Chromolithography of La Belle Jardiniere, beginning 20th secle.
2 frescoes of ancient inspiration (Greek mythology) - Race of centaurs to gallop (centhaur) - Ulysses creeps the eye of the Polypheme Cyclops and runs away with his companions by clinging to the beliers. Original gouaches by Marie Joly. Private collection, rights artist OK.
Wall painted “” Yoplait””, 72 Quai de la Rapee, Paris 12 Designer: Atelier Belier
Constellation of Belier - Aries constellatio
Magna Graecia: ram, bronze sculpture, 3rd century BC
Black-faced ram or Norfolk Horn, Ovis aries. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from William Jardine's Naturalist's Library, Edinburgh, 1836.
Horoscope: the sign of the ram. Illustration by P. La Porta.
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Spiral galaxy NGC 772 in Belier - Spiral galaxy NGC 772 in Aries - Spiral galaxy located at a distance of 100 million years - light A small spheroidal galaxy above, NGC 770, is responsible for elongating one of its arms by gravitational attraction. Image obtained with a telescope 61 cm in diameter. NGC 772 is a spiral galaxy located about 100 million light years away in the constellation Aries. The small elliptical galaxy (above) is NGC 770 and may be interacting with NGC 772
Whale Constellation - Constellation of Cetus - Also visible, the constellation Belier at the top of the picture. Cetus (the Whale or Sea Monster) is an ancient constellation in the northern sky depicting a whale - like creature basking on the shores of the fabled stream Eridanus, which flows from the celestial equator far into the southern sky. Cetus is extensive but not very distinctive, containing few bright stars. However, some of the stars are exceptionally interesting, particlarly Mira the wonderful, the prototype variable star, whose variability was first noted 400 years ago. The constellation of Aries is visible at the top of the image
Leicester ram, Ovis aries. Endangered. Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from William Jardine's Naturalist's Library, Edinburgh, 1836.
Painted wall Yoplait, 72 Quai de la Rapee in Paris 12th arrondissement.
The signs of the zodiac: the ram. Illustration by Patrizia La Porta.
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Sign of Aries. Horoscope illustrated by Patrizia La Porta.
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Sign of Belier. Horoscope illustrated by Patrizia La Porta, 2004.
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Corsican sheep, Ovis aries musimon (Corsican musmon, Ovis orientalis). Handcoloured steel engraving by Lizars after an illustration by James Stewart from William Jardine's Naturalist's Library, Edinburgh, 1836.
Sign of the zodiac: the ram.
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Wall painted “” Yoplait””, 72 Quai de la Rapee, Paris 12th. Design: Atelier Belier.
Narrow-striped mongoose, Mungotictis decemlineata (vulnerable) 2, and pen-tailed treeshrew, Ptilocercus lowii 1. Handcoloured lithograph from Carl Hoffmann's Book of the World, Stuttgart, 1849.