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Images of 'Maria Del Carmen Et Franco' found, 27

Wedding of Maria del Carmen Martinez-Bordiu (grand daughter of Franco) and Dom Aphonse de Bourbon Dampierre March 10, 1972 in Madrid
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General Francisco Franco with his wife Dona Carmen Polo de Franco and their daughter Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo, 1936
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (the eldest of Franco's grand-daughters and daughter of marquis of Villaverde), duchess of Cadix, here holding her child Francisco Alfonso Jaime Cristobal y Victor during baptism ceremony December 21, 1972 with great-grandfather General Franco , godfather of the child
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (the eldest of Franco's grand-daughters and daughter of marquis of Villaverde), duchess of Cadix, here holding her child Francisco Alfonso Jaime Cristobal y Victor during baptism ceremony December 21, 1972 with great-grandfather General Franco , godfather of the child
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Funeral of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco at chapel in Prado on November 20, 1975 in presence of his widow Maria del Carmen Polo y Martinez-Valdes and daughter Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo (aka Nenuca)
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Wedding of Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (the eldest of Franco's grand-daughters and daughter of marquis of Villaverde) with Don Alfonso March 10, 1972 in Madrid (left is General Franco and r is his wife Maria del Carmen Polo y Martinez-Valdes)
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Jan. 01, 1938 portrait of General Francisco Franco with his wife Maria del Carmen Polo (1900-1988) and his daughter Maria
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General Francisco Franco at communion of his grandson Jaime on October 22, 1973 : l-r : Maria del Carmen Martinez-Bordiu y Franco (eldest daughter of Nenuca), Cristobal Martinez Bordiu marquis de Villaverde and his wife Carmen Franco y Polo (aka nenuca, Franco's daughter) with their children Maria Aranzazu and Jaime, General Francisco Franco and his wife Maria del Carmen Polo y Martinez-Valdes
Spanish General Francisco Franco with his family c. 1967
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General Francisco Franco with his wife and their daughter Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo, c. 1936
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Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo at Venice film festival, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco, granddaughter of General Francisco Franco (front 2nd from l), here with her father Cristobal Martinez Bordiu, brothers and sisters on January 13, 1960 : Maria de la O (back), Francisco Franco y Martinez-Bordiu, Jose Cristobal Martinez-Bordiu y Franco et Maria del Mar (Merry) Martinez-Bordiu y Franco
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Don Alfonso of Bourbon , Duke of Anjou and of Cadix (born in 1936, son of 2nd Wedding of Don Jaime with Charlotte Tiedemann, and cousin of King  JuanCarlos), here with his future wife Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (l'ainee des petites-filles de Franco et fille du marquis de Villaverde), at winter sports in 1971
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Don Alfonso of Bourbon , Duke of Anjou and of Cadix (born in 1936, son of 2nd Wedding of Don Jaime with Charlotte Tiedemann, and cousin of King  JuanCarlos), here with his future wife Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (l'ainee des petites-filles de Franco et fille du marquis de Villaverde), at winter sports in 1971
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Don Alfonso of Bourbon , Duke of Anjou and of Cadix (born in 1936, son of 2nd Wedding of Don Jaime with Charlotte Tiedemann, and cousin of King  JuanCarlos), here with his future wife Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (l'ainee des petites-filles de Franco et fille du marquis de Villaverde), at winter sports in 1971
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María del Carmen Franco y Polo
Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo (aka Nenuca, GeneralFranco's daughter) with her husband Cristobal Martinez-Bordiu marquess of Villaverde, here at a bullfight in La Coruna August 6, 1967
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (the eldest of Franco's grand-daughters and daughter of marquis of Villaverde) here during party with friend Myriam in Spain January 04, 1968
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco (the eldest of Franco's grand-daughters and daughter of marquis of Villaverde) here elected flower Queen 1968 in Spain January 06, 1968
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Grand daughters of General Franco : Maria del Carmen and Maria de la O with Actress Nini Montial at Jacques Laurent fashion show, Madrid, December 18, 1967
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General Francisco Franco with his wife Maria del Carmen Polo y Martinez-Valdes and their daughter Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo and her three children (Maria del Carmen Martinez-Bordiu y Franco the eldest, Maria la O (Mariola) Martinez Bordiu y Franco and the baby Francisco Franco y Martinez-Bordiu) on December 20, 1954
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu 1st granddaughter of Franco and her son Francisco on November 27, 1972
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Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo and her husband Cristobal Martinez-Bordiu marquess of Villaverde at Venice film festival, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Maria del Carmen Franco y Polo and her husband Cristobal Martinez-Bordiu marquess of Villaverde at Venice film festival, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Maria del Carmen Martinez Bordiu y Franco, granddaughter of General Francisco Franco, here with suit of town of Valencia, Spain, for festivities, January 1960
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