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Bilder zu 'John Paul II (1920 2005)' gefunden, 856

Jean Paul II en 1978.
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Portrait du Pape, Jean Paul II. 2000.
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Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, futur Pape Jean Paul II.© Felici/Farabolafoto/Leemage
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Vatican, 1981. le pape Jean Paul II recoit l'homme d'Etat polonais Lech Walesa. Photo Felici
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Portrait du pape Jean Paul II Peinture de Natalia Tsarkova. Rome. Photo Frassineti © AGF/ Leemage
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Vaticano 18/10/1978

Le pape jean Paul II avec le cardianl Joseph RATZINGER.

Pope John Paul II with Cardinal Joseph RATZINGER.
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Karol Wojtyla, futur Jean - Paul II, jeune prêtre ph Morici /
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Pope John Paul II reading a prayer (photo)
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Rome 13/05/1981. Attentat au pape Jean Paul II sur la place Saint Pierre, le pape aprés avoir été touché tombe dans les bras de son secrétaire, le polonais Don Stanislaw Dziwisz et de son assistant personnel  Angelo Gugel (en civil avec des lunettes).
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Pologne, Varsovie, 08/1991. Le Pape jean paul II rencontre Lech Walesa.
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Rome le 13/05/1983, Tentative d'assassinat du Pape Jean Paul II à Saint Pierre pendant l'habituel audience du Mercredi à l'extérieur. Il est secouru par son secrétaire, le Père polonais Stanislaw Dziwisz et son domestique personnel Angelo Gugel (avec des lunettes).
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Rome, le 27/12/1983. Le Pape Jean Paul II rencontre à la prison de Rebibbia Ali Agca qui tenta de l'assassiner.
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Pope John Paul II, 1978 (photo)
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Pope John Paul II brandishing a bible (photo)
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Pope John Paul II, 1990s (photo)
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10/1978, conclave pour l'election du Pape Jean Paul II dans la chapelle Sixtine. Photo Felici
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Funerailles du Pape Jean Paul II a la Place Saint Pierre (Vatican). Rome, le 08/04/2005.
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Rome le 27/12/1983. Le Pape Jean Paul II rencontre Ali Agca dans la prison de Rebibbia.
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Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II, 2000 (photo)
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4/4/2005, la depouille du pape Jean Paul II (1920-2005) exposee dans la Basilique Saint Pierre, Rome. ©AGF/Leemage
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1978, conclave pour l'election du Pape Jean Paul II Photo Felici
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5/4/2005, la depouille du pape Jean Paul II (1920-2005) exposee dans la Basilique Saint Pierre, Rome. ©AGF/Leemage
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03/04/2005, fideles sur la place Saint Pierre pour rendre hommage au Pape Jean Paul II (1920-2005) peu de temps apres sa mort. Photo Laruffa ©AGF/Leemage
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Warsaw, departure after visit in 1987. Pope John Paul II next to Priest Stanislaw Dziwisz.
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Le cardinal Karol Wojtyla, futur pape Jean Paul II, en compagnie du pape Paul VI, Rome, le 04/04/1974 © Mari / farabola / leemage
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Study for a portrait of Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) 2005 (oil on panel)
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Vie du Pape Jean-Paul II, Vatican, 1995 : Bureau dans son appartement au dernier etage du Palais apostolique.
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Funerailles du Pape Jean Paul II a Vatican. Rome, le 08/04/05.
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Pope John Paul II, during an official visit, Poland, 1979 (photo)
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Pope John Paul II meets Dalai Lama, Vatican City, 1986 (photo)
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Pope John Paul II meets Dalai Lama, Vatican City, 1986 (photo)
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Pope John Paul meets Elio Toaff Chief Rabbi of Rome, Rome, 1986  (photo)
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Pope John Paul II during a visit to Poland, 1979 (photo)
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Pope John Paul II (Karol Jozef Wojtyla) and Italian cardinal Carlo Maria Martini on the popemobile greeting the crowd rushed up to attend the mass officiated in the district Gallaratese in Milan, 22nd May 1983 (b/w photo)
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Funerailles du Pape Jean Paul II a Vatican : les chefs d'Etat des differents pays. Rome, le 08/04/05.
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Karol Wojtyla, futur pape Jean Paul II, acteur de théatre amateur dans sa jeunesse ©Morici/Farabola/Leemage
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Pope John Paul II
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Conclave lors de l'élection du pape Jean Paul II en 1978.
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Karol Wojtyla, futur Pape Jean Paul II, le jour de sa première communion.© Morici/Farabolafoto/Leemage
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Poland, 1971. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski and Karol Wojtyla (Pope John Paul II) procession of taking Saint Stanislaus' relics from Wawel to Skalka in Cracow.
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Visite à Aoste du pape Jan Paul II, septembre 1986.
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Pope John Paul II, 1990s (photo)
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Lodz - Pope john Paul II's visit.
