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Editorial (Books, magazines and newspaper) - extended
Print and/or digital. Single use, any size, inside only. Single language only. Single territory rights for trade books; worldwide rights for academic books. Print run up to 5000. 7 years. (excludes advertising)
Editorial (Books, magazines and newspaper) - standard
Print and/or digital. Single use, any size, inside only. Single language only. Single territory rights for trade books; worldwide rights for academic books. Print run up to 1500. 7 years. (excludes advertising)
Corporate website, social media or presentation/talk
Web display, social media, apps or blogs.
Not for advertising. All languages. 1 year + archival rights
Personal website, social media or presentation/talk
Web display, social media, apps, or blogs. Use in academic and non-commercial presentations/talks included. Not for commercial use or advertising. All languages. 5 years
Personal products
Personal Prints, Cards, Gifts, Reference. 5 year term. Not for commercial use, not for public display, not for resale. example: For use on birthday cards sent to family members.
Ferrara, Palazzo Costabili or Palazzo di Ludovico il Moro (today it is the seat of the National Archaeological of Spina), Aula Costabiliana o Hall of the Treasure, vault: XVI century frescoes by Benvenuto Tisi, known as il Garofalo. Along the sides of the ceiling a large balcony, where Oriental rugs are hanging out, is painted. There is a gallery of characters, many of them have musical instruments. They leanfrom the balcony and show the observers their love for arts, music and poetry. The ceiling is almost a showcase of the aristocracy of the time with portraits of rare elegance. In an evocative scenography, above the balcony, there are a turquoise sky, with a gazebo filled with branches of fruit, knotted around the balustrade. This room is, in fact, a hortus conclusus, a secret garden realised by the owner for his notable guests.
Ferrara, Palazzo Costabili o Palazzo di Ludovico il Moro (oggi sede del Museo Archeologico Nazionale o di Spina), Aula Costabiliana o Sala del Tesoro, volta: affreschi cinquecenteschi di Benvenuto Tisi, detto il Garofalo. Lungo i lati del soffitto un' ampia balconata da cui pendono tappeti orientali: una galleria di personaggi, molti dei quali con strumenti musicali, affacciati in maniera disinvolta a testimoniare con garbo e misura il loro amore per l' arte, la musica e la poesia. In una suggestiva scenografia, oltre la balconata si apre un cielo turchino, su cui e' strutturato un gazebo con rami carichi di frutta e tralci sospesi, annodati alla balaustra. La sala e' un hortus conclusus, un giardino segreto voluto dal padrone di casa per i suoi importanti ospiti. Al centro dell' apertura illusionistica sono un fastoso rosone in legno intagliato e dorato e una finta architettura che funge da copertura e al tempo stesso da decorazione. Tutt' intorno corre un fregio a grottesche entro cui compaiono medaglioni con scene mitologiche e storie dell' antica Roma.