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Artwork from ' Giuseppe Sanmartino (c.1720-93) ' found, 19

Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse on the right: statue of St. Teresa DaVila, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, statue of St. Joseph, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the left: statue of Saint Irene, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the left, statue of San Domenico, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, statue of San Giovanni Gualberto, part., Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the right, statue of San Fracesco of Assisi, detail of the mansolon, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the right, statue of San Fracesco of Assisi, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the right, statue of San Fracesco of Assisi, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the right, statue of San Fracesco of Assisi, detail of the mansolon, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the right, statue of San Fracesco of Assisi, detail of the mansolon, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the right, statue of San Fracesco of Assisi, detail of the mansolon, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, statue of St. Joseph, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, statue of San Giovanni Gualberto, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the left, statue of San Domenico, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse on the right: statue of St. Teresa DaVila, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the left: statue of Saint Irene, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse on the right, statue of San Fracesco da Paola, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse on the right, statue of San Fracesco da Paola, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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Cathedral of San Cataldo, Chapel of San Cataldo, semi-ellipse of the left, statue of San Filippo Neri, Taranto, Puglia (photo)
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