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Burgos Cathedral of St. 1221-1568. SPAIN. Burgos. Cathedral of St. Mary. Sarmental Gate (1240). Gate...

Titre de l'image
Burgos Cathedral of St. 1221-1568. SPAIN. Burgos. Cathedral of St. Mary. Sarmental Gate (1240). Gate giving access to the south arm of the crossing. At the door's mullion appears a bishop's figure. At the tympanum, Christ figure in Majesty with the four Evangelists and, under them, the figures of the Twelve Apostles.On the sid. Gothic art. Architecture.
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Description de l'image

Burgos Cathedral of St. 1221-1568. SPAIN. Burgos. Cathedral of St. Mary. Sarmental Gate (1240). Gate giving access to the south arm of the crossing. At the door's mullion appears a bishop's figure. At the tympanum, Christ figure in Majesty with the four Evangelists and, under them, the figures of the Twelve Apostles.On the sid. Gothic art. Architecture.

Crédit Photo
Photo © Maeyaert/AIC / Bridgeman Images
Mots-clés de l'image
13eme siecle / Gothique (architecture) / architecture / Burgos / Espagne / Europe / 13th century / Architecture / Art / Burgos Cathedral of St. 1221-1568 / Campos y Paramos de Burgos / Cathedral of St. Mary / Colour / EUROPE / Geography / Human Geography / Man / Middle Age / Old / Religion / Society / Western art

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