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{"event":"custom_event","event_name":"view_search_result","event_category":"browse_catalog","keyword":"length of blocks","search_type":"standard","search_bridgeman_artists":"false","search_mode":"automatic","search_zero_result":"false","search_results":13,"search_results_page_number":1}

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Bilder zu 'Length Of Blocks' gefunden, 13

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Classical Statue, 19th century (Charcoal, Chalk)
Engraving with hut to show quan and sisek, circa 1810, Japanese civilization, 19th century
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  • Permission required for immersive exhibition use - Please contact us;Permission required for TV use - Please contact us
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  • Not available to clients invoiced in Italy
Lunar eclipse, 9 December 1992
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Approaching second stage of a total solar eclipse, 3 November 1994
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After first stage of total solar eclipse, 3 November 1994
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Second stage of total solar eclipse, 3 November 1994
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Approaching second stage of a total solar eclipse, 3 November 1994
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Map of Hampstead.
The individual settlements that make up this area of London are shown by red blocks, with boundary lines indicating the fields separating them. Shading and soft interlining indicate relief, neatly illustrated at Primrose Hill, the summit of which is left bare. The barracks at the edge of Hyde Park are illustrated at the very bottom of the map. The dark blue-black line running from West Drayton to Brentford and Paddington is the Grand Junction Canal. This was London's principal link to the rest of Britain's canals, allowing the passage of goods to and from the industrial towns of the North and Midlands. Hyett includes a ground plan of Kenwood House in Hampstead, showing a level of detail much greater than might be expected from a map with a scale of two inches-to-the-mile.
This drawing covers the land either side of the Ex River. Exeter, the largest settlement, is shown in great detail. A barracks, poor house and 'New Gaol' are shown by red blocks on the outskirts of the settlement. The main road leading into Exeter is tinted yellow to indicate its status as a major communication route. A tollgate, marked 'T. Gate", appears on this road at the entrance to the town. A tributary of the Ex River features a series of locks, annotated and marked by a break in the green line that represents water. Lime Kilns are noted in the area. To the left of the drawing, above Whitstone, a dot with a pencil line radiating from it indicates a point from which the surveyor took an angular measurement to plot the path leading from the main road to Springs.
First contact, early morning 24 October 1995
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