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Kei Miyamoto from Japan, who has no arms and swims breaststroke, dives into the Olympic...

Kei Miyamoto from Japan, who has no arms and swims breaststroke, dives into the Olympic pool during .., 2000-1
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Kei Miyamoto from Japan, who has no arms and swims breaststroke, dives into the Olympic pool during .., 2000-10-16 (photo)
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David Gray
2000 AD
Shooting Date
Description de l'image

Kei Miyamoto from Japan, who has no arms and swims breaststroke, dives into the Olympic pool during a training session for the upcoming Paralympic Games at the Sydney Aquatic Centre October 16, 2000. More than 4000 disabled athletes from 125 countries will compete in 18 sports at the eleventh Paralympic Games beginning on October 18.

Crédit Photo
REUTERS/David Gray / Bridgeman Images
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