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Bilder zu 'Nine Muses' gefunden, 98

Roman antiquite: Sarcophagus of the Muses, 2nd century (marble)
Parnassus, from the Stanza della Segnatura, 1510-11 (fresco)
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Parnassus, from the Stanza della Segnatura, 1510-11 (fresco)
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Dance of Apollo with the Nine Muses (tempera on panel)
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Harl 4431 fol.183 Nine Muses Bathing, from the Collected Works of Christine de Pisan, 1410-11 (vellum)
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Roman mosaic of the Muses. 3rd-4th century AD. Torre de Palma. Portugal.
Parnassus, from the Stanza della Segnatura, 1510-11 (fresco)
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Ms Fr 12476 Fol.109v The Nine Muses from 'Le Champion des Dames' by Martin le Franc (1410-61) 1451 (vellum)
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Mosaic of nine Muses, from Thysdrus, El Djem, Tunisia, Roman civilization, 3rd century AD, Detail
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Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Athena, Apollo and the nine Muses.
Programme cover for series
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Dante and Apollo, first half of the 15th century. On the left, Dante, dressed in blue, kneels in a meadow before Apollo who holds towards him a laurel crown in each hand. Apollo is dressed in classic military costume, crowned with a golden laurel, and stands on a black raven or crow. To his side is a laurel tree, behind him the two peaks of Parnassus, above which are the nine Muses emerging from a cloud. On the right stands Marsyas playing a flute. In the foreground lies the flayed Marsyas, paler and marked with blood. From a copy of Dante's "The Divine Comedy", Paradise, Canto 1. Made for Alphonso V, King of Aragon, Naples, and Sicily.
Apollo and the Muses (oil on panel)
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Statue of Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy, Roman, after Greek model of 2nd century BC
Mosaic of the wall depicting Mnemosyne, 2nd century AD Spain
Greek Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne
Capotoline sarcophagus bas relief representing the Nine Muses
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Mosaic of the wall depicting Thalia, 2nd century AD Spain
Statue of one of the Nine Muses, Pavlosk Park, Pavlosk Palace, St Petersburg, Russia (b/w photo)
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Pen drawing of Harmony personified in the figure of Air (AER)
Relief of a roman sarcophagus depicting The NIne Muses. Middle 2nd century AD (marble)
Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Athena, Apollo and the nine Muses.
Roman sarcophagus. About 180 AD. Athena, Apollo and the nine Muses. Detail.
Apollo and the Muses
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The sarcophagus of the Nine Muses
Parnassus, from the Stanza della Segnatura, 1510-11 (fresco)
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Clio, Muse of History (oil on wood)
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Nine muses and fountain of youth, detail from Triumph of Apollo, scene from Month of May, ca 1470, by Francesco del Cossa (ca 1435-1477), fresco, east wall, Hall of Months, Palazzo Schifanoia (Palace of Joy), Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, 15th century
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Apollo And The Nine Muses, 1613 (oil on panel)
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Vase with reliefs of the nine Muses, nymphs as archers and nymphs. Chromolithograph by W. Griggs from Frederick Rathone's Old Wedgwood, the Decorative or Artistic Ceramic Work Produced by Josiah Wedgwood, Quaritch, London, 1898.
Vase with reliefs of the nine Muses and Apollo, and tricolor vase with quatrefoils in green and white on blue. Chromolithograph by W. Griggs from Frederick Rathone's Old Wedgwood, the Decorative or Artistic Ceramic Work Produced by Josiah Wedgwood, Quaritch, London, 1898.
The Muses in Ancient Greek and Roman Mythology
Greek Muses, daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne (marble)
Statues of four of the nine Muses in the House of Jason Magnus, in the Ptolemaion Quarter (photo)
A statue of one of the nine Muses in the House of Jason Magnus, in the Ptolemaion Quarter (photo)
Mosaic: One of the nine muses. Erato: Erotic Poesie (detail). III AD/Musee d'El Jem (Antique Thysdrus)/Tunisia
Mosaic: one of the nine muses. Polymnia: religious and rhetoric song (detail). III AD/Musee d'El Jem (Antique Thysdrus)/Tunisia
Dantesque Album (Album Dantesco), 1920-30 (pencil, Indian ink, gouache)
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Dantesque Album (Album Dantesco), 1920-30 (pencil, Indian ink, gouache)
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Dantesque Album (Album Dantesco), 1920-30 (pencil, Indian ink, gouache)
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Miniature of the Sibyl showing Christine de Pisan the nine Muses bathing in the Fountain of Wisdom, with Pegasus flying overhead.
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Mosaic of nine Muses, from Thysdrus, El Djem, Tunisia, Roman civilization, 3rd century AD, Detail
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Parnassus (Parnaso), by Jacopo Negretti known as Palma il Giovane, 1611, 17th Century, oil on canvas, 139 x 220 cm
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Mosaic of nine Muses, from Thysdrus, El Djem, Tunisia, Roman civilization, 3rd century AD, Detail
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Allegory of May: Triumph of Apollo (Mese di Maggio: Trionfo di Apollo), by Francesco del Cossa, 1469 - 1470, 15th Century, fresco
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Allegory of month of may, detail of triumph of Apollo, naked children and nine muses detail fresco by Francesco del Cossa (ca. 1436-around 1478) Ferrara (Ferrara) Palazzo Schifanoia, Salone dei Mesi
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Louis XIV as Apollo with the Nine Muses, from 'La Lyre du jeune Apollon ou La Muse naissante', collection of poems by Francois de Beauchateau (b.1645), 1657 (colour engraving)
Garden with Ovid figures, Minerva and nine Muses, late 16th century, Flemish tapestry from cartoons by Cornelius Mattens, Brussels manufacture, Belgium, 16th century
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