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Artwork from ' Edmund Dulac (1882-1953)' found, 271

Cinderella and Her Fairy Godmother by Edmund Dulac, 1911 (screenprint)
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illustration for the tale by Hans Christian Andersen's 'The Snow Queen' 1911 (lithograph)
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The Little Mermaid (lithograph)
Princess Scheherazade, heroine of The Thousand and One Nights. Illustration 1907 (Stories from the Arabian Nights) (lithograph)
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The story of the princess of Deryabar, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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The fisherman and the genie, illustration from the stories the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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Hans Christian Andersen 's The Mermaid', 1911 (lithograph)
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The Bells, illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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Marie Louise Shew illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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The story of the princess of Deryabar, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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illustration for Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, 1922 (lithograph)
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Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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The fisherman and the genie, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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Layla and Majnun; a Persian love story, 1915 (lithograph)
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Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1910 (colour lithograph)
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The Little Mermaid, "At the mere sight of the bright liquid they drew back in terror", 1911 (pencil, pen & black ink & w/c with scratching out on paper)
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Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island, 1927 (lithograph)
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Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island, 1927 (lithograph)
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Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island, 1927 (lithograph)
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Eldorado, poem by Edgar Allen Poe, 19th century (lithograph)
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The Princess and the Pea Book Plate, France, 1915 (lithograph)
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“The Snow Queen”: The Snow Queen in Majeste, 1911 (lithograph)
The story of the wicked half-brothers, 1907 (lithograph)
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The king of the ebony isles, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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Princess Badoura and Camaralzaman, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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The second voyage of Sindbad the sailor, illustration from the Arabian Nights, 1907 (lithograph)
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illustration for Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, 1922 (lithograph)
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illustration for Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, 1922 (lithograph)
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illustration for Shirley by Charlotte Bronte, 1922 (lithograph)
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The Nightingale by Hans Christian Andersen (lithograph)
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Robert Louis Stevenson 's Treasure Island, 1927 (lithograph)
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Hans Christian Andersen 's 'The Snow Queen', 1938 (lithograph)
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Hans Christian Andersen 's 'The Emperor 's New Clothes', 1911 (lithograph)
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illustration for the tale by Hans Christian Andersen 'The Wind 's Tale', 1911 (lithograph)
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Sinbad the Sailor by Edmund Dulac, 1911 (screen print)
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Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, 1910 (lithograph)
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The Bells, illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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Annabel Lee illustration for a poem of Edgar Allan Poe, 1912 (lithograph)
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The Raven illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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The City in the Sea illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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The Sleeper illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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Ulalume illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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The Conqueror Worm illustration for Edgar Allan Poe poem (lithograph)
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