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Images of '75001 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Arrondissement' found, 663

Banque de France, 31 rue Croix des Petits-Champs, Paris 1
  • Copyright Applies
The Louvre Museum (Grand Louvre), Rue de Rivoli and Quai des Tuileries, Paris 75001. Architecture of Leoh Ming Pei in association with Michel Macary and Jean-Michel Wilmotte, between 1983-2001. In 1981, Francois Mitterrand commissioned Ieoh Ming Pei to arrange the Grand Louvre. In particular, it was a matter of altering the spaces that Napoleon III had built for the ministries and which had been occupied by the Ministry of Finance at that time. Here, view of the Napoleon Court with the Pyramid in the center.
The Louvre Museum, Paris, France (photo)
The Louvre Museum (Grand Louvre), Rue de Rivoli and Quai des Tuileries, Paris 75001. Architecture of Leoh Ming Pei in association with Michel Macary and Jean-Michel Wilmotte, between 1983-2001. In 1981, Francois Mitterrand commissioned Ieoh Ming Pei to arrange the Grand Louvre. In particular, it was a matter of altering the spaces that Napoleon III had built for the ministries and which had been occupied by the Ministry of Finance at that time. Here, view of the Napoleon Court, at night, with the pyramid in the center.
Portrait of Louise Reine Audu, known as the Queen of the Halles, a French woman, fruit in Paris, heroine of the Revolution - on 5 October 1789 she was at the head of the cortege that went to Versailles and took part in the invasion of the Palais des Tuileries by the people of Paris on 10 August 1792 (Portrait of Louise-Renee Leduc, known as Louise Reine Audu, a French fruit seller, known for her participation in the French revolution) Engraving from “” Les francais sous la revolution”” by Challamel and Tenint, 1843 Private collection Â
Arrived in France of the treasure of Saint Louis today Relics of the Holy Chapel, composed of the crown of thorns of Christ, a fragment of the True Cross, the spear and sponge of the Passion, relics of the Virgin and the Mandylion, supposedly image of Christ (King Saint Louis of France with the Relics of Sainte-Chapelle (Saint Louis treasure) Saint Louis (King Louis IX) built Sainte-Chapelle in the 13th century to house the Holy Crown, a fragment of the True Cross and other relics he had acquired from Baldwin II of Constantinople) Engraving from Les rues-de-paris” by Pierre Zaccone, 1859
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Liberte Guiding the People, 1830, by Eugene Delacroix (1798-1863)
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Colonnade de Perrault
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Pavillon de Flore - Detail
Paris 1er - Louvre - Pavillon Denon
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Cour Carree - Pavilon Sully
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Pavillon Richelieu
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Cour Carree - Detail of allegorical figures by Jean Goujon
Paris 1er - Le Louvre Pavillon Daru - Detail
Paris - Le Louvre - Pavillon Denon - Aile Mollien
Paris 1er - Louvre - Pavillon Denon
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Pavillon de Turgot - Detail
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Pavillon de Flore - Detail
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - La Cour Carree - Detail of allegorical figures - by Jean Goujon
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Cour Carree - Detail of allegorical figures by Jean Goujon
Paris 1er - The Louvre - The Court of Lions
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Porte St-Germain de l'Auxerrois - Allegory by Lemot
Paris - Le Louvre - Colonnade de Perrault
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Pavillon de Flore
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Aile Lefuel
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Paris - Le Louvre-Pavillon Daru - detail
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Detail of a ceiling lighting of Richelieu Grand Louvre wing, Rue de Rivoli and quai des Tuileries, Paris 75001. Architecture of Leoh Ming Pei in association with Michel Macary and Jean-Michel Wilmotte, 1983-2001. Lighting is a very important parameter in the renovation work of the Louvre (1988-1997). Ieoh Ming Pei chose to make it the main decorative motif: a visually strong cross, reflects light. Above the cross, the filtering system takes into account the orientation of the building, tantot north-south, tantot east-west.
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Paris - Place Vendome - Jeweller Van Cleef & Arpels
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - La Cour Carree - Pavillon de Sully (Pavillon de l'horloge)
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Colonnade de Perrault
Paris 1er - Le Louvre - Colonnade de Perrault
Paris - Place Vendome
Restaurant Kong, 1 rue du Pont Neuf, Paris 1er. Acrhitecure de Philippe Starck, 2003. Photography 2003
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture 2006. Photography 10/09/06
The Richelieu Wing of the Louvre Museum built between 1853 and 1857, Grand Louvre, Rue de Rivoli and Quai des Tuileries, Paris 75001. Architecture of Leoh Ming Pei in association with Michel Macary and Jean-Michel Wilmotte, 1983-2001. Richelieu wing with buildings built as ministries by Lefuel and occupied from 1871 to 1999 by the Ministry of Finance with on the first floor the apartments of the minister, known as apartments of the Duke of Morny ©Collection Artedia/Lefuel Hector Martin/Artedia/Leemage
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06
Le Musee des Arts Decoratifs, 107 rue de Rivoli, Paris 75001. Architecture by Bernard Desmoulin and Sylvain Dubuisson 2006. Photography 10/09/06