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15. August 1769 (241 Jahre)
Napoleon Bonaparte French military and political leader, was born in Ajaccio.
15. August 1771 (239 Jahre)
Sir Walter Scott, schottischer Dichter und Schriftsteller, wird geboren.
15. August 1928 (82 Jahre)
Nicolas Roeg, English director and cinematographer, was born.
15. August 1939 (71 Jahre)
The Wizard of Oz premiers at Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood (released in theatres everywhere on August 25th).
15. August 1967 (43 Jahre)
René Magritte, belgischer Maler, stirbt.
15. August 1969 (41 Jahre)
The first Woodstock music & arts festival is held on a dairy farm in the Catskill Mountains, northwest of New York City.
16. August 1868 (142 Jahre)
Bernarr MacFadden, American body-builder and "father of physical culture", was born.
16. August 1888 (122 Jahre)
Thomas Edward Lawrence, British army officer renowned for his liaison role during the Arab revolt, was born.
16. August 1916 (94 Jahre)
Umberto Boccioni, italienischer Maler des Futurismus, stirbt.
16. August 1948 (62 Jahre)
George Herman "Babe" Ruth, American baseball player and coach, died.
16. August 1951 (59 Jahre)
Fallschirmsprung von Bernarr MacFadden an seinem 83. Geburtstag.
16. August 1956 (54 Jahre)
Béla Ferenc Dezső Blaskó, besser bekannt als Bela Lugosi, ungarischer Schauspieler bekannt für seine Rolle als Dracula, stirbt.
16. August 1958 (52 Jahre)
Madonna, American singer-songwriter, producer, actress, and director, was born.
16. August 1977 (33 Jahre)
Elvis Aaron Presley "the King of Rock and Roll" and one of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century, died.
16. August 1977 (33 Jahre)
Elvis Aaron Presley, der "King of Rock and Roll", stirbt.
16. August 1993 (17 Jahre)
Stewart Granger, English-American actor, died.
16. August 2003 (7 Jahre)
Idi Amin, Ugandan dictator, dies.
17. August 1893 (117 Jahre)
Mae West, American actress, singer, and screenwriter, was born.
17. August 1943 (67 Jahre)
Robert De Niro, American actor, director, and producer, was born.
17. August 1969 (41 Jahre)
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, German-American architect, dies.
17. August 1987 (23 Jahre)
Rudolf Heß, deutscher Politiker der NSDAP und Stellvertreter Adolf Hitlers, stirbt.
18. August 1936 (74 Jahre)
Charles Robert Redford Jr., amerikanischer Schauspieler besser bekannt als Robert Redford, wird geboren.
18. August 1963 (47 Jahre)
James Meredith becomes the first black person to graduate from the University of Mississippi.
19. August 1743 (267 Jahre)
Madame du Barry, French mistress of Louis XV of France, was born.
19. August 1913 (97 Jahre)
Adolphe Pegoud becomes the first person in Europe to parachute jump from an aircraft.
19. August 1936 (74 Jahre)
Federico García Lorca, spanischer Lyriker und Dramatiker, stirbt.
19. August 1947 (63 Jahre)
First trial of notorious female nazi criminal Isle Koch.
19. August 1977 (33 Jahre)
Groucho Marx, US-amerikanischer Komiker und Schauspieler, stirbt.
20. August 1940 (70 Jahre)
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill makes the fourth of his famous wartime speeches, containing the line "Never was so much owed by so many to so few".
21. August 1918 (92 Jahre)
WWI - Second Battle of the Somme, fought on the Western Front, in the basin of the River Somme.