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Bilder zu 'Woe' gefunden, 132

Sack of Rome (390 BC): Brennus putting his sword in the balance, 1866 (Engraving)
The History of Don Quixote by Cervantes
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Illustration for The Divine Comedy - Hell (La Divina Commedia, L'Inferno) by Dante, 19th century (engraving)
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France and UK to Germany - Jan 25 2015 - Real speed
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Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov -
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The History of Don Quixote by Cervantes
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Woe unto You, Scribes and Pharisees, illustration from 'The Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ', 1886-94 (w/c over graphite on paper)
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PHOTO TAKEN 20JUN02 - An child places his arms in a tray full of milk as rats drink at the Karni M.., 2002-06-24 (photo)
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Brennus putting his sword in the balance, 390 BC, 18th (oil on canvas)
“” Brennus putting his sword in the balance””, 390 BC: Brennus sacked Rome by the Gauls led by their leader Brennus (Brennos) In front of the resistance of the Romans, Brennus agreed to deal with the military tribune Roman Quintus Sulpicius: he left Rome against the payment of a strong grudge - A large balance was then prepared on a square of Rome - the Gallic army leader Brennus (Brennus) defeats the Romans - in the face of the protests who fail to balance the balance, Brennus adds to their despair by throwing his sword on the balance and uttering the words “vae victis”” - (The Gallic army leader Brennos (Brennus) defeats the Romans the Romans and proclaims the “” Vae Victis”” (Woe to the vanquished), The Gauls demanded ransom after their conquest of Rome, When the Romans complained about the false weight on the scale, the leader of the Gauls, Brennus, put his sword on the scale, 390 BC) Engraving 19th century Private collection
Woe from Wit, 1917, drawing by Nardovskij, Russia, 20th century
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weal and woe
Woe to the Accursed of the Church (charcoal & pastel on toned paper)
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Woe sax. Switzerland, Steamer Dresden, River, Houses
Woe sax. Switzerland, steamer Prince Georg, Ort, Elbe
Henny Porten in 'Woe if they release', 1926 (b/w photo)
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Mary Queen of Scots
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Never so weary, never so in woe'.
A scene from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.
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Woe to the victims. Pax americana. Kurds. France April 1991 43x63,5cm A.A.E.L Toulouse
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Ms 209 f.10 Angel blows a trumpet and an eagle cries `Woe', from the Lambeth Apocalypse, c.1260 (vellum)
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"Oh, gentle knight," said la Belle Isolde, "full woe am I of thy departing", 1917 (oil on canvas)
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Scene from the Ballad of Chevy Chase, 1863-64 (oil on canvas)
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Dutch archeologist Kees Doedijns works on an ancient Roman Barge which was dug up in the town of Woe.., 2003-10-21 (photo)
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The Gallic army leader Brennos (Brennus) defeats the Romans and proclaims the “” Vae Victis”” (Woe to the vanquished), The Gauls demanded ransom after their conquest of Rome - Brennus leader of the Gallic tribe of the Senons pronounces the fateful Vae victis (Woe to the defeated!) by throwing his heavy sword into the plateau of the scale which counterweighed the golden tribute he demanded of the Romans to raise the seat of the Capitol. circa 390 BC. - Engraving in “” Sciences brought to the reach of all - popular physics and chemistry”” by Alexis Clerc - End of 19th century. Private collection.
Vasily Kachalov  as Chatski in 'Woe from Wit'  (Gore ot uma) comedy in 4 acts in verse by  Alexander Sergeyevich Griboyedov - Griboedov  - Russian actor 11 February 1875 - 30 September 1948
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PHOTO TAKEN 20JUN02 - An Indian woman pours an offering of milk for rats at the Karni Mata Hindu t.., 2002-06-24 (photo)
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