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Oslo February 1, 1954. The case against spy convicted Asbjørn Sunde, known as the …,...

Oslo February 1, 1954. The case against spy convicted Asbjørn Sunde, known as the …, 1954 (photo)
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Oslo February 1, 1954. The case against spy convicted Asbjørn Sunde, known as the …, 1954 (photo)
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1954 AD (C20th AD)
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Beschreibung des Bildes

Oslo February 1, 1954. The case against spy convicted Asbjørn Sunde, known as the opponent "Osvald" during the war. Here, the press photographer has found exciting motifs from Kjellerboden to spy -suspect Asbjørn Sunde. Sunde was convicted of spying on the Soviet Union after the war, and received 8 years in prison. Sunde was an active opponent during the war with many bold actions on the track record. The Germans promised, among other things, a bounty of 50,000.- NOK for information about him

Foto Credit
NTB / Bridgeman Images
Schlagwörter für das Bild
1950er Jahren / 20. Jahrhundert / Spionage / Norwegen / Europa / Skandinavien / bild / mzphoto

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