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Bilder zu 'Ouessant' gefunden, 127

Isle of Ouessant: the sheep fair, 1912 (postcard)
Louise-Adelaide de Bourbon-Penthievre (1753-1821) Duchess of Chartres, 1777 (oil on canvas)
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  • Museum additional fee applies
Sheep/Breed: Ouessant
Menu of the brand Lefevre Utile representing a Young Girl of Ouessant with decor of calvary Around 1900
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Visit by King George III (1738-1820), 1828 (oil on canvas)
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Close-up of a rock; Ouessant Island; Brittany; France
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France, Brittany, Northern Finistère, Ouessant, Phare du Stiff, visitors cycling towards white-washed lighthouse built by Vauban in 1695.
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Old Breton lady sitting in armchair in Island of Ushant house, Brittany, France (photo)
Deserted house on the coast of the Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Crowded cemetery, village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Lady peering over wall in Lampaul church, Island of Ushant, France (photo)
Farmhouse on Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Hanging out the washing, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Old Breton couple in working clothes in traditional house on Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Interior of traditional Island of Ushant house with Breton lady, Brittany, France (photo)
Street corner in village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Shipwreck on the Island of Ushant coast, Brittany, France (photo)
Shipwreck on the Island of Ushant coast, Brittany, France (photo)
Alter boys in Roman Catholic Holy day procession in village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady hand spinning wool in traditional house, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
!914-1918 War memorial to sailors and soldiers from Ushant, Lampaul Chuch, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Phare de Creach, Creach lighthouse, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Roman Catholic Holy day procession in village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Boule players in indoor Boule court, village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Interior of traditional Island of Ushant house with Breton lady, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady walking along the narrow roads of the Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Farm houses on the coast of the Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Shipwreck on the Island of Ushant coast, Brittany, France (photo)
Village life in Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Country House on Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Taking a portrait photograph, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Old Breton couple in working clothes in traditional house on Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Old Breton lady sitting in armchair in Island of Ushant house, Brittany, France (photo)
Roman Catholic Holy day in village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass talking to man on moped,  Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Phare de Creach, Creach lighthouse, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Turning over cut grass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Man on Mobylette roundin corner on  Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Boule players in indoor Boule court, village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady hand spinning wool in traditional house, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Phare de Creach, Creach lighthouse, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Man with Breton beret, Roman Catholic Holy day in village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Boule players in indoor Boule court, village of Lampaul, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Breton lady on way to Sunday Mass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Phare de Creach, Creach lighthouse, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Bringing in tethered sheep, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
Turning over cut grass, Island of Ushant, Brittany, France (photo)
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Disaster off Ouessant
Disaster off Ouessant
Boat harbour, Ouessant Island, Brittany, France
Jean-Francois Clervoy
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  • Content within this photograph may require additional clearances (eg: trademark and personality rights) depending on Licensee's specific use of material, which may include book and magazine cover use.
Ouessant Island/Finistere/Brittany/France/Lotus corniculatus/Corniculatus
Pointe de Pern/Ouessant Island/Finistere/Brittany/France
View of the coast in Ouessant, Finistere, Brittany, 1910 (b/w photo)
Pointe de Pern/Ouessant Island/Finistere/Brittany/France
Pointe de Pern/Ouessant Island/Finistere/Brittany/France
Ouessant, Rising sea between the semaphore and the trumpet, 1885 (oil on canvas)
Ouessant, large rocks at the foot of the Semaphore, August 1885 (oil on canvas)
Isle of Ouessant: the port of Lampaul at high tide, circa 1900- 1920 (photograph)
Ouessant Finistere, vue d'une femme en costumes de le Bretagne
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  • Permission required for non-editorial use (inc book and magazine covers). Please contact us
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, Croatia, Denmark, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Germany, Hong Kong, Kosovo, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia, Switzerland and Taiwan
Seaman's woman waiting on the strike, Ouessant Island, early 20th century (postcard)
Isle of Ouessant: the port of Lampaul at low tide, circa 1900 -1914 (photograph)
Isle of Ouessant: the port of Lampaul at low tide, circa 1900 -1914 (photograph)