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E-18, August 9, 1969. Aktuell no. 32. "The holiday road in front of some is...

E-18, August 9, 1969. Aktuell no. 32. "The holiday road in front of some is European …, 1969 (photo)
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E-18, August 9, 1969. Aktuell no. 32. "The holiday road in front of some is European …, 1969 (photo)
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1969 AD (C20th AD)
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Beschreibung des Bildes

E-18, August 9, 1969. Aktuell no. 32. "The holiday road in front of some is European road 18 - or southern as it is popularly called. We have followed the 613 -kilometer -long road from Oslo to Stavanger. From highway to concrete grass road, from Vestfold villages to rocky Jæren. Through some of the country's largest cities and through tiny Southern dylles. " Here are two boys who write down the registration number of cars that pass

Foto Credit
NTB / Bridgeman Images
Schlagwörter für das Bild
1960er Jahren / 20. Jahrhundert / auto / fahrzeug / transportfahrzeug / kind / junge / bild / mzphoto

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