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Unit Participation Comparison, 1975 (16mm Negative, Scan 2K/Sound)
Location: Rome, Italy/Reggio Calabria, Italy/Milan, Italy
Creator: Ettore Scola
Documentary made on the occasion of the election campaign for the 1975 regional and administrative elections, which addresses the main issues of democratic life in our country.
The common thread of the film consists of the comment by actor Bruno Cirino while the images flow on a screen and on a movie.
In interviews with women, young people, workers, the elderly, the problems of the economic crisis, unemployment, political and common crime, of government inadequacy, the need for a communist participation in the direction of the country.
In the dialogue of two women - impersonated by two actresses - two female conditions are represented: that of the woman who participates in social and political life and the one still conditioned by backward positions and unpoliticized.
But their discussion — about the problems of home, social services, school — is together an opportunity for common growth and discussion.
In the images shot in Reggio Calabria, Milan, Rome, the fascist eversion appears with immediate evidence: the revolt in the southern city, the killing of Agent Marino, the search for the clash and the violence in front of schools.
Democratic policemen assemblies testify to the need and willingness for a profound reform of the organization of police forces.
In the figures of some Christian Democratic exponents are summarized the bad government of the DC and the very serious scandals that deteriorate the very image of democratic life.
In the analysis of the information problem, the control exercised by the Fanfanian current on television and the large moderate press is highlighted.
In the shooting carried out in a high school during the elections provided for by the delegated decrees, the important democratic function of a large popular participation in the educational and training activity of the school stands out. .
In the testimonies that come from the Regions and Municipalities, administered by the left forces, there is a different way of governing, with the participation of all citizens, in the interest of the whole collectivity.
01. Headlines
02. Short interviews addressed to people - men and women, young and old - in different parts of Italy. PP or MF of respondents; pan of interview areas
03. Two women (actresses), just interviewed, continue their path talking about politics and topical issues. PP and MF of the two, who walk until they arrive in front of a school, where, when the children arrive, they greet and separate
04. Inside a room, in the center of which there is a movie, of a PCI headquarters. Here, actor Bruno Cirino talks about politics and current affairs by addressing the MDP directly. Help him by a girl who mounts films on the movie, who the MDP frames
05. Excerpts on fascist violence: images of far-right demonstrations; groups of young fascists who play against the police that surround the corpse of Agent Marino in the middle of a road. Editing images of events, corpses, PP of covered faces
06. Bruno Cirino comments on the images and continues the speech, even after the end of the film. MF and look in the car
07. Second film, about delegated decrees: filming carried out within a Roman High School during the elections. Mdp in the crowd. In another high school, the police are guarding the entrance, where many kids are gathered or passing through to exit the building. The actor comments on the images, introducing new topics
08. Third passage: a meeting of democratic policemen, discussing a necessary reform of the organization of police forces. Pan of the hall and the small stage, from where one of the representatives gives a speech
09. Fourth passage: a Roman event in favor of the autonomy of the regions. Comment by Cirino
10. Fifth passage: images of clashes in the square in Milan between young people and the police. A dead body down the road: it is the young Gianni Zibecco. The ambulance arrives that takes him away. More images of street fights: a car is set on fire; a policeman is hit in the face. Cirino's final comment and credits
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