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'Zacchaeus' Bilder und Clips Suchergebnisse page 1 of 1

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Bilder zu 'Zacchaeus' gefunden, 29

Hosanna, 1995 (acrylic on canvas)
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Entry into Jerusalem, icon from the Ionian Isles, 17th century
Ms 35/1455 fol.98v The Entry of Christ into Jerusalem, from 'The Life of Jesus' (vellum)
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  • Museum additional fee applies
Scenes of Passion,
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Jesus Christ forgives a thief (colour litho)
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The Pala d'Oro, detail of the Entry of Christ into Jerusalem (gold & enamel inlaid with precious stones)
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Zacchaeus, 1993 (oil on paper)
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Above, miniature showing Christ on a donkey, accompanied by two apostles, entering Jerusalem, with Zacchaeus casting branches down from the top of a palm tree and others casting palms and cloaks before Jesus. Below, historiated initial 'D' beginning text of Psalm 109, representing the Trinity, with God the Father and Son, seated, holding globes and the Holy Spirit descending as a dove, with bas-de-page scene showing St Stephen preaching
Sanctorale, Anniversary of the Dedication of Sherborne Abbey church, 18th July. Text page with initial 'O', St. Kenelm, as king, with halbert. Initial 'T', St. Kenelm as bishop blessing the church, and devil fleeing. Abbot Bruyning with hounds, and Christ with the publican Zacchaeus. Marginal decoration
Jesus meets Zacchaeus (mosaic)
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Jesus meets Zacchaeus (mosaic)
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Or. 481, f.103v Zacchaeus.

Octateuch, Gospels and Ecclesiastical works.
An Ethiopian manuscript.

Late 17th century.
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  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
Zacchaeus the Publican (colour litho)
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