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Artwork from ' William Walker (1729-93)' found, 2

Presenting the Act of Union to Queen Anne, 1771 (engraving)
  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
The eminent men of science in 1807-1808. Meeting in the library of the Royal Institute of Sciences, England. Engraving by William Walker and Sir John Gilbert (1817 - 1897) - Eminent Men of Science Living in 1807 - Eminent Men of Science, 1807-08, Assembled in the Library of the Royal Institution - by William Walker and Sir John Gilbert - William Allen, Francis Baily, Sir Joseph Banks, Bt, Samuel Bentham, Matthew Boulton, Joseph Bramah, Robert Brown, Sir Marc Isambard Brunel, Edmund Cartwright, Henry Cavendish, Sir William Congreve, 2nd Bt, Samuel Crompton, John Dalton, Sir Humphry Davy, Peter Dollond, Bryan Donkin, Archibald Cochrane, 9th Earl of Dundonald, Henry Fourdrinier, Davies Gilbert, Charles Hatchett, William Henry, Sir William Herschel, Edward Charles Howard, Joseph Huddle Art, Edward Jenner, William Jessop, Henry Kater, Sir John Leslie, Nevil Maskelyne, Henry Maudslay, Patrick Miller, William Murdock, Robert Mylne, Alexander Nasmyth, John Playfair, John Rennie Sr, Sir Francis Ronalds, Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count von Rumford, Daniel Rutherford, Charles Stanhope, 3rd Earl Stanhope, William Symington, Thomas Telford, Charles Tennant, Thomas Thomson, Richard Trevithick, James Watt, William Hyde Wollaston, Thomas Young