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Artwork from ' Benozzo Di Lese Di Sandro Gozzoli (1420-97)' found, 219

The Journey of the Magi to Bethlehem, the right hand wall of the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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The Journey of the Magi, East wall of the chapel, c.1460 (fresco
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The Journey of the Magi to Bethlehem, the left hand wall of the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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John VII Palaeologus (1391-1448), Eastern Roman Emperor, as Balthasar, one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Medieval town, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Angels in a heavenly landscape, the left hand wall of the apse, from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel c .1460 (fresco)
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Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan (1444-76), extreme left, on a brown horse and Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta, ruler of Rimini (1417-68) beside him on a grey horse, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Angels, 1459 (fresco) (detail)
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Lorenzo de' Medici, "the Magnificent" (1449-92), as one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Virgin and Child with Angels, c.1460 (gold leaf and tempera on wood panel)
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The Procession of the Magi, detail of the Cavaliers, 1459-62 (fresco)
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John VII Palaeologus (1391-1448), Eastern Roman Emperor, as Balthasar, one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Angels in a heavenly landscape, the left hand wall of the apse, from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel c .1460 (fresco)
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Faces in the procession, including a self portrait by Gozzoli (wearing a red cap with the gold inscription: "Opus Benotii"), detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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John VII Palaeologus (1391-1448), Eastern Roman Emperor, as one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Lorenzo de' Medici, "the Magnificent" (1449-92), as one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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John Duns Scotus (c.1265-c.1308) 1450 (fresco)
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Portraits of Piero de'Medici (on a mule), Cosimo de'Medici (centre) and the Duke Salviati (on horseback), detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Angel feeding a peacock, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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The Procession of the Magi, 1459-60 (fresco)
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Angel gathering flowers in a heavenly landscape, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Madonna and Child, from the Chapel of the Magi
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John VII Palaeologus (1391-1448), Eastern Roman Emperor, as Balthasar, one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Piero de Medici (1416-69) as Caspar, detail from The Procession of the Magi, c.1459-60 (fresco)
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St. Francis Preaching to the Birds and Blessing Montefalco, 1452 (fresco)
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Lorenzo de' Medici, "the Magnificent" (1449-92), as one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Choir of Angels, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Giuliano de' Medici (1453-78) as Melchior, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Procession of the Oldest King, 1459-60 (fresco)
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Two Liveried Attendants and the head of Lorenzo the Magnificent's Horse, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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St. Agostino reading epistles of St. Paul, detail from Stories of St. Augustine, 1465, by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-1497), fresco, Church of St. Augustine, San Gimignano, Siena, Italy
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The Voyage of the Magi Cortege des rois mages de Jerusalem a Bethleem calls in Italian “Viaggio dei Magi” or “” Cavalcata dei Magi” Detail of the young mage in the face of Laurent the Magnificent (Laurent de Medici) (The procession of the Magi, detail of the youngest magi represented as Lorenzo il Magi) Fresco of Benozzo di Lese di Sandro dit Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497), 1459-1460 Florence, Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Capella dei Magi
Maria (b.1460), Bianca (1461-88) and Nannina (1463-93) Medici, younger sisters of Lorenzo (1449-92) and Giuliano (1453-78), detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Faces in the procession, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Angels in a heavenly landscape, the left hand wall of the apse, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Angels in a heavenly landscape, the right hand wall of the apse, Detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Birds around a pond, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Landscape with a castle, detail from the Procession of the Magi King's to Bethlehem, 1459 (fresco)
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Giuliano de' Medici (1453-78) as Melchior, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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The Path leading up to a Castle, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the Chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Liveried archers, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Procession on horseback descending a hill, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Face in the procession, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Arab philosopher Averroes, detail from Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas, 1470-1475, by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-about 1497), tempera on wood, 227x102 cm
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Fantastical Landscape,  detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the Chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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The cavalcade of the Magi, 1459, by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-about 1497), fresco. Detail depicting the parade from the west wall. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence.
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Choir of Angels, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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John VII Palaeologus (1391-1448), Eastern Roman Emperor, as Balthasar, one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Portrait of Giuliano de'Medici (1453-78), detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Pope Innocent III Approving the Rule (fresco) (b/w photo)
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Procession of the Magi by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-1497), fresco. Detail. Chapel of Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence.
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Arab philosopher Averroes, detail from Triumph of St Thomas Aquinas, 1470-1475 (tempera on wood)
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Procession of the Magi with Laurent the Magnificent(fresco, 15th century)
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Faces in the procession, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Stories from life of St Francis, preaching to birds (1452), Cycle of frescoes by Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497), apsidal tribune, Church of St Francis, Montefalco, Umbria, Italy, 15th century
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Altar with lamb, by Benozzo di Lese di Sandro detto Benozzo Gozzoli, 1459, 15th Century, fresco
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Italy, Montefalco, Vault of Apse of Church of Saint Francis Painted with saints
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Leopard straining on a leash, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Shepherd and his flock, panel alongside the right wall of the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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The Procession of the Magi, 1459-60 (fresco)
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The Procession of the Magi, detail, 1459 (fresco)
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St Augustine taken by his parents to grammar teacher at Tagaste, by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-1497), fresco, Church of St Augustine, San Gimignano (UNESCO World Heritage List, 1990 ), Italy, 1465
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Shepherd and herdsman, panel alongside the left wall of the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Giuseppe, the Patriarch of Constantinople, as one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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John VII Palaeologus (1391-1448), Eastern Roman Emperor, as Balthasar, one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Giuliano de' Medici (1453-78) as Melchior, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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Giuseppe, the Patriarch of Constantinople, as one of the Three Kings, detail from the Journey of the Magi cycle in the chapel, c.1460 (fresco)
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St. Francis Rocking the Bambino at Greccio (fresco) (b/w photo)
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Stories of Jacob and Esau, by Benozzo Gozzoli (1421-1497), synopia (underdrawing), Detail
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The cavalcade of the Magi, 1459, by Benozzo Gozzoli (1420-about 1497), fresco. Detail depicting the parade from the west wall. Palazzo Medici Riccardi, Florence.
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The travel of the Magi kings
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