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Images of 'Westdeutschland' found, 1,475

East German border guards watch protestors in the Lenne-Dreiecks area, 1988 (b/w photo)
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The first parts of the wall are demolished by citizens near the Brandenburg Gate, around midnight between 09-10.11, 1989 (photo)
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People from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, 9 November 1989 (photo)
Soccer World Cup 1966 - Final - England - West Germany 4-2 a.e.t.
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The first parts of the wall are demolished by citizens near the Brandenburg Gate, around midnight between 09-10.11, 1989 (photo)
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Berliners celebrate with sparklers on the Berlin Wall on November 11th, 1989 (photo)
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World Cup, 1966
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The Fall of the Berlin Wall, 9th November 1989 (photo)
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Ulrike Meinhof german anarchist member of Rote Armee Fraktion, terorist organization in west germany in the 70's and 80's
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Crown of the Holy Roman Emperors (gold, pearls and enamel)
Crown of the Holy Roman Emperors (gold, pearls and enamel)
Memorial to victims of the Berlin Wall, Bernauer Strasse, 1981 (b/w photo)
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The Munich Massacre, a terrorist from the Palestinian group Black September, Munich, West Germany, September 5-6, 1972
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Police control traffic at the Brandenburg Gate, Boundary between West and East Berlin, c.1961 (b/w photo)
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Berliners from East and West celebrate the opening of the border on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate on the night of November 9, 1989 (photo)
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France vs West Germany 1958 (photo)
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World Cup Final
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Exiled Russian Author Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008) and German Writer Heinrich Boll Talking To Journalists, Cologne, West Germany, February 1974 (b/w photo)
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People queuing for the viewing platform following the explosion of a church on the other side of the Berlin Wall, 1985 (b/w photograph)
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Photojournalists document a spy swap in West Berlin, 1986 (b/w photo)
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Child playing, dismantling pieces of the Berlin wall in the former military zone, Bernauer Strasse, Wedding, June 1990 (photo)
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Thousands of Berliners gather on the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, Berlin, November 10, 1989 (photo)
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East Berliners visiting West Berlin for the first time following the opening of the border, 9th November, 1989 (b/w photo)
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A mother helps her son to peep to the East from a hole made in the Berlin wall, 11th November, 1989 (b/w photo)
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Trabant car passes the control point at the Bornholm Bridge to go west, 11 November, 1989 (photo)
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People sit on the Berlin Wall one day after the opening, Berlin, 10 November, 1989 (photo)
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France vs West Germany 1982 (photo)
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Checkpoint Charlie in West Berlin, 1961 (b/w photo)
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Italian President Sandro Pertini waves to the winning Italian team of the 1982 World Cup, Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, Madrid, 11th July 1982 (b/w photo)
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Wedding of The Princess Diana of France , Daughter of Count-Of-Paris, With Carl Duke of Wurtemberg , Brother of Marietherese of Wurtemberg, July 21, 1960 in Altshausen Near Ravensburg West Germany (b/w photo)
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The Berlin Wall in the Neukoeln area, 1988 (b/w photo)
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View of the Brandenburg Gate with the Berlin Wall, 1985 (b/w photo)
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Dismantled peices of the Berlin Wall, Bernauer Strasse, Wedding, Berlin, June 1990 (photo)
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Children playing, dismantling pieces of the Berlin wall in the former military zone, Bernauer Strasse, Wedding, June 1990 (photo)
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Child playing, dismantling pieces of the Berlin wall in the former military zone, Bernauer Strasse, Wedding, June 1990 (photo)
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A journalist in front of the Berlin Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, 9 November 1989 (photo)
People from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, 9 November 1989 (photo)
Man with a hammer and a chisel at the fall of Berlin's wall, 1989 (photo)
France vs West Germany 1982
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Los Angeles Olympic Games. 3000m women: In the lead Mary Decker (USA/re.) ahead of Zola Budd (GBR/center) and Wendy Sly (GBR/li.). In the background: Brigitte Kraus (BRD), 1984 (photo)
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Opening in the wall near the Brandeburg Gate, 22nd December 1989 (b/w photo)
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The Chocolate Drop, 1970 (print)
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Opening in the wall near the Brandeburg Gate, 22nd December 1989 (b/w photo)
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Soccer World Cup 1966 - England - West Germany 4-2
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Berliners standing on an abandened police watchtower, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Schwedter Strasse, Bezirk, Prenzlauer Berg, April 1990 (b/w photo)
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Traite de Rome en 1957 : RFA, Italie, Belgique, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg et la France signe le traité pour coordonner les politiques economiques des 6 pays signataires. Sur la photo, le Chancelier Adenauer qui signe le traité.
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People from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, 9 November 1989 (photo)
People from East and West Berlin climbing on the Wall at the Brandenburg Gate, 9 November 1989 (photo)
Berlin Wall Construction, Berlin, West Germany, November 30, 1961 (b/w photo)
The match ball used during the 1966 World Cup final (photo)
West Berliners in the French sector waved to friends and relatives in East Berlin. At Bernauer Strasse they used small ladders, lampposts, and bricks to get a better view across the Berlin Wall. Eventually the East German 'VOPOS' (People's Police) tossed tear gas grenades over the border barrier to break up the gathering. Sept. 13, 1961
West Berlin policeman stands before the concrete block wall dividing East and West Berlin. Along Bernauer Strasse, East Berlin workmen add blocks to increase height of the barrier. Oct. 11, 1961
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Hole in the Berlin Wall, 1989 (b/w photo)
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Journalist in front of Brandenburg Gate covers Berlin Wall's fall for TV on 10 November, 1989 (photo)
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A soldier looks over the damaged Berlin Wall, 1989 (b/w photo)
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GDR government speaker Gunter Schabowski announces the opening of the inner German border during a press conference, East Berlin on 9 November, 1989 (b/w photo)
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Fall of the Berlin Wall, West Berlin, November 1989 (photo)
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GDR border police forces close a hole people stemmed into the Berlin Wall, 1989 (photo)
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Bags full of Christmas presents which can't go in Berlin because of soviet blocus, 1949 (b/w photo)
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Diego Maradona with a spectacular swallow at the FIFA World Cup, 1986 (photo)
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Soccer World Cup 1966 - England - West Germany 4-2 a.e.t.
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Exiled Russian author Alexander Solzhenitsyn and German writer Heinrich Boll talking to journalists in Cologne, West Germany,  February 1974
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Honorary chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, Willy Brandt, at a campaign rally in Potsdam, 11th March 1990 (photo)
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Members of the families who escaped East Germany in a hot air balloon, 1979 (b/w photo)
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Thatcher., 1988 (photo)
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John F. Kennedy visits the Federal Republic of Germany in 1963
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Visitors on a viewing platform at the barricades in front of the Berlin Wall, 1981 (b/w photo)
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The Basic Treaty, signed in East Berlin on 21 December 1972 by the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR), 1972 (b/w photo)
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Checkpoint Charlie, Berlin, June 1990 (photo)
Platz (Square), 2000 (oil on canvas)
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Tourists visiting the former military zone, Bernauer Strasse, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Wedding, Berlin, July 1990 (photo)
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Willy Brandt and his advisor, the spy Guenter Guillaume, April 1974 (b/w photo)
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German Reunification, Fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany, 1989.