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Images of 'Egyptian National Museum, Cairo, Egypt' found, 2,124

relief showing Akhenaten and his family
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Shrine dedicated to Hathor by Tuthmosis III, Deir el-Bahri, 18th Dynasty, New Kingdom (photo)
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Funeral mask of Tutankhamun, Thebes - Museum of Egypt, Cairo
Small statue of Khufu, from the Temple of Osiris at Abydos, Old Kingdom (ivory)
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Egyptian antiquite: Mykerinos shale triad (Menkaoure). The pharaoh in the center is depicted surrounded by the divinite Hathor (left) and the personification of the nome of Diospolis Parva (right) surmounts the jackal god, 4th dynasty, Dim. 47 x 93 x 43 cm - Cairo, Egyptian Museum - Egyptian civilization: Triad of Menkaure (Mycerinus) - king Menkaure wearing the white crown of Upper Egg Ypt, with the goddess Hathor to his right and the 17th nome of Upper Egypt to his left - Schist sculpture taken from the Valley Temple of the Pyramid of Menkaure at Giza, Old Kingdom, c. 2529 BC (Dim. 47x93x43 cm) - Egyptian National Museum, Cairo (Egypt)
sarcophagus of prince Thutmosis' cat
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Sheikh el
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Statue of Khafre, enthroned, from the Valley Temple of the Pyramid of Khafre at Giza, Old Kingdom, c.2540-2505 BC (diorite)
Egyptian antiquitis: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun forming part of the Tresor of the Pharaoh. Around 1340 BC. From the tomb of All-Ankh-Amon (Tutankhamun or Tutankhamun), Valley of the Kings. 18th dynasty. Cairo. Egyptian Museum - Egyptian Antiquities: necklace (pectoral ornament) of Tutankhamun from the Treasury of the Pharaoh. Circa 1340 BC. Found in the tomb of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamon), Valley of the Kings, Thebes.18th dynasty. Egyptian Museum, Cairo, Egypt