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Bilder zu 'Soldiers At The Front' gefunden, 14,954

British and German soldiers hold a Christmas truce during the Great War, 1969 (gouache on paper)
I want you for the US Army. Enlist now: poster by James Montgomery Flagg showing Uncle Sam recruiting for army, 1917 (poster)
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2 soldiers releasing carrier pigeons on front, ww1 (b/w photo)
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German (November) Revolution in Berlin
German infantrymen in a trench on the Western Front during WWI, France, 1914-16 (b/w photo)
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Russian soldiers waving from onboard a train, c.1944 (b/w photo)
Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : Women and American Soldiers in Front of The Eiffel Tower (photo)
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Over the Top, Neuville-Vitasse, 1918 (oil on canvas)
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  • Ex-crown copyright - copyright expired
The Christmas Day Truce of 1914, published 9th January 1915 (litho)
flood in Paris: soldiers build a passage on stilts, 1910 (b/w photo)
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German soldiers of the 4th Guard Regiment leaving for the Western Front, Berlin, August 1914 (b/w photo)
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Operation Barbarossa: Russian soldiers in the snow, 1941- 1942 (b/w photo)
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World War 1: Surrender of Russian soldiers, 1915 (b/w photo)
Liberation of Paris, August 1944 : Women and American Soldiers in Front of The Eiffel Tower (b/w photo)
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First World War 1914-1918 (1914, 1918, 14-18): group of French soldiers in a reserve trench
Silhouettes of three soldiers with bayonets (b/w photo)
Mexican women in revolutionary army, 1913 (print)
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Bloody Sunday in the Winter Palace, St Petersburg, 1905 (b/w photo)
German soldiers leaving by train for the Western Front, Berlin, August 1914 (b/w photo)
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The Crowd acclaiming the departure of the troops, Paris, 1914 (b/w photo)
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Red Army soldiers engaged in street fighting in the suburbs of Stalingrad, Autumn 1942 (b/w photo)
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Front Cover of 'Blast', July 1915 (woodcut)
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Battle of Stalingrad, september 1942 - february 1943: soviet soldiers in ruins of Stalingrad
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Erich Maria Remarque in Paris, 1930 (b/w photo)
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The Strike, front cover of 'L'Assiette au Beurre', 6th May 1905 (colour litho)
Two German soldiers with heavy machine artillery guard 08 the edge of a shell-crater with gas masks in anticipation of an allied gas attack, Western Front, 1918 (b/w photo)
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I want you in US Army : poster by James Montgomery Flagg showing Uncle Sam recruiting for army, 1917
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World War 1: Canadian soldier being decorated
French and German troops at the Battle of the Marne, WWI, 1914 - IMW954586
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The Cabs of the Marne, September 1914 (b/w photo)
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War 1914-1918. Uncle Sam (Uncle Sam).I Want you for U.S. army. Coat Now) poster by James Montgomery Flagg, 1917
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German machine gunners on the Eastern Front near the Masurian lake district prepare for a Russian attack during the Battle of the Masurian Lakes in WWI, Darkehnen, East Prussia, Autumn 1914 (b/w photo)
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Georges Clemenceau visiting his troops on the front of the war in France, c.1917-1918
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The Second Battle of Ypres, 1917 (oil on canvas)
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Canadian Infantry during World War 1
British soldiers in a trench wearing gas masks, France, 26th October, 1917 (b/w photo)
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General Eisenhower, Lt General George Patton, Lt General Omar Bradley, Battle of the Bulge (b/w photo)
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A group of 4 young French soldiers in Algeria between 1958 and 1962 (1960s) in front of military trucks (b/w photo)
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Taxis of the Marne
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L'Enfer (Hell), 1921 (oil on canvas)
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General Hafez el Assad on the front during war against Israel, 1967 (b/w photo)
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Roosevelt and Churchill with military officers at the Casablanca Conference, 1943 (photo)
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Russian soldiers wearing white camouflage overalls not to be seen in the snow, Battle of Stalingrad, 1940s (b/w photo)
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Red Army Troops Dislodge Germans from the Village 'N' on the Western Front, Soviet T-34 Tanks and Red Army Infantry Advancing on German Positions During Winter Fighting on the Western Front.
'Workers vote for the (former) soldier Hitler', 1933 (print)
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