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'Palazzo Spinola And Galleria Nazionale Della Liguria, Musei Nazionali Di Genova, Genoa, Italy' images and/or videos results

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Images of 'Palazzo Spinola And Galleria Nazionale Della Liguria, Musei Nazionali Di Genova, Genoa, Italy' found, 79

Christ healing the paralytic, painting by Vincent Malo (active from ca 1623-died 1656).
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Jesus miraculously warried a paralytic at Capharnaeum. 17th century (Painting)
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Binding of Isaac (Il sacrificio di Isacco), by Orazio Gentileschi, 1621-1624, 17th Century, oli on canvas
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Gallery of Mirrors with frescoes by Lorenzo de' Ferrari, Palazzo Spinola, Genoa, Italy (photo)
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Wood frame with Giunone, Minerva, Mercurius and Paris (Cornice lignea con Giunone, Minerva, Mercurio e Paride), by Filippo Parodi, 17th Century, water gilding (fine gold) with bole, 40 x 44 x 26 cm
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Pier-glass, 1736 (inlaid and gilded wood)
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Naval battle between Rainier Grimaldi and Guy, Count of Flanders, detail from fresco by Lazzaro Tavarone (1556-1641) in Receptions room on second floor of Palazzo Spinola di Pellicceria (UNESCO World Heritage List, 2006), Genoa, Italy, 16th-18th century
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Justice, 1313 (marble)
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Portrait of Veronica Spinola Serra (oil on canvas)
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Galleria degli Specchi, Palazzo Spinola, Genoa, Liguria, Italy
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The Holy Family With St John The Baptist, 17th century (oil on canvas)
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Female Portrait (oil on canvas)
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Allegory of Painting, c.1635 (oil on canvas)
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Hercules Fighting Antaeus,1690 (oil on canvas)
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The Abduction Of Sabines, 1680 (oil on canvas)
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Marriage of the Virgin, by Valerio Castello (1625-1659), oil on canvas, 95x122 cm.
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Nativity, by Giovanni Battista Gaulli known as il Baciccia (1639-1709), oil on canvas.
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Scipio Clusone with a dwarf valet
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Pier-glass, 1736 (inlaid and gilded wood)
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National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola,
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Piece of cloth, (lampasso fabric)
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Embroidered chair covering, (Application on damask)
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17th century gallery in Museum of Villa Spinola, Genoa, Liguria, Italy
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Portrait of Ansaldo Pallavicino (ne 1622) child Painting by Antonie Van Dyck (1599-1641) 1625 approx. Sun. 288x198 cm Genes, Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola
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The Meeting of St Dominic and St Francis of Assisi (oil on canvas, 17th century)
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Equestrian portrait of Gio Carlo Doria
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Detail of the hall of mirrors decorations (Particolare delle decorazioni della Galleria degli Specchi), by Lorenzo De Ferrari and Francesco Maria Costa, 1738, 18th Century
Portrait of Stefano Raggio, 1510-15 (oil on board)
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The Virgin in Prayer, Second Decade 16th Century (oil on board)
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Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist, Post 1640 (oil on canvas)
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Justice, 1313 (marble)
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Justice, 1313 (marble)
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Mercury and Argus (oil on canvas)
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Pan and Syrinx (oil on canvas)
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Hercules and the Lernaean Hydra,1690 (oil on canvas)
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Hercules and the Cretan Bull,1690 (oil on canvas)
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Silver plate depicting the departure of Christopher Columbus (molten silver, embossed and chiseled)
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Piece of cloth, (lampasso fabric)
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Tripods, 1785 (wood carved partially gilded and painted)
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Binding of Isaac (oil on canvas, 16th-17th century)
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Portrait of Lady with Child Painting by Antonie Van Dyck (1599-1641) 1626 Dim. 160x140 cm Genes, Galleria Nazionale di Palazzo Spinola
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Hercules welcomed to Olympus,1690 (oil on canvas)
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Hercules on the funeral pyre,1690 (oil on canvas)
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Justice, 1313 (marble)
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Justice, 1313 (marble)
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The Judgment of Paris (carved and gilded wood, painting on copper))
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National Gallery of Palazzo Spinola,
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Console table (wall table), 1785 (wood carved and gilded)
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Table carpet,
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Armchair, (velvet)
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Scenes of bath, seduction. 1565 (Fresco)
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Crowned love and profane Love (Amor sacro e amor profano), by Guido Reni, 1622, 17th Century (oil on canvas)
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Justice, 1313 (marble)
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Portrait of Stefano Gentile, 1709 (oil on canvas)
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Portrait of Anton Julius II Brignole-Sale extraordinary envoy to Louis XIV of France, 1704 (oil on canvas)
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Saint Jerome the Penitent, c.1600 (painting)
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Portrait of Veronica Spinola Serra, early 17th century (oil on canvas)
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Christ on the Pillar (Flagellation of Christ), 1591 (oil on canvas)
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Saint John's encounter with the Holy Family in Egypt, first half of the 16th century (oil on oval board)
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Abraham's Journey, c.1652 (oil on canvas)
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Adoration of the Magi, 15th-16th century (oil on panel)
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Palazzo Pietro Spinola di San Luca, Genoa, Italy (photo)
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Portrait of Ansaldo Pallavicino, by Anthony van Dyck, 1599-1641
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Glory of San Siro, by Giovanni Battista Carlone (1592-1677), painting.
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Tripods, 1785 (wood carved partially gilded and painted)
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Damask, (two-coloured damask)
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Sedan chair covering, (velvet)
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Madonna in Adoration
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Aeneas fleeing Troy, 1675-1680 (painting)
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Galleria degli Specchi, Palazzo Spinola, Genoa, Liguria, Italy
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Perseus and Andromeda (oil on canvas)
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Allegory of Painting, c.1635 (oil on canvas)
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Rinaldo and Armida, 1642 (oil on canvas)
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Resurrection of Lazarus, Second half of the 17th century (oil on canvas)
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Portrait of Giò Carlo Doria on horseback, 1606 (oil on canvas)
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Marriage of the Virgin, 1645-50 (oil on canvas)
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Madonna and Child with Saint John, 1525-49 (oil on board)
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