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Le cardinal Karol Wojtyla, futur pape Jean Paul II, en compagnie du pape Paul VI, Rome, le 04/04/1974 © Mari / farabola / leemage
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Attempt on Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla from 1920 to 2005) of 13 May 1981: Pope hospitalized after the attempt on his life. He has the right arm and the finger of the left hand bandaged, May 1981 (photo)
1987. Pope John Paul II's Pilgrimage to Poland, at Jerzy Popieluszko's grave.
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Warsaw, Okecie airport 1983. Pope John Paul II's second Pilgrimage to Poland.
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Cracow, 08.06.1979. Pope John Paul II's first Pilgrimage to Poland. Cathedral in Wawel.
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Cité du Vatican, 1985. Le Pape Jean Paul II reçoit le président des Etats Unis Ronald Reagan.
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1978, first appearance at the Castelgandolfo window of the new Pope John Paul II after his election.
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Queen Elizabeth II and Pope John Paul II, Italy, 17 October 2000 (photo)
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June 1979. Pope John Paul II's welcoming at Okecie airport in Warsaw. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski is next to him.
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Pope John Paul II visiting Jerzy Popieluszko's grave during his third visit to Poland.
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Funerailles du Pape Jean Paul II a la Place Saint Pierre (Vatican). Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger benit le cercueil de Jean Paul II.  Rome, le 08/04/2005. 
©Vatican Pool/Farabola/Leemage
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Funerailles du Pape Jean Paul II a la Place Saint Pierre (Vatican). Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger benit le cercueil de Jean Paul II.  Rome, le 08/04/2005. 
©Vatican Pool/Farabola/Leemage
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5/6/2002, le pape Jean Paul II et son secretaire personnel Stanislas Dziwisz.
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Pope John Paul (John Paul) II benching the crowd since the window of the Apostolic Palace, 1979 (photo)
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Pope John Paul II with Prince Charles of Wales and princess Diana, Vatican, 1985 (photo)
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Zebrzydowska Calvary, 19.08.2002. Pope John Paul II's ninth Pilgrimage to Poland. Pope passing his statue in his pope-mobile.
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Elk, 08.06.1999. Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to Poland from 05-17.06.1999. Visit to Parliament.
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Krakow, 13.08.1991. Pope John Paul II's 4th Pilgrimage to Poland.
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Czestochowa, 14.08.1991. Pope John Paul II's 4th Pilgrimage to Poland.
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Wadowice, 19-08-2002. Pope John Paul II's ninth Pilgrimage to Poland. Believers waving at Pope's helicopter.
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Fourth anniversary of the death of John Paul II - pope. In Krakow, the city in which the pope worked and lived as a cardinal. From morning believers were praying for the fastest possible beatification and canonisation of John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla).Franciszkanska 3Cracow/Poland.
1978, conclave pour l'election du pape Jean Paul II. Photo Felici
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Gdansk-Zaspa, 12.06.1987. Pope John Paul II's third Pilgrimage to Poland.
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24/01/2002: le pape Jean Paul II rencontre le patriarche grec orthodoxe d'Antioche Pitirim lors de la journee de la Paix a Assises./Vatican Pool
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Pope John Paul II (photo)
Pope John Paul II (photo)
Pope John Paul II (photo)
Pope John Paul II meets Mother Teresa of Calcutta (photo)
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Pope John Paul II (photo)
Pope John Paul II (photo)
Pope John Paul II during a trip to Argentina, 1987 (photo)
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Pope Luciani with the Cardinal Woityla, future Pope John Paul II, 1978 (photo)
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Zakopane mountains, 06.1997. Pope John Paul II's Pilgrimage to Poland.
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Cracow, 1999. Pope John Paul II in front of AGH University of Science and Technology.
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Le 4/4/2004. Jean-Paul II pendant la messe des Rameaux.
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Lichen, 07.06.1999. Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to Poland from 05-17.06.1999. Dedication of the Basilica, the founder Priest Eugeniusz Makulski bowing infornt of the Pope.
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Pape Jean Paul II le 11/4/2004, messe de paques.
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Pape Jean Paul II le 11/4/2004, messe de paques.
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1991. Pope John Paul II's pilgrimage to Poland.
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Pope John Paul II, 1990s (photo)
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Pope John Paul II, 1990s (photo)
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Cracow-Lagiewnik, 17.08.2002. Holy mass led by Pope John Paul II held at Sanctuary of Divine Mercy - Dedication of the basilica. Pope John Paul II and Cardinal Franciszek Macharski (pope's left).
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18.08.2002. Cracow-Blonia. Pope John Paul II's ninth Pilgrimage to Poland. Pope perfromed worship for millions that had gathred in Blonia.
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18.08.2002. Cracow-Blonia. Pope John Paul II's ninth Pilgrimage to Poland. Pope performed worship for millions that had gathred in Blonia.
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