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68 médias trouvés pour 'Humulus'

Hops, Humulus lupulus. Chromolithograph after a botanical illustration by Walther Muller from Hermann Adolph Koehler's Medicinal Plants, edited by Gustav Pabst, Koehler, Germany, 1887.
Hops, Humulus lupulus
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Botany, Trees, Immature fruits of Hop hornbeam Ostrya carpinifolia and Common hops Humulus lupulus.
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Hops, Humulus lupulus (hops) Handcoloured copperplate engraving after an illustration by Richard Duppa from his The Claves and Orders of the Linnaean System of Botany.
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Insect: a variety of coleoptere mycophagus with a branch of hops or northern vines. Lithograph by John Curtis (1791-1862) published in “British Entomology”, a collection of 770 illustrations and descriptions of British insects, London, England, 1824 to 1839. Mycetaea hirta, Hairy cellar-beetle, with common hops, Humulus lupulus. Handcoloured copperplate by John Curtis (1791-1862) for his own “” British Entomology, 770 Illustrations and Descriptions of the Genera of Insects found in Great Britain and Ireland,” London, from 1824 to 1839.
Hop plants growing in a hop field, Humulus lupulus, near Celje, Styria, Slovenia (photo)
Hop plants growing in a hop field, Humulus lupulus, near Celje, Styria, Slovenia (photo)
Hop plants growing in a hop field, Humulus lupulus, near Celje, Styria, Slovenia (photo)
Climbing hops (Humulus lupulus). Description of a female plant, stem, leaf, flowers. Details of flowers and seeds. Eau forte en couleurs 18th century, in Herbier de la France (1780-1793), drawing, engraving and printing by Jean Baptiste Francois Pierre Bulliard (1742-1793), French botanist.
Hops, Humulus lupulus (hops) Handcoloured copperplate engraving after a drawing by James Sowerby for James Smith's English Botany, 1798.
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Common hop - Humulus lupulus (Lupus salictarius) by Leonhart Fuchs from De historia stirpium commentarii insignes (Notable Commentaries on the History of Plants) coloured engraving, 1542
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Convolvulus or Field Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), Convolvulaceae, and Hops (Humulus lupulus), Cannabaceae.
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Hops, Humulus lupulus. Handcoloured lithograph by Hanhart after a botanical illustration by David Blair from Robert Bentley and Henry Trimen's Medicinal Plants, London, 1880.
Humulus Lupulus Common Hop
Hops, Humulus lupulus
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Hop, Humulus lupulus. Handcoloured woodblock engravings from James Main's Popular Botany, Orr and Smith, London, 1835. James Main (1775-1846) was a Scottish gardener, botanist and writer.
On these sticks hops will grow at the Hallertau region, Germany 1930s (b/w photo)
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Humulus Lupulus, Italy
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Humulus lupulus/Hops
Humulus Lupulus, Hop, Italy
Humulus lupulus/Hops/Hop
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'/Dore hops/Hop
common hop or hop, Humulus lupulus
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'/Dore hops
Humulus lupulus, common hop or hop
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'/Dore hops/Hop
Humulus lupulus/Hops/Northern Vine/Common Hop
Humulus lupulus/Hops/Northern Vine/Common Hop
Humulus lupulus 'Aureus'/Northern Hops/Common Hop
Humulus lupulus/Hops/Northern Vine/Common Hop
Humulus lupulus/Hops/Northern Vine/Common Hop
Common hops, Humulus lupulus.  , 1780-1793 (engraving)
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Botanical Board/Humulus lupulus/Hops/Northern Vine/Common Hop
Hops with flowers and fruit
Hemp and Hops
Humulus lupulus/Golden hops/Hosta fortunei/Hosta 'Aurea'/Hosta sieboldii/Hosta 'Elegans'
Allium x/Ornamental Garlic/Humulus lupinus/Gold Hops/Echinops ritro/Azuree Echinops
Climbing hops, male (Humulus lupulus mas). Lithograph from “Afbeelding der Artseny-Gewassen” by Johannes Zorn (1739-1799), Netherlands, 1796. Common hop (male), Humulus lupulus mas. Handcoloured copperplate botanical engraving from J. Zorn's “Afbeelding der Artseny-Gewassen,” Amsterdam, 1796.
Female climbing hops (Humulus lupulus femina). Lithograph from “Afbeelding der Artseny-Gewassen” by Johannes Zorn (1739-1799), Netherlands, 1796. Common hop (female), Humulus lupulus femina. Handcoloured copperplate botanical engraving from J. Zorn's “Afbeelding der Artseny-Gewassen,” Amsterdam, 1796.
Humulus lupulus - Botanical Plate by Isaac Russell, engraved by Charles Matthews, taken from “English Botanical Phenomenes” by William Baxter (1788-1871), 1837
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Bean and hops, left- and right-twining stems (left and right)
Common hop, Humulus lupulus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Willibald Artus' Hand-Atlas sammtlicher mediinisch-pharmaceutischer Gewachse, (Handbook of all medical-pharmaceutical plants), Jena, 1876.
Hops (or climbing hops) (male and female) and coriander - Hops, Humulus lupulus, male 1, female 2, and coriander, Coriandrum sativum 3. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Friedrich Johann Bertuch's Bilderbuch fur Kinder (Picture Book for Children), Weimar, 1795.
Climbing hops - Hops, Humulus lupulus. Handcoloured zincograph by C. Chabot drawn by Miss M. A. Burnett from her “” Plantae Utiliores: or Illustrations of Useful Plants,”” Whittaker, London, 1842. Miss Burnett drew the botanical illustrations, but the text was chiefly by her late brother, British botanist Gilbert Thomas Burnett (1800-1835).
Hops dore. Coloured copper engraving, in Botanique Medicinale (published in Berlin, Germany, 1822) by Doctor Friedrich Gottlob Haynes (1763-1832), German botanist and pharmacist. Hops, Humulus lupulus. Handcoloured copperplate engraving from Dr. Friedrich Gottlob Hayne's “” Getreue Darstellung und Beschreibung der in der Arzneykunde Gebrauchilchen Gewachse”” (Medical Botany), Berlin, 1822. Hayne (1763-1832) was a German botanist, apothecary and, from 1814, professor of pharmaceutical botany at Berlin University.
Hop (colour litho)